FCM20100511 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 5/25/2010 FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Committee Members Ald. Snead, Fiedler and Werner were present. Also present: Ald. Harenda, Borgman, Schaumberg and Soltysiak, Finance Director Mueller, Deputy Clerk Blenski. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Deputy stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. LICENSE APPROVALS Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of a regular Operator’s License for Johanna K. Ackmann, Erin L. Aune, Joe M. Boeck, Amy R. Bradley, Jessica L. Carroll, Jose Claudio, Mary C. DeBattista, Danielle A. DeGroot, Michael J. Goerg, Madeline E. Hardin, Kathleen A. Heinz, Carlal Herbeck, Robert D. Hinners, Robert T. Hinners, Josephine C. Krajewski, Joy A. Kuhns, Alyssa L. Kutil, Scott D. Lago, Daniel L. Morse, Kristine M. Nimmer, Joseph S. Ouellette, Brooke E. Padberg, Nicole C. Scheitinger, Gerald J. Sewalish, Kevin M. Sheridan, Rashpal Singh, Mark R. Sprott, Sandy J. Woida and Dana Zorich subject to the licensing requirements being completed prior to issuance. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Ms. Christi Pryor was present on behalf of Callen Construction. An application was submitted for a temporary license to sell fermented malt beverages and wine for July 8, 2010. Callen Construction will again be the site of a fashion show event, which is a fundraiser to benefit Commonground Ministry/Elena’s House and the National Kidney Foundation. This is the third year the event will be held. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of Temporary License to Sell Fermented Malt Beverages and Wine for Common Ground Ministry for July 8, 2010 with the event to be held at Callen Construction, S63 W13131 Janesville Road. Seconded by Ald. Fiedler; motion carried. Mr. Scott Lago was present on behalf of the Muskego Lions Club. An application was submitted for a temporary license to sell fermented malt beverages for June 25 and 26, 2010 at Idle Isle Park. Mr. Lago stated this is the second year for the Muskego Lions Lake Fest, with Friday evening being added. Ald. Snead stated that she would abstain because her husband is on the Lions Club Board. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of a Temporary License to Sell Fermented Malt Beverages for Muskego Lions Club for June 25 and 26, 2010 with the event to be held at Idle Isle Park. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried, with Ald. Snead abstaining. NEW BUSINESS Review and Recommendation Regarding the City’s Official Newspaper The Deputy Clerk stated that the following two bids were submitted: Finance Committee Meeting Page 2 May 11, 2010 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Muskego-New Berlin Now) stnd 1 2 Insertion Insertion Per Line Council Proceedings $ 0.58 $ 0.47 City’s Legal Notices $ 0.58 $ 0.47 Per Column Inch For Display Ads, Sample Ballots, and Other Matter Set in a Display Format $ 4.70 $ 4.27 Affidavit $1.00 each Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC (Muskego Chronicle) stnd 1 2 Insertion Insertion Per Line Council Proceedings $ 0.55 $ 0.45 City’s Legal Notices $ 0.55 $ 0.45 Per Column Inch Council Proceedings $5.50 $4.50 City’s Legal Notices $5.50 $4.50 Per Column Inch Display Rate $ 5.25 Affidavit $1.00 each She stated that both publications are qualified. While the per line bid submitted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is higher, the per column inch and display rate are lower. The Mayor’s concern is the circulation of the Muskego Chronicle, which is only 679. The circulation of the Muskego-New Berlin Now is 8,919. The circulation figures are provided by the Wisconsin Department of Administration. Discussion took place and the following comments were made:  Muskego-New Berlin Now contains more news about New Berlin than Muskego.  You can’t go to the store and purchase the Now.  You can only obtain the Now if you purchase the Thursday Milwaukee Journal.  The Now should be placed in the Thursday Milwaukee Journals that are available for individual sale. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend acceptance of the bid submitted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel because of the circulation. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. The Mayor stated he would contact the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to see if the Muskego-New Berlin Now could be made more accessible. Finance Committee Meeting Page 3 May 11, 2010 Review Request for Reimbursement – Steve Polivka Mayor Johnson stated that a City plow truck slid on the ice and hit Mr. Polivka’s car on Parker Drive. He stated that Mr. Polivka is requesting reimbursement in the amount of $815.40 to cover the repair costs as well as rental car costs he incurred. The City will submit the claim to the insurance company so the amount goes towards the deductible. Ald. Fiedler moved to approve the reimbursement. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Review and Recommendation to Continue with School Resource Officer Program for the 2010-2011 School Year The Mayor noted that the school district has indicated its intent to continue the program. The Police Department also supports the program’s continuation. Ald. Werner moved to recommend continuation of the program. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Snead stated that the program was discontinued in Franklin because of budget cuts. She believes the program provides many benefits and supports its continuation. Review and Recommendation Regarding City Participation in Purchase of New Berlin Land Community Development Director Muenkel was present. He stated that the Little Muskego Lake District, Little Muskego Lake Association and Muskego Lakes Conservancy would like to purchase a 40-acre parcel of land in New Berlin. The property contains a stream that leads to Little Muskego Lake. The organizations would like to initiate remediation along the streambank. The Cities of Muskego and New Berlin are being asked to participate in the purchase. The City’s Conservation Commission has recommended an expenditure up to $20,000 to be used towards the purchase. The City’s Conservation Coordinator did convey some issues to the Conservation Commission regarding the purchase (see