FM20070313 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved: 03/27/2007 FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Audio Recording Available Tuesday, March 13, 2007 Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM. In attendance were Committee Members Ald. Salentine, Madden and Borgman, City Administrator Sheiffer, Chief Paul Geiszler, Information Systems Director Sommers, Assessor Laura Mecha, Ald. Melcher, and Snead and those per the attached sheet. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Deputy Clerk noted that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Ald. Salentine moved to approve the minutes of February 27, 2007. Ald. Madden seconded. Ald. Salentine moved to amend the minutes on page 2, item #5 (Review and Recommendation Regarding Structural Condition of Barn) removing “Ald. Borgman noted that the roof also needs to be replaced” and replace with “Ald. Borgman noted that the shingling had been approved in prior years and he thought the amount of expenditures was $10,000.00”. Seconded by Ald. Borgman, motion carried. Motion to approved amended minutes carried unanimously. LICENSE APPROVALS Ald. Borgman moved to recommend approval of Operator’s Licenses for Derreck R. Krause, Christopher J. Brahm and Karen E. Krimmer subject to the licensing requirements being completed prior to issuance. Ald. Madden seconded, motion carried. Ald. Borgman moved to recommend approval of Operator’s License for Alysha Bindram subject to a 3-6-9-12 month review. Ald. Madden seconded, motion carried. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Dog Fancier License for Phelps. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried. Ald. Borgman moved to recommend approval of Taxi Drivers’ Licenses for James Mortle, Belle Mortle, and Donald Bertschinger. Ald. Salentine seconded; motion carried. Mayor noted that Mr. Mortle would like to address a future Finance Committee regarding the City’s requirement(s) for Taxicab License. Ald. Salentine moved to defer approval of Outside Dance Permit and Extension of time for Outside Licensed Premise – Marx Pioneer Inn – 7/27, 7/28 and 7/29/2007 until the Finance Committee meeting of March 27, 2007 in order for the Committee to do research to be consistent with their decision, noting the amount of noise Finance Committee Meeting March 13, 2007 - Page 2 complaints received from last function at this establishment. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Temporary Class “B” License for Bethlehem Lutheran Church – 4/21/2007. Seconded by Ald. Borgman, motion carried. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW Archery/Trap/Shooting Range at Schultz’s Gun Club – Quarterly Review. Mayor noted that Engineering/Building Department inspected the rifle range on March 12, 2007, and found it to be in compliance with City of Muskego Municipal Codes. Len Pilak and Mike Williams (representing Schultz’s Gun Club) and Alan Smukowski (W151 S7960 Mystic Road) appeared before the committee. Mr. Pilak advised that they are negotiating with the DNR for a new range. Anticipate having land this year and new range built by 2009. Mr. Smukowski noted his ongoing concern of noise and human error. The Committee determined there is no need for further periodic reviews. Periodic review for Jamie Hansen, Lindsay Robinson and Anthony Thibedeau revealed no new violations since the last report. Periodic review resulted in the Committee requesting Timothy Okonek to appear at the March 27, 2007 Finance Committee meeting to discuss his operator’s license. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Review and Recommendation Regarding Purchase of Phoenix Software and Components for the Muskego Police Department (Info. Systems). Information Systems Director Joe Sommers and Jeff Reit, Key Power International, Inc., appeared before the committee to discuss Phoenix Software. Mayor Johnson explained that there have been forty-two corrections made to the agreement. Ald. Madden questioned limited warranties on HP parts. Joe Sommers explained that a four (4) year warranty coincides with the City’s four (4) year replacement policy. Mayor felt that the liability issue and open records request are stipulations that the City understands and can live with. Mayor noted that the review by the City Attorney would probably be amended at the Common Council meeting. Ald. Borgman moved to recommend purchase of Phoenix Software and Components for the Muskego Police Department. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 1. Review and Recommendation of Release and Settlement Agreement Between the City of Muskego and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLD (City Administrator) Mayor Johnson explained that with the merging of Cingular Wireless and AT&T, Cingular has no further need for their existing antennae on the City’s water tower. They have agreed to pay their rent for the full extent of their contract, and the City has agreed to an additional $5,000.00 for them to leave some of their equipment on the tower. