FCM20110412 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 5/10/2011 FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, April 12, 2011 Muskego City Hall Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:46 p.m. Committee Members Ald. Fiedler, Snead and Werner were present. Also present: Ald. Harenda, Borgman, Soltysiak and Schaumberg, and Finance and Administration Director Mueller. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Mueller stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on April 8. LICENSE APPROVALS Operators Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of a regular Operator’s License for Tierney Berigan, Kelly Jo Brock, Michael Deja, Angela Focht, Mahendra Patel, Ashley Portwich and Brittany Skowronski subject to the licensing requirements being completed prior to issuance. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of Change of Agent - Aldi, Inc. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval of Karin Howard as the new agent for the “Class A” Retailers’ License held by Aldi, Inc. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of a “Class B” Retailers’ License-Bush Gardens, LLC Ms. Lynn Kurer was present regarding her application for a “Class B” Retailers’ License for Bush Garden located at S68 W14891 Janesville Road. She intends to open sometime in May. The building will be used for banquet events as well as an Italian restaurant. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of a “Class B” Retailers’ License for Bush Gardens, LLC with the outside deck and patio areas being licensed until 1:00 a.m. and the parking lot until 11:00 p.m. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of a Temporry License to Sell Fermented Malt Beverages Scott Lago was present on behalf of the Muskego Lions Club. The organization is holding its annual event at Idle Isle on June 17 and 18. Ald. Fiedler moved for approval. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Ald. Snead abstained from voting because her husband is a member of the Muskego Lions. NEW BUSINESS Recommend Award of Bid - Durham Drive Reconstruction Project The following bids were received: C. W. Purpero, Inc. $2,757,316.70 Payne & Dolan $2,833,715.09 Reesman’s $2,911,965.09 Musson Brothers $3,093,827.97 Willkomm $3,213,987.88 Super Excavators $3,325,534.22 Finance Committee Meeting Page 2 April 12, 2011 City Engineer Dave Simpson stated Foth has reviewed the low bid submitted by C. W. Purpero. Foth has recommended that the bid be awarded to C. W. Purpero and Mr. Simpson concurs. The Public Works Committee has recommended the same. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend acceptance of the bid submitted by C. W. Purpero, Inc. in the amount of $2,757,316.70. Recommend Approval of Amendment to Agreement with Foth Engineering for Construction Management Services for Durham Drive Reconstruction Project Mr. Simpson stated that five firms submitted proposals for construction management services for the Durham Drive reconstruction project. He made a recommendation to the Public Works Committee to amend the existing agreement with Foth to include the construction management services. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Recommend Dedication and Acceptance of Public Improvements in and for St. Pauls Lutheran Church Development and Release of Letter of Credit Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval as recommended by the City Engineer. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Discuss Grant Reimbursement Amount for City’s Sanitary Sewer Backup Protection Plan Mr. Simpson stated that he has worked with MMSD and the Public Works Committee to develop a sanitary sewer backup protection plan. The City will need to provide funds for the installation of backflow prevention devices as part of the program. There are approximately 100 “at risk” homes. The City Engineer recommends $1,500 per home. Ald. Fiedler recommends $2,000. Ald. Fiedler moved to approve $2,000, which would include homes that put in fixes since July 22, 2010. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of Purchase of Vac All Street Sweeper Ald. Fiedler stated that the Public Works Superintendent obtained a quote for a street sweeper that he was told would do the job; $180,000 was approved in the 2011 Capital Budget for the street sweeper. When Mr. Delikat tested it, he did not believe it would perform adequately. The street sweeper that he believes will be comparable to what he has now does cost an additional $38,975. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval with the unbudgeted amount to be taken from Capital Expenditure Surplus funds. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of Purchase of Plow Truck and Additional Equipment The following quotes were received Lakeside International, LLC $85,875.00 Packer City International Truck, Inc. $86,325.00 Capital City International, Inc. $87,995.32 Additional equipment must also be purchased from Wausau-Everest for a total of $69,468. Ald. Fiedler noted that the total purchase price of $155,343 was $10,000 under budget. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Finance Committee Meeting Page 3 April 12, 2011 Recommed Amendment to Agreement between the City and Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. for Use of Idle Isle Park and Pavilion Mr. Mark Moriarty was present on behalf of the Water Bugs. He stated that the following changes to the agreement are proposed:  reduced number of practices to agreement minimum of 30  retained show dates to 15, one more than the minimum  changed boat patterns to relocate buoys Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of Agreement between the City and Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. for Placement of Water Ski Jump on Little Muskego Lake The Mayor stated the approval was for the annual agreement for placement of the jump. Ald. Snead commented that she receives complaints about the placement of the jump. Ald. Borgman stated that for the past two years, the City has requested that an alternate place for the jump to be stored is located. It has not happened. The jump needs to be painted. Mr. Moriarity did confirm that a second storage location was discussed. Ald. Snead moved to send the issue to the next Public Safety Committee meeting. Ald. Fiedler seconded. Motion carried 2 in favor and Ald. Werner voting no. The issue will then be placed on the 5/10 Finance Committee agenda. Recommend Approval of Agreement for Placement of Pier at Idle Isle - Water Bugs Ski Team Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Recommend Upgrade of the City of Muskego Police Dispatch Center to Allow the Center to Receive Wireless 9-1-1 Calls Directly VOUCHER APPROVAL Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount $2,858,193.41. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of Tax Checks in the amount of $4,303.66. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of General Vouchers in the amount $459,579.74. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Debt Service in the amount $323,156.60. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Finance Committee Meeting Page 4 April 12, 2011 FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Ms. Mueller stated that she and staff were working on some account reconciliations; she will have the preliminary 2010 results within a few weeks. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Snead moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Minutes transcribed by Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk.