FM20030806 CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Approved Wednesday, August 6, 2003 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room W182 S8200 Racine Ave. Ald. Petfalski called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. In attendance were Committee Members Ald. Salentine and Ald. Schroeder, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, and those per attached sheet. Mayor Slocomb was excused. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on August 1, 2003 and the amended agenda was posted on August 5, 2003. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the July 22, 2003 Finance Committee Meeting were reviewed. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Carried by all. LICENSE APPROVALS Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Operator’s License for Jill Maciosek, Timothy Fluegge, Jacob Brown, Candy Jentsch, and April Kennedy subject to receipt of fees, favorable police reports, and verification of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Carried by all. Outside Dance Permits – Schmidt’s Refuge – Ralph Schmidt submit an application for Outside Dance Permit for events to be held on August 23 and 24, 2003 at Schmidt’s Refuse. Schmidt was present to answer Committee questions. The August 23, 2003 event will have karaoke and the August 24, 2003 will have music until 8:00 PM. The band will play in the back yard facing Schmidt’s Refuge. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Outside Dance Permit for Schmidt’s Refuge, S102 W19570 Kelsey Dr. for events to be held in the back yard on August 23, 2003 from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM and August 24, 2003 from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Music for the August 24, 2003 event will be until 8:00 PM. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Carried by all. Outside Dance Permit – Vera Pires (Spitfires) change of date from 9/19/2003 –09/21/2003 to 9/5/2003, 9/6/2003, and 9/7/2003. – Vera Pires submitted an application for Outside Dance Permit for events to take place on September 5, 6, and 7, 2003. This is for date change from the original request that was approved at the July 22, 2003 Finance Meeting. The request is for: September 5, 2003 (previously September 19, 2003) Music until 11:00 PM Outside premise until midnight September 6, 2004 (previously September 20, 2003) Music until 11:00 PM Outside premise until midnight September 7, 2003 (previously September 21, 2003) Music until 9:00 PM Outside premise until 10:00 PM Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of application for Outside Dance Permit, change of dates, for Spitfires, S76 W17957 Janesville Road. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Carried by all. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Park Fee Study RFP’s – Planning Director Brian Turk submitted quotes from the following for Park and Open Space Plan and Conservation Plan Impact Fees: Ruekert & Mielke $12,000.00 RA Smith $24,400.00 Ald. Salentine moved to approve the quote of $12,000.00 from Ruekert & Mielke. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Wisconsin Statutes 66.0617 and 236 were discussed. Also discussed was the City’s option as part of the City’s subdivision ordinance under Wisconsin Statute 236 to be able to require land dedication or a fee-in-lieu of dedication for open space and agricultural land preservation. Fees to come from Park Dedication and Conservation Funds. Carried by all. Finance Committee Meeting August 6, 2003 - Page 2 NEW BUSINESS Review proposal for non-represented retiree insurance – Finance Director Dawn Gunderson presented proposal for City of Muskego Retiree Health/Dental Insurance Plan covering Health Insurance, Cash Payout Option, Additional Benefits, and General Limitations on Benefits. Gunderson presented history on how this proposal evolved with continued discussion on history including years of services and sick leave payout. This proposal will offer a plan based on and consistent with 26 U.S.C.§125 in which retirees may participate if they have satisfied the requirements of the Wisconsin Retirement System for normal or early pension and have at least ten years of service with the City at time of retirement. Currently employees upon termination are entitled to pay for any accumulated unused sick leave up to nine hundred sixty hours for employees active on December 31, 1987 and up to seven hundred twenty hours for employees hired on or after January 1, 1988. If an employee does not want to be provided with an amount equal to his/her accumulated, unused sick time funds at the time of retirement to pay for his/her continued health/dental insurance after the effective date of retirement, a cash payout option must be exercised. A written statement from the retiree must be received at least eighteen months prior to the first day of retirement stating the cash payout option wants to be exercised. The Finance Committee has asked for clarification of the meaning of “This time period shall be reduced to the time between 21 