attached). Mr. Muenkel noted that the City of New Berlin has not committed any funding for the purchase to date. Mr. Ron Ford was present to support the purchase. He stated that the Little Muskego Lake organizations and some individual members have spent about a half million dollars over the past decade to acquire land along the two main tributaries to the lake. The parcel that the organizations are interested in is located on the southeast corner of Calhoun Road and Beloit Road. They feel strongly that purchasing this property would allow restoration of the stream, which currently contributes a great deal of sediment to the lake when it rains. An application has been submitted to the DNR for a stewardship grant, which would pay for half of the purchase price of $480,000. The lake organizations will contribute $200,000, which leaves a shortfall of $40,000. The City of New Berlin would like to eventually put a walking trail through the property because it is adjacent to Calhoun Park. The property owners adjacent to this property are enthusiastic about the proposal and do not want to see it developed for business use. Ald. Werner stated he supports the purchase; the lake needs to be protected because it is one of our greatest resources. Mr. Ford also noted that the property would provide the Lake District with a permanent place to deposit the weeds that are harvested from the lake. Ald. Werner moved to recommend that the City participate in the purchase for an amount not to exceed $20,000. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Mayor Johnson stated he supports the purchase as well. Finance Committee Meeting Page 4 May 11, 2010 Review and Recommendation Regarding the Designation of Public Depositories and Authorizing Withdrawal of City Monies The Deputy Clerk stated the proposed resolution that will be before the Council designates all the public depositories that could be utilized and identifies the individuals that can sign checks. The Deputy Clerk, as interim Clerk-Treasurer, and Mayor Johnson would be the authorized signatories. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount $171,100.82. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of Tax Vouchers in the amount of $1,079.00. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of General Vouchers in the amount of $382,540.06. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Ms. Mueller reported that the health risk assessments took place last week as part of the City’s Wellness Program; there was a 98% participation rate. Overall, the feedback from staff was positive. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Snead moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Jill Blenski, CMC Deputy Clerk Finance Committee Meeting Page 5 May 11, 2010 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Finance & Common Council April 27, 2010 Meeting To: Common Council and Finance Committee From: Tom Zagar, Conservation Coordinator Subject: City Participation in Purchase of New Berlin Land Date: April 20, 2010 Background Information: At the April 19th Conservation Commission meeting representatives from the Little Muskego Lake District, Little Muskego Lake Association, and Muskego Lakes Conservancy sought a recommendation of financial support for the purchase of a 40-acre parcel in the City of New Berlin. The Commission voted 5-1 to recommend spending up to $20,000 of Muskego’s conservation funds on the purchase. I however conveyed some reservations I have, which I would like Finance and Council to know as well before making a decision. -The lake district’s motivation for acquiring the property is twofold: to protect lands in the watershed and to secure a place to tip and compost lake weeds from Little Muskego Lake. A tributary water to Little Muskego Lake, known as Calhoun Creek, and an outfall from a retention basin, run through the proposed property. I feel watershed land preservation is definitely a positive for helping improve lake water quality. However the property has no other natural resource attributes (no significant woodland or wetlands) that would merit a high conservation priority status. -Fay Amerson, who works as an environmental consultant for the Lake District, walked the property with me a few weeks ago and saw extensive erosion to the stream banks. Ms. Amerson estimated that it would cost over $250,000 to remediate the stream banks and there are no immediate plans of how remediation of the property will take place once it is bought OR how the remediation efforts will be paid for. Much of the land is currently utilized as a Christmas tree farm but the trees are not in a healthy flourishing conditions and doubt if the trees will have any value. -My biggest concern is that the City of New Berlin’s April 12, 2010 Park, Recreation, and Forestry meeting did not vote to recommend financial support of the project ($20,000 was requested from them as well). This land lies directly adjacent to their Calhoun Park and would add significant conservancy and open space to their community. Their committee did however vote to recommend a letter of support of the purchase. They have concerns from the neighbors regarding the use as a tipping area for lake weeds and New Berlin Alderman Ament and Alderman Harenda intend to hold a neighborhood meeting on the issue April 28, 2010 at 6 pm in the New Berlin Council chambers. If the community of New Berlin is not fully behind the project and has made no offer to help financially I feel Muskego may not want to be making this expenditure. -Muskego has limited funds in its dedicated conservation account (which contractually derived from landfill funds). We need to spend this money in a prudent manner, and first protect lands within this community unless an overwhelming case can be made otherwise. A case in point is ni regards to the Borst land that was discussed the same evening with the Conservation Commission. The Borst land is listed in Muskego’s Conservation Plan as high priority and actually contains one of the headwaters to Little Muskego Lake. The Commission authorized receiving an appraisal to acquiring a preservation of development rights easement, which would include maintenance mechanisms on the land. This type of land protection that includes the endorsement of the Conservation Plan seems more prudent at this time.