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Ald. Borgman, motion carried. Finance Committee Meeting March 13, 2007 - Page 3 2. Review and Recommendation Regarding Proposal submitted by Ayres Associates, Inc. for Tess Corners Creek Box Culvert Replacement Project (City Administrator) City Administrator explained that this project was in the five-year Capital Improvement Plan; $50,000.00 in 2006 for design/engineering and $200,000.00 in 2007 for construction. The above agreement would take us through the construction of this project. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval. Ald. Borgman seconded; motion carried. 3. Review and Recommendation Regarding Proposal Submitted by Strass- Maguire & Associates, Inc. for Structural Inspection of Barn (Mayor) Ald. Salentine questioned if anything had been paid to the company that did the first repair estimate. City Administrator Sheiffer will research the information. Ald. Salentine questioned if the property had been appraised and also referred Committee to Chapter 30, relating to 50% rule, she feels the City is paying money on top of money. Ald. Madden felt we need the value as well as the cost of repair. Ald. Madden moved to recommend approval. Borgman seconded; motion carried. 4. Discuss Creating a Permit System for Owners of Vehicles Registered to Addresses on Streets Posted No Parking for a Specific Time of Day to Purchase a No Parking Waiver Permit by the Month (Ald. Salentine) Ald. Salentine asked for this item to be put on the agenda as she felt this would solve a recent concern. She felt this would be a solution to the problem. Ald. Salentine felt that the proposed ordinance would make it legal for owners of vehicles registered to addresses on streets posted “no parking for a specific time of day” to purchase a “no parking” waiver permit, by the month, from the City. She wanted the Finance Committee to review and determine amount of the fee. Mayor explained that it was put on the agenda for discussion as it also needs input from the Police Chief and City Clerk. It was agreed that this item be given to various department heads for their input and will be put on the March 27, 2007 meeting. Ald. Salentine moved to defer to the March 27, 2007 Finance Committee meeting. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried. 5. Discuss Statutory Privilege for Wine Taste Samples in “Class A” Retail Licensed Establishments (C-T) Mayor referred to City Clerk/Treasurer’s memorandum of 3/8/07 advising of an inquiry she had from a prospective business owner who may apply for a “Class A” license which is for consumption off of the premises. Their main business would be selling “higher end” wine. Mayor explained that the establishment on Woods Road and Racine Avenue is proposing to put in a wine tasting operation and if the Council were not receptive to this kind of business, it would have to adopt an ordinance disallowing this type of business. Ald. Salentine moved to agree with the State’s standard on sampling of wine. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried. 5. Request for Authorization to Fill Captain Position and Establish Salary Ranges for Captain and Chief (Police Chief) Finance Committee Meeting March 13, 2007 - Page 4 Police Chief Paul Geiszler appeared before the committee and distributed information received from various communities. He is requesting authorization to fill the vacant captain position and explained the need for refilling this position. At the present time, he is handling the captain’s duties along with his police chief duties. Chief revisited the Pay For Performance program that was put into effect in 1999. In 2003, the Common Council increased the midpoint from 100% to 105%, thus the maximum amount increased by 5%. Chief’s suggestion is to subtract 5% on the top range for Captain and Chief. He explained why he felt that the Captain’s position should be compared to a Deputy Chief or Assistant Chief. Mayor cautioned that there may be implications going forward with other positions, but it is a Council decision. Ald. Borgman stated that he thought that the Chief’s salary was set. Mayor noted that the salary was set, but not the salary range. Ald. Borgman moved to fill the vacant captain’s position and that the th entire department salary schedule be reviewed at the March 27 Finance Committee meeting. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Ald. Salentine questioned why this was not done in closed session. City Administrator Sheiffer replied that closed session is when it relates to an individual and compensation. This is a discussion on salary ranges. Motion carried unanimously. RELEASE OF FUNDS - None VOUCHER APPROVAL Ald. Salentine questioned the Release of Developer’s Deposit on the voucher report but not listed under Release of Funds (Greystone Development Services-Tudor Oaks $12,205.00). The Committee removed from voucher approval and requested this be put on the next Finance Committee under Release of Funds. Ald. Madden moved to recommend approval of vouchers. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 PM. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried. Cathie Anderson Recording Secretary