FM20030624 FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2003 The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm by Mayor Slocomb with Committee Members Petfalski, Salentine and Schroeder present. Also present were Ald. Buckmaster, Damaske (arrived at 6:40 pm), Madden and Patterson (arrived at 6:55), Plan Director Turk, Clerk-Treasurer Marenda, Library Director Sanhuber, Finance Director Gunderson, Dave Anderson of Ehlers, and Deputy Clerk Blenski. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Slocomb noted the meeting was properly noticed in accordance with the open meeting law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ald. Salentine moved to approve minutes of the meeting held June 18, 2003. Ald. Schroeder seconded; motion carried. LICENSE APPROVAL Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval of application for Waterway Markers for Muskego Shore Community Association. Ald. Salentine seconded; motion carried. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval of application for Waterway Markers for Bay Breeze Condominium. Ald. Salentine seconded; motion carried. Keith Jaeger was present as the new agent responsible for the Class “B” Retailer’s License for Pizza Hut. The Committee interviewed Mr. Jaeger and noted that he completed the Responsible Beverage Server Training Course. Ald. Petfalski stated underage drinking was taken very seriously and Mr. Jaeger was expected to do everything necessary to ensure that violations did not occur. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Keith Jaeger as the agent for the Class “B” Retailer’s License for Pizza Hut. Ald. Schroeder seconded; motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Approval of Business Associate Agreement with TCVFD to Comply with HIPAA Regarding Personally Identifiable Protected Health Information. This item was deferred at the May 13 meeting for legal review of the agreement and creation of internal policies to assure privacy of confidential information. Clerk- Treasurer Marenda stated the agreement was reviewed by the City’s labor counsel, Lindner and Marsack. Some minor changes were recommended, which TCVFD has approved. She and Finance Director Gunderson have developed an internal policy for both departments (dated 6/24/03) to assure privacy of confidential health care information. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Business Associate Agreement with Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department for Ambulance Billing Services in Compliance with HIPAA and to approve the associated internal policy. Ald. Petfalski seconded; motion carried. Finance Committee Minutes Page 2 6/24/2003 Approval of Water Easement Agreement Between the City and St. Leonard Congregation This item had been deferred from previous meetings. The Mayor stated all outstanding issues have been addressed. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval. Ald. Salentine seconded; motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Review Proposed Shared Automation Agreement Between Muskego and Waukesha Public Libraries. Ms. Sanhuber was present to explain the research that was done which led to the proposed agreement with the City of Waukesha Public Library for shared automation. As more municipal libraries participate, users will greatly benefit. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval. Ald. Schroeder seconded; motion carried. Review Big Muskego Estates Subdivider’s Agreement, Retention Pond Maintenance Agreement, Stormwater Management Plan, Cost Breakdown, Letter of Credit and Reapproval of Conservation Easement Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval. Ald. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried with Ald. Salentine and Schroeder voting “yes” and Ald. Petfalski abstaining. Review Agreement Between City of Muskego, Homes by Towne of Big Muskego Estates LLC, Candlewood Creek LLC relating to transfer of land to City for Well Site and Transfer of Easement to Towne Realty for Stormwater Retention Purposes The Mayor stated a potential municipal well site existed on the Big Muskego Estates property. The developer would dedicate the site to the City in exchange for an easement to lands the City owns on Moorland Road for stormwater retention purposes. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval. Ald. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried with Ald. Salentine and Schroeder voting “yes” and Ald. Petfalski abstaining. Review Status of Old Town Hall Finance Director Gunderson distributed information regarding the status of the site including a list of items needed to complete the project to make it useable. An additional $45,940 is needed for completion, with $11,961 having been allocated previously for reimbursement, leaving a balance of $33,978.90 still necessary. It was noted that there are still structural issues and the cost factor of those is unknown. Mr. Don Pionek was present to respond to questions. Mayor Slocomb noted that the $13,000 required to finish the electrical was due to code changes that require additional work. Ald. Schroeder asked if the exterior was secured at this point to protect the interior investment. Mr. Pionek responded the roof of the old town hall building would eventually have to be replaced. There is some leaking in the entryway that needs to be addressed. Ald. Schroeder requested that be addressed as a priority with the remaining funding for the project. Ald. Petfalski expressed a concern about money not being shown for grading, parking, etc. if the building is to be used. Mr. Pionek stated people could park on the grass. Ald. Patterson asked what the overages were for aside from the electrical work. These should have been anticipated. Mr. Pionek responded Finance Committee Minutes Page 3 6/24/2003 that the costs were estimated. Some of the increases have been due to the anticipated commercial use of the building. Ms. Gunderson stated that Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) money might be available in 2004 (approximately $9,400), which could be used for the project. Ald. Buckmaster stated he supports completion of the project and thanked Mr. Pionek for his efforts. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of the additional $33,978.90, which will be taken out of landfill funds. Ald. Petfalski seconded. Ald. Schroeder stated he supports the proposed uses of the building for the Historical Society and Parks & Recreation Dept. and the CDBG application. He has concerns about the City’s continued funding. Mr. Pionek noted that this is not costing taxpayers; landfill funds are being used. Ald. Salentine stated that the Committee of the Whole wanted the facility to be used for Parks & Recreation purposes, which changed the use and increased the costs. Ald. Petfalski disagreed. Use of the building as a rental facility was discussed from the beginning; the same issues would exist for that use as well. Ald. Damaske stated the Historical Society has not received any commitment for donations for the project. Some responsibility has to be put on the society to contribute some money for the project. Patterson stated his concerns about the project being a “bottomless pit” and believes we should hold things where we are at until we find out the final cost. Ald. Petfalski stated you couldn’t leave the building sit; we have to move forward. It is irresponsible not to protect what has already been invested. Motion carried with Ald. Petfalski and Ald. Salentine voting “yes” and Schroeder voting “no.” Ald. Petfalski requested solid numbers as soon as possible indicating the final dollar amount for the building to be useable. The Mayor stated he would forward to the aldermen as soon as available. Review Initial Borrowing Resolutions Finance Director Gunderson presented two initial borrowing resolutions. One would allow the City to borrow for capital improvements included in years 2004 to 2006 of the City’s Five-Year Capital Plan. The other would allow the refunding of existing debt. Ms. Gunderson noted that adoption of the resolutions does not commit the City to actually borrow the money. Mr. Anderson outlined the borrowing process. These resolutions are only the initial phase and provide financing options for the City. If the law is signed as currently written, no general obligation debt could be issued for three years under any conditions. Ms. Gunderson stated the amount in the resolution for the capital projects ($9,450,000) was determined by adding approximately 8% to the actual costs of the projects to cover the fees associated with the borrowing and capitalization of interest, which has been done in the past. The Mayor noted that the City has some financial commitments, such as the Tess Corners Fire Department building, that have to be met. Ms. Gunderson agreed and said that if those commitments have to be taken out of the operating Finance Committee Minutes Page 4 6/24/2003 budget, something has to be taken out someplace else. She recommends that the number be left as is. The Council can then take the time to go through the normal budget process and make determinations about specific items. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval. Ald. Salentine seconded. Discussion continued with Ald. Buckmaster stating that the legislators passed the proposed tax freeze; passing these resolutions circumvents that. Ald. Salentine stated we have to do this otherwise our hands will be tied. Ald. Petfalski stated the state legislature was totally irresponsible in the way this was done. He believes the resolutions give the City control at the local level, which is where it should be. He can commit now not to vote for a budget that has a higher tax rate than we had last year. Ald. Schroeder reiterated he is in favor of home rule and if his constituents ask for a rate freeze and mandate it, that’s what is going to happen. The state levy and tax freeze is prudent while it may not have been approached in the best way. He can support a resolution for capital obligations or emergencies, not wants. He is committed to hold the line on a rate increase. Motion carried unanimously. RELEASE OF FUNDS Ald. Salentine moved to approve release of funds from the Cash Deposit for Rosewoods Estates in the amount of $2,880.50 pursuant to a recommendation of Engineering/Building Inspection Director McMullen. Ald. Petfalski seconded; motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of payment of General Vouchers in the amount of $458,029.34, Utility Vouchers in the amount of $87,191.12, and Tax Checks in the amount of $5.64. Ald. Petfalski seconded; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Petfalski moved to adjourn at 8:27 pm. Ald. Schroeder seconded; motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Jill Blenski, CMC Deputy Clerk