FM20080624 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 7/22/2008 FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Audio Recording Available Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Present: Committee Members Ald. Snead, Werner and Schaefer. Also in attendance: City Administrator Sheiffer, Police Chief Geiszler, Finance Dept. Supervisor Mueller, Plan Director Muenkel, Clerk- Treasurer Moyer, Deputy Clerk Blenski, and those per the attached list. Ald. Borgman, Schneider and Fiedler arrived during the meeting. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Ald. Snead moved for approval of the minutes of 6/10/2008. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. LICENSE APPROVALS Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval of a regular Operator’s License for Kim Arnold, Kimberly Behling, Daniel Bott, Sharon Bott, Christopher Brahm, Anthony Bushberger, Leighann Chambers, Brian Chic, Judy Covey, Lyndsey Daggett, Emily Franke, James Gunton, Kathleen Heinz, Theresa Hougum, Crystal Husslein, Matthew Jensen, Baljit Kler, Ashley Kolln, Jan Kuzmic, Lisa Maciosek, Michael McBane, Frederick Hoeppner, Christine Michalak, Patricia Molkentin, Megan Pardi, Tammy Pulczinski, Debra Renk, Tracy Roeszler, Nicholas Schmidt, Lawrence Schneider Sr., Lisa Schwarz, Gerald Sewalish, Laura Sneesby, Jacqueline Starszak, Angela Szajna, Susan Schneidler, Jennifer Timmerman, Kayla Walters-Ketchum, Rhonda Westerdahl, June Loh, Lisa Kisting, Kelly Heinrich, and Tammy King subject to the licensing requirements being completed prior to issuance. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Outside Dance Permit and Amendment to Licensed Premise for Kara-Oke Inn, W191 S6409 Hillendale Road Pamela Pulver was present as the license holder to discuss her application for an Outside Dance Permit to be held on July 12, 2008. She is requesting to have music outside from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., and to extend her outside premise to include the front, side, backyard and parking lot from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Mayor Johnson encouraged Ms. Pulver to talk to the neighbors about the upcoming event. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval as requested. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. It was also noted that there was a recent violation for a sale to an underage person. Ms. Pulver stated that happened during the interim period when another party held the license. Review Police Department Correspondence Regarding Violations at Licensed Establishments The following license holders/representatives appeared before the Committee as requested to discuss a recent violation for selling alcohol to an underage person: Finance Committee Meeting Page 2 June 24, 2008 Aldi (Pat Rice and Emilie Weber) Kwik Trip (Bob Yesbeck) Mather Lanes (Thomas Mather) Mug-Z’s (Ed Rupp) Stagecoach Inn (Bonnie Acker) Kara-Oke Inn (Pamela Pulver) - Discussed earlier Mayor Johnson cautioned the individuals present that future violations could result in the City holding a hearing to suspend or revoke the licenses. Mr. Navdeep Singh, agent for the Shujal Group (Citgo), was also present because of an underage violation. Mayor Johnson told Mr. Singh that the Committee would discuss this recent violation, as well as previous ones, at a future date following discussion with the Police Chief and City Attorney. 2008 - 2009 License Applications Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval of the following licenses: “Class A” Fermented Malt Beverages & Intoxicating Liquors Muskego Warehouse Beer & Liquor “Class B” Fermented Malt Beverages & Intoxicating Liquors Addis Management, LLC d/b/a Danny Haskell’s and Class A Dance Hall Dars, Inc. d/b/a Williams Supper Club and Class A Dance Hall Ted’s Country Squire, Inc. and Class B Dance Hall Archery, Trap and Rifle Boxhorn Gun Club and to authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to issue the following licenses granted by the Common Council on June 10, 2008: Aldi #36 Kwik Trip #664 Shujal Group, Inc. (Citgo) Bonnie Acker (R & B’s Stage Coach Inn) Mather Lanes Pamela Pulver (Kara-Oke, Inn) Edward Rupp (Mug-Z’s Pub & Grille) Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Temporary Class “B” License for Muskego Sports, Inc. Mr. Henneberry was present on behalf of Muskego Sports, Inc. The group was chosen to hold this year’s all-star game for Land of Lakes Baseball. They are requesting a temporary Class “B” license to sell fermented malt beverages at Horn Field on July 13, 2008 from noon to 6:00 p.m. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval as requested. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. Renewal of “Class B” License for Club Durham Pub & Grill LLC Agent Lynn Smith was present to discuss a change to the outside licensed premise for Club Durham, S98 W12532 Loomis Court for 2008 - 2009. Ms. Smith is requesting that the entire outside be licensed except for the area from the highway to the building. The parking lot is already included in the licensed premise. The lawn area along the back Finance Committee Meeting Page 3 June 24, 2008 and side of the building is what would be added. Ald. Werner moved to recommend that the “Class B” Retailers’ License for Club Durham Pub & Grill LLC be renewed with the addition of the lawn areas added to the licensed premise as requested. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Outside Dance Permit for Schmidt’s Refuge, S102 W19570 Kelsey Drive Mr. Schmidt was present on behalf of the establishment and his request for outside music on July 26, 2008 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval of an Outside Dance Permit for Schmidt’s Refuge for July 26, 2008 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Mr. Schmidt was encouraged to discuss the event with his neighbors. Temporary “Class B”/Class “B” License for Muskego Senior Taxi Service Mayor Johnson stated a similar fundraiser was held last year; the event is held at Muskego Regency and is well run. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval of a Temporary “Class B”/Class “B” License for Muskego Senior Taxi Service for July 25, 2008. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. Temporary “Class B”/Class “B” License for the Muskego Corvette Club Ald. Schneider was present and spoke on behalf of the Corvette Club’s application for its annual event to be held on August 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval of a Temporary “Class B”/Class “B” License for Muskego Corvette Club for August 23, 2008. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. Six-Month “Class B” License for Aud Mar Supper Club, Inc. The Mayor explained that Laurie Oschmann has applied to renew the existing Aud Mar liquor license for six months. She is in the process of moving forward through the approval process for the proposed condominium development. The rezoning ordinance is not complete until the Common Council approves a condo plat and CSM. Ms. Oschmann does not intend to operate the business, but has applied for the license in the event the approvals do not take place. The new zoning classifications would not allow a business that holds a liquor license. Ms. Oschmann knows that once the approvals are obtained and the property is rezoned, she must surrender the license. Ald. Schaefer moved to approve the six-month “Class B” License for Aud Mar Supper Club, Inc. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Review and Recommendation to Authorize Letter Agreement with Ace Industrial Properties, Inc. This item was deferred at the 6/10/2008 meeting. Mayor Johnson stated the item was deferred because there was some concern about who would benefit from the water booster station. Plan Director Muenkel stated the booster station could benefit future commercial development in the area; the expense would be covered by the TIF. It would also serve the existing Gingerbread House. Ald. Werner supports completion of the booster station at this time because it could be covered as part of the TIF plan. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded. Ald. Schaefer noted she still has concerns because it is unknown if the booster station will be used at Finance Committee Meeting Page 4 June 24, 2008 this time. Mr. George Erwin stated he owns and plans to develop one of the 21 properties that could benefit by the proposed booster station. Motion carried 2 in favor and Ald. Schaefer voting no. NEW BUSINESS Review and Recommendation Regarding Proposal Submitted by Public Sector Personnel Consultants to Update the City’s Salary Ranges City Administrator Sheiffer stated the Committee of the Whole recommended the proposal submitted by Public Sector Personnel Consultants to re-examine the salary ranges for all nonrep positions. City Attorney Molter requested that the not to exceed cost of $9,500 be broken down into hourly rates. Ms. Sheiffer distributed an Hourly Rate Schedule and stated it would become an attachment to the proposal. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Ald. Schaefer requested that the merit pay issue also be reviewed once the information to be provided by Public Sector Personnel Consultants is available. It was noted that the Finance Dept. Supervisor, Sharon Mueller, would be the contact person for the project. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Early Retirement Incentive Program City Administrator Sheiffer stated that at the June 10 Committee of the Whole meeting, the Mayor proposed an early retirement incentive program in an effort to reduce expenditures in 2009. Ms. Sheiffer reviewed the parameters of the proposed program, which are:  one-time program  strictly on a voluntary basis  employees at City Hall, Parks, or Dept. of Public Works/Utilities are eligible  employees must be full time and have 15 years of continuous service  deadline to participate: August 15, 2008  retirement effective: October 1, 2008 The benefit provided is as follows: The City will pay the full amount of health insurance premium for the level of coverage in effect at the time of election (i.e. single, limited, or family) plus any increase/decreases in premiums that occur for 27 months beginning October 1,2008 and ending the earliest of  December 31, 2010  Date of Medicare eligibility; or  Date participant is eligible for health insurance coverage from another employer Twenty-two employees are eligible; potentially $153,800 could be saved in 2009. The actual expenditure reduction will be contingent upon who voluntarily chooses to participate. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval. Ald. Snead seconded. Ald. Werner expressed concern that this could create staffing issues. Ald. Schaefer stated that she would abstain, as her husband could be one of the eligible employees. Motion carried 2 in favor and Ald. Schaefer abstaining. Finance Committee Meeting Page 5 June 24, 2008 Review and Recommendation to Amend Deposit & Forfeiture Schedule Police Chief Geiszler was present to propose that most of the City’s forfeitures be increased. A comparison of what is charged by surrounding municipalities revealed that Muskego’s were in most cases at or below the other communities. He also proposes to not have a separate schedule for juveniles. Chief Geiszler confirmed that the Municipal Judge is in agreement with the proposed amendment. Ald. Werner moved to approve the following:  Add $25 to the deposit amount of all municipal fines, except parking.  For municipal parking citations covered under State Statute 346.52 (2) through 346.55 (3) or (4), use the State of Wisconsin Uniform Traffic Deposit Schedule plus $28 court costs only.  All municipal citations issued to subjects 14 years and older will be issued the same fine amount except for juvenile specific ordinances. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. Review and Authorization to Fill Vacant Position - Police Department Chief Geiszler stated that there would soon be two vacant Clerk/Typist positions. The existing Clerk/Typists are being forced to work overtime, and have limited time off. He is requesting authorization to fill the two vacant Clerk/Typist positions. Ald. Snead moved to approve. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. Review and Authorization to Fill Vacant Position - Library Library Director Sanhuber was present to discuss filling a full-time Library Clerk position. The position serves the public. Other employees could fill in occasionally; however, they are at higher salary levels. Ms. Sanhuber explained that if the position remains vacant, Muskego would not meet the county library standards. The City’s residents would have to pay the county library tax in addition to what they pay to support the library through property taxes. Ald. Snead moved to approve. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. Review and Recommendation Authorizing Development Agreement with Muskego Commerce enter East, LLC Plan Director Muenkel stated the proposed agreement is for the development on the east side of Moorland Road. The attorneys for the TIF district have prepared the agreement, which is very similar to the one drafted for the GE development. Ald. Schaefer stated the Public Works Committee deferred this; she prefers the committee recommend approval first. Ald. Schaefer would like to see this deferred. Mr. George Erwin expressed concern that a deferral would delay the start of construction. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval pending a recommendation from the Public Works Committee. Ald. Snead seconded. Motion carried with 2 in favor and Ald. Schaefer voting no. Review and Recommendation to Award Bid for Well #13 Pumping Station The following bids were received: Finance Committee Meeting Page 6 June 24, 2008 Contractor Base Bid Stier Construction, Inc. $1,832,945 Burkhart Construction Corp. $1,689,000 Jackson Building Contractors, LLC $1,764,600 Triad Construction, Inc. $1,756,113 Reichl Construction, Inc. $1,744,400 The apparent low bidder is Burkhart Construction Corp. with a base bid of $1,689,000. Ald. Snead moved to recommend that the bid be awarded to Burkhart Construction Corp. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. Review and Recommendation Regarding On-Site Electronic Deposit with U.S. Bank Clerk-Treasurer Moyer was present to discuss On-Site Electronic Deposit (OED). Checks are scanned and a file is sent to the bank for deposit, which would alleviate the need to take checks to the bank. The initial cost for one scanner is $1,100. Ms. Moyer stated that cost would be recouped within one year, as the annual bank charges would be reduced by approximately $1,000. Ms. Mueller confirmed that the expenditure for the scanner could be taken from Contingency. Ald. Werner moved to recommend approval with $1,100 to be taken from Contingency for the scanner. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. Discuss Salary Inequity - Police Department Position (This item was removed.) REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT Ald. Werner moved to recommend a reduction in the letter of credit for the Belle Chasse Subdivision Phase One in the amount of $163,061.86 pursuant to supporting correspondence received by R. A. Smith & Associates, Inc. Ald. Snead seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $62,659.80. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. Ald. Snead moved to recommend approval of General Vouchers in the amount of $397,090.30. Ald. Schaefer seconded; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Schaefer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Snead; motion carried. Jill Blenski, CMC Deputy Clerk