FM20060822 CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Audio Recording Available Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room W182 S8200 Racine Ave. Mayor Damaske called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM. In attendance were Committee Members Ald. Salentine, Ald. Madden, and Ald. Schroeder, City Administrator Sheiffer, Ald. Borgman, Ald. Melcher, Finance Supervisor Mueller, Planning Director Muenkel, Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen, Recording Secretary Warhanek, and those per attached sheet. Ald. Buckmaster arrived during the meeting. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on August 18, 2006. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the July 11, 2006 Finance Committee Meeting were reviewed. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 - 0. LICENSE APPROVALS Recommend approval of Operator’s Licenses Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Operator’s License for Carolyn White, Laura Sneesby, Nicholas Sneesby, Shawna Haidinger, Carla Patzke, Jill Hebert, Kimberly Stengel, Kelly Heinrich, and Ashley Mellock subject to receipt of fees, favorable police report, and verification of schooling. Also recommend for approval was Renewal Operator’s License for Jill Henneberry subject to receipt of fees and favorable police report. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Operator’s License for David Boehm subject to receipt of fees, favorable police report, and verification of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW Archery/Trap/Shooting Range at Schultz’s Gun Club – nine-month review – Mr. Leonard Pilak stated Schultz’s Gun Club has held an Archery License and that on and off throughout the years archery has been practiced at the Gun Club. Mr. Pilak presented a map and pictures showing location of archery ranges that are about ninety percent constructed. Schultz’s Gun Club has Department of Natural Resources (DNR) approval to use some of their land with a land Conditional Use Contract. Mr. Pilak stated the Muskego Parks and Recreation Department is interested in using the range for future archery programs. Ald. Salentine moved to approve license for archery range. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. In July, Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen completed a site review of Schultz’s Gun Club and is recommending that the Gun Club continue on the three-month review cycle until all of the items have been completed. The Club has continued to complete and maintain the berms and other amenities. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the continuation of the three-month review. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. Joshua Pelzek – nine-month review – Operator’s License - In response to the Record Check Form submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, the Muskego Police Department reported no new violations. Crystal Kelly – three-month review – Operator’s License - In response to the Record Check Form submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, the Muskego Police Department reported no new violations. Katie Schell – twelve-month review – Operator’s License - In response to the Record Check Form submitted by the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, the Muskego Police Department reported no new violations. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None Finance Committee Meeting August 22, 2006 - Page 2 Approved NEW BUSINESS Presentation of the Annual Audit Report by Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP – Mr. Donald Vilione of Virchow Krause & Company presented an Executive Summary of the 2005 Audit of the City’s Financial Statements. He noted the audit went well and that the City is in good financial condition. He complimented Finance Supervisor Mueller and her staff for their readiness for the audit and the excellent condition of the City records. Mr. Vilione reported that under rules recently adopted by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB Statement No. 39) municipalities now have to take a closer look at the types of financial operations that are included in their annual financial statements. Given the City’s relationship with the volunteer fire departments, these organizations may now be component units of the City. The fire departments in the past have not been included in the City’s financial statements. Virchow Krause is recommending the City review the reporting status of these organizations under Statement No. 39 and make an assessment as to the inclusion or exclusion of these entities from the financial statements. In regard to Ald. Buckmaster’s question, Mr. Vilione noted the debt ratio from 2004 – 2005 has improved. Two things are happening, the City decreased the amount of debt and the equalized value increased. So the capacity also increased. Ald. Schroeder asked for an update in regard to determining the outstanding debt incurred to finance capital assets of the fire departments and other organizations. He stated this might be important in regard to a study that may occur in reference to the City’s provision of fire/rescue service for meeting present and future needs. The company the City hires may want to take a look at this. Finance Supervisor Mueller stated she is in the process of making a determination. Approval of Service Agreement with HAWS – Humane Animal Welfare Society for 2007, 2008, and 2009 – Clerk-Treasurer Moyer forwarded a copy of a letter received from the Humane Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) along with the agreement for 2007. The 2007 fee, $3,581.00, has not increased from the 2006-contracted amount. This year municipalities may choose to sign a three year commitment for service and will be guaranteed the current annual rate for fiscal years 2007, 2008, and 2009. The terms of the contract have not changed. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of a three-year service agreement with HAWS for years 2007, 2008, and 2009. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. Discuss filling of Conservation Technician Position – The part-time position of Conservation Technician has been funded out of the Land Conservation Fund. The position is nineteen hours per week. The 2006 pay rate is $12.00 per hour or $14,019.72 annually. Ald. Schroeder stated at the December 13, 2005 Finance Meeting, when the request to fill the vacancy of the Conservation Technician was discussed, the use of landfill funds (ten percent) for funding the position was questioned. It was his understanding that landfill funds cannot be spent for wages. At that time he thought that the next time this position was filled, research would be done as to whether the City is appropriately using the landfill funds. City Administrator Sheiffer stated they did take a look at it when the question was brought up at the December meeting. It was the interpretation, at that time, that some of those operational funds were being taken out of the Land Conservation Fund. She stated it is the goal, after taking a look at the contract language, for 2007 to attempt to move away from funding positions from the Land Conservation Fund. In 2006 some positions were funded out of the Land Conservation Fund, they were budgeted that way. Ald. Schroeder suggested waiting until close to finalizing the 2007 budget to see if this position will continue after January 1, 2007 and then start the hiring process. Discussion ensued on filling the Conservation Technician Position immediately and informing the potential employee that the position may terminate the end of 2006. Planning Director Muenkel stated this previously was an intern position but now it is termed Limited Technician due to the involvement of work; it takes a little more schooling. He would like to fill the position immediately due to the workload of Conservation Coordinator/Urban Forester Zagar, even if it was for a limited term. Planning Director Muenkel stated if this position were listed again it would be listed as limited term until 2007 Budget was confirmed. Ald. Salentine moved to direct filling the Conservation Technician Position with the understanding that it may be short term. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. Finance Committee Meeting August 22, 2006 - Page 3 Approved Exemption from County Library Tax – A Notice of Exemption must be filed no later than September 30, 2006 with the Waukesha County Federated Library System. The notice must be supported by an ordinance or resolution enacted by the governing body. The City is pledging to appropriate the expenditure of at least the rate of $0.2416056 per $1,000.00 of the actual state Equalized Value amount ($2,543,242,300.00), which equals $614,461.58. The 2006 adopted library budget is $1,007,908.00. Finance Supervisor Mueller has confirmed that the 2007 library budget will equal or exceed the $614,461.58 amount. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of submitting a Notice of Exemption with the Waukesha County Federated Library System. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. Discussion and recommendation on Professional Services Agreement for assessment of the City’s provision of fire/rescue service for meeting present and future needs – Ald. Schroeder moved to approve proposal from Tri-Data. Seconded by Ald Salentine. At the May, 2006 Committee of the Whole meeting the Council directed staff to obtain proposals from consultants for the study work. In addition to advertising in the trade publications, four consulting firms were invited to submit proposals. The following three firms submitted proposals to do the project: McGrath Consulting Group $28,750.00 Matrix Consulting Group $47,000.00 Tri-Data, a Division of System Planning Corporation $59,737.00 The committee comprised of the following individuals, reviewed the proposals submitted: Mayor Damaske, Ald. Schroeder, Police Chief Johnson, Building Inspection/Engineering Director McMullen, Jeff Verburgt representing Tess Corner Volunteer Fire Department, Dominick D’Aquisto representing the Muskego Fire Department, Inc., and City Administrator Sheiffer. There was a rating process to review the proposals and also reviewed was how they best met the City’s need as outlined in the City’s RFP. The committee is recommending that the Common Council authorize the Mayor to enter into a consulting agreement with Tri-Data for the study. A copy of the Agreement and Certificate of Insurance was included in the Finance Packet. Tri-Data was recommended over the others because, beyond meeting the City’s needs with its proposal as outlined in the RFP, it has considerable experience in conducting studies involving fire/rescue services and some staff assigned to the project have actually served in this field. The hours Tri- Data will be putting into the project were almost double those of the other bidders. Ald. Schroeder stated that both representatives from the fire departments were in agreement with hiring Tri-Data. Funds for this will come from Capital Expenditures. Motion carried 3 – 0. Recommend approval of Proposed Ordinance 1237 - Establishing Salary for Mayor, 2008 – 2011 Term Proposed Ordinance 1237 will establish a biweekly salary and benefits for the Office of Mayor for the 2008 – 2011 term, effective April 15, 2008. A survey of part-time mayor’s salaries and benefits was included with the draft copy of the ordinance. Ald. Schroeder moved to send to Common Council without recommendation and if there is an opportunity at Common Council, at that time, send it back to the Committee of the Whole. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried 3 – 0. Recommend approval of Subdivider’s Agreement – James – Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of James Subdivider’s Agreement. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS - None RELEASE OF FUNDS Recommend approval of release of developers deposit – street trees for Prairie Meadows Subdivision, $1,960.00 – Conservation Coordinator/Urban Forester Zagar in a memorandum informed the Finance Committee that nine trees that had not survived the one-year warrantee period have been replaced. He is approving the release of the developers deposit for street trees. Ald. Schroeder moved to recommend approval of the release of Prairie Meadows Subdivision developers deposit for street trees. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried 3 – 0. REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT - None Finance Committee Meeting August 22, 2006 - Page 4 Approved VOUCHER APPROVAL Recommend approval of voucher report – The Finance Committee reviewed General Vouchers of $562,316.10, Utility Vouchers of $198,782.84, Tax Vouchers of $2,906,444.95, and Big Muskego Lake Vouchers of $12.60. The voucher to Arenz, Molter, Macy and Riffle noted as miscellaneous attorney was for Parkland Mall Board of Review; miscellaneous attorney wk was for Clerk-Treasurer questions in regard to recall and open records requests. Ald. Schroeder stated the City has to start using the attorney (no fees charged) on staff with the State Elections Commission. This should be the first step before using Arenz, Molter, Macy and Riffle. The voucher to Cramer, Multhauf, & Hammes, LLP noted as Board of Review/Parkland Venture was for the attorney for Board of Review. The voucher to Horn Brothers, Inc. noted as supplies/Historical Society was supplies used by Public Works Department for work completed at the Settlement Center. The voucher to Lindner and Marsack, S.C. noted as AFSCME negotiations was for attorney used by the City during AFSCME negotiations. The voucher for Piala’s Nursery & Garden Shop noted as Board of Review/consulting fee was for a consultant to determine the status of the trees planted at Parkland Venture site on Janesville Road. The voucher to SBC Global Services, Inc. noted as down payment/dispatch center is for remodeling work to be completed at the Police Department dispatch center. The voucher to Ruekert & Mielke Inc. noted as SCADA Upgrade – software install is utility tracking information on the wells and the conversion to radio communication. In regard to the GIS update it was noted that software upgrades are constantly being done. The voucher to First AYD Corporation noted as odor neutralizer is an odor neutralizer for sewage. Ald. Schroeder moved for approval of payment of vouchers. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 – 0. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S Report - None FINANCE SUPERVISOR’S REPORT - None COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW -None ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, Ald. Schroeder moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 PM. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3 - 0. Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Warhanek Recording Secretary