FM20060523 2005 Budget AmendMemorandum To: Finance Committee/Common Council CC: Mayor Damaske and Administrator Sheiffer From: Sharon Mueller, Finance Department Supervisor Date: 05/19/2006 Re: 2005 Budget Amendments For the year ending December 31, 2005, the City's General fund balance increased by $778,462. The increase includes transfers in of $116,782 from the Cable fund and $203,905 from the Capital Improvement special revenue fund. I am recommending a budget amendment of $320,687 to remove the General fund transfers in. The impact of this budget amendment would still allow for a net increase in the General fund balance of $457,775. In addition, the dollars kept in the special revenue funds would allow extra reserves for future use. The other budget amendment to the General fund is to account for $110,802 of major road improvement expenditures that exceeded the budget. This amendment will be funded out of contingency. Additional special revenue fund budget amendments include $175,105 of Park Dedication expenditures to cover costs associated with the old town hall and SKate ooard park; $2,504 for oversight audit fees in the Landfill fund; and, $142,497 for payouts of terminated/retired employee banked vacation and sick leave in the Compensated Absences fund. The net result ofthe combined special revenue fund budget amendments, including the $320,687 discussed in the first paragraph, is $581 added to fund balance. The Debt Service fund will require a $19,947 budget amendment for additional interest payments on the 2005 $1,585,000 borrowing. The offset is to use of fund balance in the Debt Service fund. Lastly, a budget amendment of $205,393 in the Capital Borrowing fund is to account for the final audited invoice of the Woods Road Reconstruction project. Please contact me with any questions you may have regarding the budget amendments noted above. May 20061temized CITY OF MUSI(EGO 2006 Budget Amendments General Fund Transfers To (Debit) Trf from Cable Fund 116.782 - Surplus Revenues in G_F. Trf from Capital Improvement Fund 203,905 - Expenditures under budget Major Road Improvement 110,802 - Major Road Improvements higer than budgeted 431,489 Transfer From (Credit) Use Df Fund Balance 320,687 Contingency 110,802 431,489 Special Revenue Funds Cable Fund (Credit) Transfer to General Fund Debit Use of fund balance - Cable Capital Improvement Fund (Credit) 116,782 -Costs associated with Cable Dept 116,782 116,782 116,782 Transfer to General Fund 203,905 - Capital costs in operating budget 203,905 Debit Use of fund balance - Capital Improv 203,905 203.905 Park Dedication Fund (Credit) Use of fund balance - Park Dad 175.105 175,105 Debit Parks - Other Projects 175,105 - Old Town Hall/Skate Board Park 175,105 Landfill Fund (Credit) Use of fund balance - Landfill 2,504 2.504 Debit Landfill Oversight Audit 2,504 -Audit fees higher than anticipated 2,504 Compensated Absences fund (Credit) Use of Fund Balance - Comp Abs 142,497 142,497 Debit,5103 Employee Payout 134,455 Allow for payout ofemployee terminations 270.01.0000.5201 FICA 8,042 142,497 Debt Service Fund Debit 301. Interest Expense - 19,947 Additional Intereston 2005 $1,585k Bnvng 19,947 (Credit) Use of fund Balance 19,947 19,947 Capital Borrowing Fund (Credit) Use of Fund Balance 205,393 205,393 Debit 401. Woods Road Reconstruction 205,393 Addtle funds required - WI D.O.T. Invoice 205,393 2005 Budget Amendments.xls