days after the Effective Date of this provision and the employee’s retirement date if that period is less than eighteen (18) full calendar months”. No change can be made in the retiree’s selection or allocation of any Plan benefits during the Plan year, unless a person experiences a family status change. The Finance Committee requested that wording in regards to the accumulated hours of nine hundred sixty and seven hundred twenty mentioned in Article XV – Sick Leave, 15.10 of the Non-represented Retirement Benefits be added to the last paragraph of section 4 of the proposal – “Under no circumstances will the City make any payment on behalf of a retiree if its total payments pursuant to this program exceed an amount equal to the dollar value of the person’s unused sick leave on the date of his/her retirement”. The proposal was drafted with Attorney assistance. There is a cost savings to the City with this proposal. Ald. Salentine moved to defer to the Wednesday, August 20, 2003, Finance Meeting. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Carried by all. Recommended release of escrow account Hillendale/Waste Management Water Project – Finance Director Dawn Gunderson presented letter that was sent to Attorney Molter regarding the final release of the escrow account for the Hillendale/Waste Management Project. A recap of the expenses incurred with the water project and the easement associated were as follows: Hillendale Road Water Project Attorney, Engineering and Admin $ 39,568.28 Water Capacity Assessments 7,380.00 Construction Costs 123,231.43 Total $170,179.71 Easement Attorney, Engineering and Admin $ 21,952.23 Total Expenses $192,131.94 The Water Utility accounted for $192,131.94 in expenses related to this project and had previously drawn $187,500.00 from the escrow account established by the Muskego Site Groundwater Remediation Group. All homes are hooked up to water. Gunderson requested that the Finance Committee approve the release of escrow and then have it placed on a later than August 12, 2003 Common Council Meeting due to letter just received from Attorney Molter with revisions to the proposed release. Discussion continued on Attorney pre- billing to determine final dollar. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval of release of $4,631.94 plus any outstanding or future legal bills that can be determined. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Carried by all. Consider waiving Plan and Building Inspection fees for High School Athletic Fields – Ald. Petfalski moved to approve the waiving of Planning and Inspection fees for High School Athletic Fields. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Discussion continued on waiving the fees. The waiving of these fees includes anything the City is cost sharing with the School in regards to the High School Athletic Fields. Carried by all. Finance Committee Meeting August 6, 2003 - Page 3 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS Approval of maintenance agreement with Hasler, Inc. for postal scale (Price remains unchanged - $140.00 and 7/31/2003 through 7/30/2004 – Ald. Salentine moved to approve maintenance contract number 1271 for $140.00 with Hasler, Inc. for the postal scale. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Carried by all. RELEASE OF FUNDS - None REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT – None VOUCHER APPROVAL – None FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – The deadline to submit 2004 Capital Budget five-year changes was August 1, 2004. The first Committee of the Whole meeting to review Capital Budget requests will be Thursday, August 21, 2004. The 2004 Operating Budget requests from Department Heads are due August 8, 2004. Gunderson presented a sample calculation of the impact of TID Growth on Levy Limits. With the possible override of the Governor’s veto on levy limits, the Department of Revenue is now interpreting the impact of the levy freeze on Economic Development. The State has said this is a total levy freeze. The City’s levy is made up of the Operating Levy, Debt Service Levy, and TID Levy. The levy limit would freeze the City’s total levy including the TID levy and, therefore, the City’s general fund would have to be lowered to support a TID increase. This does not take into consideration the known tax rate increase for the school district. This would also increase the levy for the TID and lower the City’s general fund levy. Gunderson also presented a worksheet devised by Ehlers for municipalities to determine the effect it will have on their communities with specific developments within their TID districts. Ald. Petfalski spoke to Norm Cummings from Waukesha County and if the override of the Governor’s veto takes place, Janesville Road (Tess Corners) work will come to a halt for three years. Economic growth would come to a halt. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW – None ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 PM. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted Carolyn Warhanek Recording Secretary