FCM20090825 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Audio Recording Available Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Committee Members Ald. Fiedler, Werner and Snead, Finance Director Mueller, City Engineer Simpson and Deputy Clerk Blenski. Ald. Harenda, Borgman, Schneider and Schaumberg were also present. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ald. Snead moved for approval of the August 11, 2009 minutes. Ald. Fiedler seconded; motion carried. LICENSE APPROVALS Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval of a regular Operator’s License for John Hoeppner, Christopher Huber, Joel Ivalis, Tracey Polzin and Wendy Taylor subject to the licensing requirements being completed prior to issuance. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Fiedler moved to approve a Taxi Driver’s License for Nancy Kangas for the Muskego Senior Taxi Service. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Review and Recommendation Regarding Adjustment to Nonrepresented Employee Salary/Benefit Plan for 2009 and 2010 Mayor Johnson stated that the Common Council has historically granted the same cost of living adjustments to its nonrepresented employees as what was negotiated with the labor unions. Approval of the Police Association agreement and the adjustment for the nonrepresented employees is on tonight’s Common Council agenda. The Police Association has agreed to a two-year contract as follows: Wages: January 1, 2009 2.5% January 1, 2010 1.0% July 1, 2010 1.0% Health Insurance: Employees pay 8% of monthly premium as follows: 2009 Cap 2010 Cap Family - $90/mo. Family - $110 Limited Family - $68/mo. Limited Family - $78/mo. Single - $45/mo. Single - $50/mo. Payment in Lieu of Insurance $400 in lieu of Family Coverage $305 in lieu of Limited Family Coverage $280 in lieu of Family and Elect Single Coverage $160 in lieu of Limited Family and Elect Single Coverage $150 in lieu of Single Coverage Finance Committee Meeting Page 2 August 25, 2009 $95 in lieu of Family and Elect Limited Family The Mayor anticipates that the other bargaining units will accept the same terms once the Council approves the Police Association agreement. He stated that he feels strongly that it is only fair that the nonrepresented employees receive the same benefits as those that are represented. Ald. Borgman stated many employees in the public and private sector are not being given raises in addition to experiencing reduced hours. The Council will be faced with making some difficult budget decisions; additional cuts may have to be made. It seems out of character to give raises and then have to cut positions. The money is just not there this year. He encouraged the Finance Committee to base its decision on where the City is now, not what was done in the past. Mayor Johnson responded that the issue is fairness. The nonrepresented employees are at a disadvantage. He does not believe the City should take advantage of that. Ald. Fiedler stated his support because the increase is 4% over two years. He prefers slow, steady increases as opposed to huge peaks and valleys; this accomplishes that. A zero percent increase would have a larger financial impact in the future. The Mayor stated the surrounding communities have the same deficits and are giving their employees similar increases. Ald. Borgman stated that there should be a zero percent increase. Mayor Johnson stated that then wages start to fall behind. Ald. Werner stated there needs to be equity regarding the increases between union vs. nonrepresented. The 2009 increase was budgeted. Mayor Johnson noted that the union contracts provide for automatic step increases; the nonrepresented employees depend on the cost of living increases to keep their salary ranges current with the market. The merit increase, which has been reduced, is the only way that the nonrepresented can move through their salary ranges. The Mayor stated if the City supported a zero increase, it should have taken that stand with the unions. Since it did not, then it needs to be consistent with the way nonrepresented personnel are treated. Inequities could force some of the employees to unionize. You do not want to send a message to employees that this is not a good place to work, especially if you are not in the union. Employers should not treat people differently, just because they can. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Review and Recommendation Regarding Eligibility for Exemption from the County Library Tax Levy for 2010 If the resolution on the Council agenda is approved tonight, the City will pledge to appropriate the expenditure of no less than $595,362 in 2010. The 2009 adopted Library Budget was $1,158,623; Finance Director Mueller has confirmed that the 2010 budget will equal or exceed the 2009 amount. This allows an exemption from the County Library Tax. The City must submit a Notice of Exemption, which must be supported by a resolution of the governing body. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Finance Committee Meeting Page 3 August 25, 2009 Review and Recommendation Regarding Award of Bid for Well 5 Pumping Station Demolition, Well 9 Pumping Station, and Well 13 Pumping Station Improvements and Water Main The City advertised for bids for the above-named project. The following bids were received: Ray Stadler Construction $654,900 J. P. Cullen & Sons $649,569 Burkhart $663,850 Absolute Construction Enterprises, Inc. $727,000 The Mayor stated because of time constraints, review of the bids did not go to the Public Utilities Committee. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend acceptance of the low bid submitted by J. P. Cullen & Sons in the amount of $649,569. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $51,738.01. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of Tax Checks in the amount of $20. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of General Vouchers in the amount of $522,406.43. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Fiedler moved to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Debt Service in the amount of $68,535. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Snead moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Fiedler; motion carried. Jill Blenski, CMC Deputy Clerk