FM20080226 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 3/11/2008 FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Audio Recording Available Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present: Committee Members Ald. Melcher, Borgman and Werner. Also in attendance: Ald. Snead, Ald. Fiedler (arrived at 6:10 p.m.), City Administrator Sheiffer, Deputy Clerk Blenski, and those per the attached list. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Ald. Borgman moved for approval of minutes of 2/12/2008. Ald. Melcher seconded; motion carried. LICENSE APPROVALS Ald. Borgman moved to recommend approval of an original Operator’s License for Donna Sherman-Ryan and Dennis Flitsch subject to the licensing requirements being completed prior to issuance. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Ald. Borgman moved to recommend approval of a “Class B” Retailers’ License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors and Class “A” Dance Hall License for Addis Management, LLC, W171 S7260 Lannon Drive. The trade name of the establishment will be Danny Haskell’s; Keri Addis is the appointed agent. It was noted that Ms. Addis had originally applied for the license as an individual and appeared before the Committee on January 8, 2008. Following approval of the license in January, she then reapplied for the license under the name of Addis Management, LLC. The Class “A” Dance Hall license does allow live music. Ald. Borgman stated that any issues/complaints regarding the live music would be addressed at renewal time. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Senior Taxi Service Mayor Johnson requested that the licensing fees be waived for the senior taxi service. He recommends that drivers have background checks done. Mr. Tom Ralston was present as the volunteer coordinator for the senior taxi service. A paid coordinator has been hired. Mr. Ralston presented the following information regarding the senior taxi service:  Tentative start up is the first week of April.  A vehicle has been purchased.  A volunteer workforce is being recruited to serve as dispatchers and drivers.  There is no objection to obtaining the required licenses. A waiver of license fees is being requested because this is a non-profit operation. The cost would have to be passed on to the seniors.  One-way charge - $9 with assistance available through the County to reduce the fee. Finance Committee Meeting Page 2 February 26, 2008  Anticipated service will be limited to Muskego with transportation to New Berlin (Target, Ridge) once a week. Ald. Melcher moved to waive the licensing fees for the Senior Taxi Service. Ald. Borgman seconded; motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Discuss Muskego Volunteer Fire Department Invoice for Legal Services Mayor Johnson stated that a voucher ($7,145.15) for payment of legal services was removed at the February 12 Finance Committee and Council meetings. The services were performed in December for the Muskego Volunteer Fire Department. The Mayor noted that the City Attorney stated that the municipality was not legally responsible for payment of the voucher because there currently is no contract between the City and fire department. The Mayor has brought the issue back to the Committee and the Council. Ald. Borgman expressed concern that additional invoices will be submitted. Mr. Mike Kersky (MVFC) stated the services were for contract issues. The City Administrator left the meeting to obtain budget information for the fire department. Upon her return, it was noted that the amount in the 2007 budget for Professional Fees was $4,000. As of August, the fire department had expended $4,956 for that purpose. Chief Mack stated that there are issues that need to be addressed, and that is why the department sought legal advice. While there is no contract at this time, he believes the parties should operate under the previous contract, which states that the City will pay the bills of the fire department. Ald. Werner stated the fire department must have funds in other accounts that can be used to pay the bill for these services. Once all the issues are resolved, the City can make an adjustment. He does not want the invoice, which is for services in 2007, to be paid for out of 2008 funds. The City Administrator stated that while the line item (Professional Fees) is over expended, it does not mean that the entire 2007 department budget is. Chief Mack stated that the City has any remaining funds from the 2007 budget. Ald. Borgman does not support paying the invoice even if funds from the 2007 budget would be available. Chief Mack stated if the City does not pay this invoice, it would result in the department incurring more legal expenses. Mr. Kersky noted that the department did not anticipate that it would have to obtain legal services to the extent that it did regarding the contract. Mayor Johnson stated the issue is the City paying for legal advice that may ultimately lead to a lawsuit against the municipality. He also noted that the hourly rate charged by the attorneys was very high. Mayor Johnson suggested that a maximum amount that the City is willing to pay could be determined. Ald. Melcher moved to recommend approval for the payment of legal fees with a ceiling of $8,000. Motion died for lack of a second. Ald. Werner is not opposed to paying the invoice, but he does not have all the information at this time to determine where the funding would come from. The consensus of the committee was to forward the issue on to the Common Council without a recommendation. Ald. Borgman moved and Ald. Werner seconded to forward the issue to the Common Council without a recommendation. Motion carried. Finance Committee Meeting Page 3 February 26, 2008 Acceptance of Proposal from WE Energies for Street Lighting at the Intersection of Tess Corners and College City Administrator Sheiffer stated that the Public Works Committee recommended this item to the Finance Committee. The request is for the installation of a streetlight at Tess Corners and College Avenue. A proposal has been submitted by WE Energies. Mayor Johnson recommends that the City choose Option B regarding payment. The City would pay an installation charge of $1,617.76 and then the monthly fee would be $16.27 vs. $38.92. Ald. Snead stated that Public Works Superintendent Delikat looked at the intersection and noted that it was very poorly lit. In an effort to be proactive, the existing light that is there will be moved. Ald. Werner moved for approval. Ald. Borgman seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL The consensus of the Committee was to remove the voucher in the amount of $7,145.15 for legal services for the Muskego Volunteer Fire Company from the total General Vouchers. Ald. Melcher moved to recommend approval of General Vouchers in the amount of $567,713.40. Ald. Werner seconded; motion carried. Ald. Melcher moved to recommend approval of Tax Checks in the amount of $6,003,182.45. Ald. Borgman seconded; motion carried. Ald. Melcher moved to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $34,118.21. Ald. Borgman seconded; motion carried. Ald. Melcher moved to recommend approval of Wire Transfers in the amount of $536,197.50. Ald. Borgman seconded; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Melcher; motion carried. Jill Blenski, CMC Deputy Clerk