CCM.2022.01.25 (Appr)CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES �� C4 of January 25, 2022 6:00PM USKEGOMuskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Petfalski called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm ROLL CALL Present: Alderpersons Wolfe, Hammel, Terrence, Engelhardt, Kubacki, and Madden. Also present: IT Director Louden, Lead Planner Trzebiatowski, and Assistant Deputy Clerk -Treasurer Crisp. Absent: Alderperson Kapusta STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE Ms. Crisp stated the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. PUBLIC COMMENT No one spoke. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Mayor Petfalski mentioned that Deputy Clerk, Jill Blenski, will be retiring after 31 years. Her last day will be Monday, January 31. Her depth of knowledge and history of this community will truly be missed. We wish her the best of luck in her retirement. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Petfalski read the notice to consider the petition of Daniel Scardino to rezone property located at W160 S6369-6381 Commerce Drive (Tax Key No. 2169.993.013) from BP-1 - Business and Office Park Support District and BP-3 - Business Park District to PD - Planned Development District (based on BP-3 - Business Park District) for the purpose of allowing a future land division. Mr. Trzebiatowski summarized by stating this is a planned development zoning request which allows for flexibility. The only waiver that is being asked for is the open space requirement. The current BP-3 district requires 33% of the lot to remain as open space. As part of the PD request, the applicant is asking to be allowed to reduce the required open space to 20% of the lot. The purpose of this request is to help facilitate the future division of this property. The adjacent owner, The Gingerbread House, is interested in a portion of this land for additional parking. A discussion followed concerning conditional rezoning. We could amend the Ordinance (tonight is first reading) that is stating that the rezoning is conditional upon approval of a Certified Survey Map to split the land. No one spoke. Mayor Petfalski declared the Public Hearing closed at 6:25 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA Moved by Alderperson Kubacki; seconded by Alderperson Madden to Approve the following items under Consent. Motion Carried. • Approval of Common Council Minutes - January 11, 2022 • Approval of An Acquisition Contract and Authorize Signatures for Budget Approved Expenditures Over $50,000.00 - New IT SAN (Storage Area Network) Hosts • Resolution #002-2022 - Approval of Amendments to Deposit and Forfeiture Schedule • Resolution #003-2022 - Approval of Letter of Credit Reduction for The Glen at Muskego Lakes, LLC • Resolution #004-2022 - Approval of Reduction of Cash Deposit for Dillett Investments, LLC Common Council Minutes 2 1 P a g e January 25, 2022 • Resolution #006-2022 - Determination of Compensation for Personnel Called to Active Military Duty NEW BUSINESS Resolution #005-2022 - Establishing Traffic Regulations (Yield Sign at Gold Drive) Moved by Alderperson Kubacki; seconded by Alderperson Hammel to Approve. A discussion followed with Alderpersons Engelhardt and Hammel explained what was discussed at Public Works & Safety Committee Meeting. There was a resident from the area at the meeting who brought the concern forward. They stated that they moved it forward to Common Council for discussion so that everyone could have a say in it. As the area for the sign is in a fixed neighborhood, there has been no big changes, not heavily traveled, and no room for further development there is no need for signs there. As it happens, the person who brought this forward is moving. Motion Defeated Unanimously. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Works and Safety Committee - September 21, 2021 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES AND SECOND READING IF RULES ARE WAIVED Ordinance #1468 - An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego (BP-1 and BP-3 to PD) VOUCHER APPROVAL • Utility Vouchers - $394,895.21: Moved by Alderperson Kubacki; seconded by Alderperson Madden to Approve. Motion Carried. • Tax Vouchers - $76,821.57: Moved by Alderperson Kubacki; seconded by Alderperson Hammel to Approve. Motion Carried. • General Fund Vouchers - $348,079.01: Moved by Alderperson Kubacki; seconded by Alderperson Madden to Approve. Motion Carried. • Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals - $383,336.16: Moved by Alderperson Kubacki; seconded by Alderperson Hammel to Approve. Motion Carried. CITY OFFICIALS' REPORTS None. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Mayor Petfalski stated that he received a request this week from the Muskego Senior Taxi for their $15,000 allotment for the year that was part of the budget so that will be issued to them. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Alderperson Engelhardt; seconded by Alderperson Kubacki to Adjourn at 6:34 pm. Motion Carried. Minutes taken and transcribed by Assistant Deputy Clerk -Treasurer Crisp.