FM20031014 FINANCE COMMITTEE – CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2003 Mayor Slocomb called the meeting to order at 6:48 PM. In attendance were Committee Members Schroeder and Petfalski. Committee Member Salentine was excused. Also present were Aldermen Madden, Damaske, Buckmaster and Patterson, Finance Director Gunderson, Parks and Recreation Director Anderson and Clerk-Treasurer Marenda. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the September 23, 2003 Finance Committee Meeting were reviewed. Ald. Schroeder moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski. Motion carried 2 - 0. LICENSE APPROVALS Temporary Class “B”/”Class B” Retailer’s License for St. Leonard Congregation for November 15, 2003 and February 14, 2004 – Deputy Clerk Jill Blenski sent memorandum stating an application for the license for two events was submitted by St. Leonard Congregation. The license is for a performance in the church’s community center thth on November 15 from 6:30 to 11:00 PM, and for a “Vegas Night” on February 14 from 5:00 PM to midnight. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval of a Temporary Class “B”/”Class B” Retailer’s License for St. Leonard Congregation for events to be held November 15, 2003 and February 14, 2004. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Motion carried 2 - 0. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW – None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Consider financial impact to implement salary study. Deferred 9/3/03, 9/17/03. Finance Director Gunderson presented revised non-represented wage adjustments effective January 1, 2003 for $6,386.69 based on the salary study on tonight’s Council agenda. The adjustments are a result of certain employees reaching the max of the pay scale and promotions during the year. Ald. Petfalski moved for approval subject to approval of the salary plan with Wauwatosa and West Allis removed from comparables. Ald. Schroeder seconded. Ald. Schroeder stated he understood why a handful of the non-rep employees reached the top of the scale through no fault of their own, but is struggling with this due to budget constraints. He is not in total agreement with the methods of the City’s pay-for-performance plan and its implementation. Ald. Petfalski felt that without adjustments to the scale there is no incentive for employees to do better than average work. Ald. Schroeder asked the motion include that if the revised salary plan is approved by Council tonight the $6,386.69 would be paid, and if the salary plan is approved without revision tonight, $750.10 would be added for the Park Maintenance Worker II, for a total of $7,136.79 to be paid. Ald. Petfalski agreed. Motion carried 2-1. Consider settlement for rescue claim Deferred 9/3/03, 9/17/03. Mayor noted this is the claim where we received a letter from Atty. Glojek requesting a reduction in the rescue bill for an estate. He spoke with the attorney who told him this was normal procedure to Finance Committee Meeting October 14, 2003 - Page 2 request a settlement. Since it appears there are sufficient funds in the estate, Mayor informed him that the claim would stand, as it would not be fair to pass this cost on to the taxpayers. Ald. Petfalski moved to deny the request to accept the settlement offered. Ald. Schroeder seconded; motion carried 2-0. NEW BUSINESS Review Quote of Computer Technologies for Document Imaging services Clerk-Treasurer Marenda reported in February 2003 the Finance Committee approved the quote of Waukesha County to perform scanning services for the continuation of the document imaging program. The County has not provided a satisfactory product and their delivery of the service has not met our timetable. Another company has provided a quote to scan our documents. In the testing phase their quality and timeliness has been excellent. Their quote matches what we had paid to the State last year, and is less than the County. Ald. Petfalski moved to accept the quote of Computer Technologies for scanning and creating a CD library of paper documents into a TIFF and PDF with text format. Ald. Schroeder seconded; motion carried 2-0. Recommend amendment to listing of Public Depositories Clerk-Treasurer Marenda presented a proposed amendment to the resolution designating public depositories to add the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) and to add language in accordance with the statutes to maintain funds in demand deposits or time deposits. Ald. Schroeder moved for approval. Ald. Petfalski seconded; motion carried 2-0. Recommendation on revised job points (Public Works Foremen/Assistant Public Utilities Superintendent) Mayor reported a re-evaluation of these two positions has been done based on the requirements of the positions and work being performed and new points were assigned. Both positions have increased in scope as the City has grown. The foremen increase from 276 to 313 points, and the Asst. Utilities Supt. from 313 to 333. Finance Director stated the revised points do not move the positions into a different range. These positions are both part of the study and salary adjustments approved earlier. (Ald. Salentine arrived at st 7:20 PM.) Ald. Schroeder questioned why the points would be retroactive to January 1 if the review did not occur until August. Mayor responded that all reviews can’t get done at once and occur throughout the year, and these employees were informed this would be based on a complete review of our compensation plan. Ald. Buckmaster asked what process was used for establishing points. Mayor stated that the HR coordinator, generally the Finance Director, the Department Head and Mayor are involved so you have consistency and equitability in how you’re rating the knowledge, problem resolution, authority and responsibility and working conditions. Ald. Petfalski moved for approval of revised job points for Public Works Foremen of 