FCM20091124 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 1/13/2010 FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Audio Recording Available Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:46 p.m. Present: Committee Members Ald. Fiedler, Werner and Snead, Finance Director Sharon Mueller, City Engineer Simpson and Deputy Clerk Blenski, and those per the attached list. Ald. Borgman and Schaumberg were also present. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ald. Snead moved for approval of the November 10, 2009 minutes. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. LICENSE APPROVALS Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of a regular Operator’s License for Allison Hakala, Roger Heinichen, David Kotecki, Donna Kuri-Marg, Dennis Radiske and Lee Schwarten subject to the licensing requirements being completed prior to issuance. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. The following applications to renew a Dog Fancier Permit for 2010 were received: Blawat (W141 S7601 Freedom Avenue) Hackl (S63 W12820 Emerson Drive) Hassmann (S102 W21340 Kelsey Drive) Hench (S78 W18232 Lions Park Drive) Kubisiak (W142 S6930 Belmont Drive) Rowell (S77 W16555 Bridgeport Way) Ryback (W147 S6690 Woodland Place) Schachner (W200 S8425 Woods Road) Starosta (S63 W12440 Emerson Drive) Several of the applicants were present. The Mayor stated that no issues were brought forward by the Police Department, Building Department, or any adjacent neighbors. Ald. Werner moved to approve. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of a Class “A” Beer License and “Class A” Intoxicating Liquor License for Walgreens located at S79 W18885 Janesville Road and Walgreens located at S70 W15775 Janesville Road. Ald. Snead seconded. The appointed agents, Linda Wasiak and Amy Nowak, were present. The stores are proposing to sell a small selection of beer and wine. Mayor Johnson stated that the establishments need to make sure that a sufficient number of licensed operators are on the premises at all time. Ms. Wasiak stated the intention was to license all employees. The Mayor also noted that the Police Department was very aggressive regarding enforcement. Motion carried. Finance Committee Meeting Page 2 November 24, 2009 NEW BUSINESS Recommend Approval of Little Muskego Lake District Weed Tipping Agreement Mayor Johnson stated the Parks and Recreation Board recommended approval of the lease agreement for 2010. He noted that the City Attorney recommended the last sentence under the “Rental Section” read as follows: “This site is to be used for emergency weed tipping only on Saturdays and after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and during the entire term of the Lease shall not exceed 20 truckloads of weeds, each truckload not to exceed 12 cubic yards.” Ald. Borgman noted there were no problems this past year; the site is not used much. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval with the revised language suggested by the City Attorney. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Recommend Approval of Fee Schedule for Permits/Licenses Issued by the Clerk- Treasurer’s Office Jill Blenski stated that the Clerk’s office is requesting that a revised fee schedule be adopted for the permits and licenses issued by the department. The fees for Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants were removed from the Municipal Code when Ordinance #1308 was prepared. The annual fees for Peddlers and Transient Merchants are based on a calendar year. Section 12.03 currently provides that the fee be reduced to one half after July 1. The revised schedule removes this provision for Transient Merchants. A transient merchant temporarily sells from a fixed location. The Clerk’s office believes the fee should be the same for the entire year regardless of when the sale is conducted. The Deputy Clerk also noted that the fee that the City is charged by the Wis. Department of Justice for record checks was recently increased from $5 to $7. The proposed fee schedule reflects that the investigation fee will be $5 plus the fee charged by the Wis. Department of Justice. The current fee for investigations is $10 and would increase to $12. All the remaining fees are the same. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend the proposed fee schedule. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Recommendation Regarding Agreement with Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department for Fire Protection for 2010 The Mayor stated the language is the same as the current agreement with the exception of the dollar amount. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. Recommendation Regarding Agreement with Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department for Ambulance Services for 2010 The Mayor stated the language is the same as the current agreement. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Recommendation Regarding Business Insurance Policies for 2010 Mayor Johnson removed this item. Recommendation Regarding Health Insurance Contract for 2010 Sharon Mueller stated the Humana renewal rates reflected a 24% increase. She and the Mayor obtained quotes from other carriers. The Statewide Plan under WPS Health Insurance closely matches the City’s current benefit package. WPS currently does not Finance Committee Meeting Page 3 November 24, 2009 contract with Aurora. To address that issue, WPS proposed the HEOS Plan. The HEOS Plan includes Aurora. The Finance Director and Mayor are recommending the City contract with WPS for health insurance for 2010. Employees will have the option to choose between the two plans. Employees who do choose HEOS will have to pay the cost differential. The monthly premiums are as follows: Option A Option B HEOS Plus Statewide Type of Contract Single Member $ 612.84 $ 559.60 Limited Family $1,290.16 $1,181.63 Family $1,851.40 $1,695.65 Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Recommendation Regarding Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP Engagement Letter The Finance Director stated the engagement letter outlines the fees and services to be provided for the audit of the City’s 2009 financial statements. The increase in fees is minimal. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Recommendation Regarding Severance Pay Plan and Separation Agreement and General Release Mayor Johnson stated that the Separation Agreement and General Release is the same document as the one used last year. The Finance Director prepared a Severance Pay schedule that reflects a payment to three employees; two are part-time. The Mayor said the Council will have to determine if the part-time employees would receive severance pay. Based on last year’s pay plan, a full-time employee receives 25 hours per years of service. The payment for part-time employees would be pro-rated. The funding would come from the Compensated Absences Account. Ald. Werner stated he supports severance pay for the part-time employees. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval of the Separation Agreement and Severance Pay Plan to include the affected part-time employees. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. The Mayor stated the issue would be placed on the December Council agenda. Recommendation Regarding Dedication and Acceptance of Public Improvements in and for Copper Oaks Subdivision City Engineer Simpson stated all punch list items have been completed. He is recommending that the public improvements be accepted for the Copper Oaks Subdivision. In addition, a release of the letter of credit and developer’s deposit is also recommended. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Recommendation Regarding Payment Option for the Purchase of the Pierce Pumper The Mayor stated that the special committee established to review the purchase of a new pumper has recommended approval. There are payment options available. If the vehicle is paid for at the time the contract is signed, the City could save $12,497. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval. Ald. Werner seconded. The City Attorney has expressed concern about paying for the pumper prior to delivery. The Mayor said a Finance Committee Meeting Page 4 November 24, 2009 bond could be obtained. He noted that the Finance Committee chose not to require a bond when the quint was purchased in 2008. The Mayor noted that the Dun & Bradstreet Report indicates that Pierce is very highly rated. Ald. Fiedler stated he preferred that a bond be submitted. Ald. Fiedler moved to amend the approval recommendation to include the bond requirement not to exceed $2,000. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount $59,177.30. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of General Vouchers in the amount of $391,331.30. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Debt Service in the amount of $830,525. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Snead moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:22 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Fiedler; motion carried. Jill Blenski, CMC Deputy Clerk