313 and Assistant Public Utilities Superintendent of 333. Ald. Schroeder seconded; motion carried 2-0. Recommendation on creation of position of Recreation Program Manager and job description, pay grade and salary range. Parks and Recreation Director Craig Anderson distributed a draft position description based on the two recreation supervisor positions being eliminated and having to re- structure. The position title was obtained through research with other organizations similar Finance Committee Meeting October 14, 2003 - Page 3 to the new structure. It was noted the items in bold were added to the old position description. Ald. Buckmaster asked how the pay grade is determined. Finance Director Gunderson stated it starts with the job description, and based on the pay-for-performance study, we review the knowledge, problem resolution, authority and responsibility and working conditions. There is a grid that’s reviewed to determine where they fall and then there’s a point value assigned within that grid. There’s a formula that includes the base rate of pay and value per point. That formula is then applied to the point structure so all positions within the non-represented class have that similar formula applied to the points, and that determines what grade they come into. In this case, with 420 points it falls into a G9 under our former study, and that would convert to a salary step the way the new study is implemented. This is one grade up from the former position. Ald. Buckmaster questioned if the position description should go through Parks and Recreation Board instead of Finance Committee. Mayor indicated that Board has no money to pay for this position, so it is a financial matter. Ald. Buckmaster asked if it would be prudent to put the job description itself passed the Board first since they’re the Board that oversees the Park & Rec as he’d like to see them have as much input as possible. Ald. Petfalski noted that doesn’t occur with other committees or boards. Mayor noted this case was a bit more difficult due to the situation under which this happened. Typically many types of positions come forward from the Board especially when creating a new position. Unfortunately this happened in reverse, and it would have been difficult to get their input in crafting this and get their recommendation and keep everything in the proper relationship with the existing employees. Craig noted he will review the responsibilities of the new position with the Board at their next meeting, but typically their recommendation comes in terms of the operating budget. They are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the department. It is more a visionary, a policy-driven board than to decide who is responsible for what. Ald. Patterson asked what responsibilities would have to be eliminated to take the points down. Craig identified again those items in bold, plus many other details that don’t get included in a description, and the fact that we have 50% of a recreation supervisor’s duties that have to be taken up by the Director and the Program Manager, with all the same programs except aquatics. Ald. Schroeder moved to approve the job description. Ald. Salentine seconded; motion carried 3-0. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval to create the position and approve the points and salary range. Ald. Petfalski seconded; motion carried 3-0. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS - None RELEASE OF FUNDS - None REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT Approve reduction in Letter of Credit for Rosewood Addn. 1, $10,603.26 – Memorandum was received from Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen recommending reduction in Letter of Credit. The reduction represents work successfully completed. Ald. Salentine moved to approve reduction in Letter of Credit for Rosewood Addn. 1 in the amount of $10,603.26. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski. Motion carried 3 - 0. Finance Committee Meeting October 14, 2003 - Page 4 Approve reduction in Letter of Credit for Quietwood Creek, $40,000.00 - Memorandum was received from Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen recommending reduction in Letter of Credit. The reduction represents work successfully completed. Ald. Salentine moved to approve reduction in Letter of Credit for Quietwood Creek in the amount of $40,000.00. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski. Motion carried 3 - 0. Approve reduction in Letter of Credit for Candlewood Village, $717,468.57. - Memorandum was received from Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen recommending reduction in Letter of Credit. The reduction represents work successfully completed. Ald. Salentine moved to approve reduction in Letter of Credit for Candlewood Village in the amount of $717,468.57. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Motion carried 3 - 0. Approve reduction in Letter of Credit for MW Marine, $19,300.00. Memorandum was received from Planning Director Brian Turk recommending release of the Letter of Credit. All improvements have been constructed in accordance with the approved BSO. Ald. Petfalski moved to approve the release of the Letter of Credit for MW Marine in the amount of $19,300.00. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried 3-0. VOUCHER APPROVAL – Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval of payment of General Vouchers in amount of $381,002.21 and Utility Vouchers in amount of $116,799.34. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried 3-0. FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT - None COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW. - None ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Petfalski moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 PM. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried 3 - 0. Respectfully Submitted Jean K. Marenda Clerk-Treasurer