FM090402 CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Approved Wednesday, September 4, 2002 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room W182 S8200 Racine Ave. Mayor Slocomb called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Also in attendance were Committee Members Ald. Salentine, Ald. Sanders, and Ald. Petfalski, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Information Systems Director Joe Sommers, and those per attached sheet. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on August 30, 2002. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the August 27, 2002 Finance Committee Meeting were reviewed. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski. Carried by all. LICENSE APPROVALS After interview, Elizabeth Schaefer was requested to be present at the Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Finance Committee Meeting for further questioning. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Review proposed amendments to Personnel Code – Non-represented 2002 – Ald. Petfalski moved to remove until labor agreements are settled. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Review request for Internet Service for City Hall – Information Systems Director Joe Sommers presented memorandum stating the City has been receiving Internet from Waukesha County Federated Library System, utilizing their excess bandwidth. The current T1 line used by the 14 participating libraries has been reaching capacity and the WCFLS Board has requested that the City acquire separate Internet facilities. The Muskego Public Library will continue to receive Internet from the WCFLS. Attached to Sommers memorandum were DLS Internet Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP); DLS Internet Services, Inc. Dedicated Internet Connection Contract and Service Level Agreement; and a DLS Internet About us summary. Also included were the following quotes: Vendor Description Annual Cost DLS Internet Re-seller of Ameritech services, has 14 IP $ 7,788.00 address and a monitored service Ameritech similar to DLS 11,988.00 Time Warner Does not have monitored services, this 8,388.00 Business Class service is very new. 4Mbps downstream, compared with 1.5 for the others. 5 IP addresses. Waukesha County Joint partnership between Waukesha County, Unknown WCTC, and Wiscnet. The details of the necessary agreements have been in discussion since January, and have not been established yet. The term of the DLS Agreement is for two years from the date of service commencement. Discussion continued on IP addresses and the number required. Sommers stated we have five that the City should be using in the next couple of years. Ald. Petfalski moved to approve Dedicated Internet Connection Contract and Service Level Agreement with DLS Internet for an annual fee of $7,788.00. Ald. Petfalski requested that at the end of the DLS contract a review of Time Warner Road Runner services be conducted. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Sommers stated he had received a DLS Financial Statement. Carried by all. Ald. Sanders moved to approve transferring $3,096.00 from account (Consulting) to account (Network Computer Charges). Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Finance Committee Meeting September 4, 2002 - Page 2 Review agreement with Waukesha County for Data Processing Services – Information Systems Director Joe Sommers presented memorandum stating the services for the Waukesha County Tax Contract are the same the City has been receiving for years. The costs are up, to reflect the actual costs incurred by Waukesha County. 2002 2003 2004 Tax Listing/Billing Services – Fee per Tax Key Parcel Number $1.07 $1.19 $1.31 Modem Line Access to County Tax Program Fee per Tax Key Parcel Number 0.15 Annual fee for access (Flat Rate) 400.00 400.00 T1 Line Access to County Tax Program Fee per Tax Key Parcel Number 0.15 Annual fee for access (Flat Rate) 2,500.00 2,500.00 Beginning in 2003 municipalities desiring notice of assessment services will contract for those services provided by the Register of Deed’s office. The cost for this service is indicated below. 2002 2003 2004 Fee per Notice (Real and Personal) $0.00 $1.43 $1.47 Attached to the memorandum was a letter sent to Clerk-Treasurer Jean Marenda from the Waukesha County Department of Administration; updated revised contracts for the Tax Listing/Billing services; and copies of the contract and the addendum for optional notice of assessment services. The term of agreement shall be for three years commencing January 1, 2002, and expiring on December 31, 2004. In 2002 there were 8720 parcels at $1.22 per parcel. Sommers still has unanswered questions with Waukesha County and based on that he would not recommend approval of the agreement. In the contract there is reference to a T1 line access to the County program. Sommers hasn’t been able to determine what is costing money for a T1 line. This may be a server and software cost instead of T1 line costs and therefore belongs in CAMA and not in tax billing. Ald. Salentine moved to defer to the Wednesday, September 18, 2002 Finance Meeting. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski. Carried by all. Establish Fee and Recommend Deposit/Forfeiture Amount for Vicious and Dangerous Animals Ord. – E-mail was received stating Chief Johnson and Captain Daley are doing additional research regarding the amendment to the deposit and forfeiture schedule for the proposed ordinance to amend Chapter 13 and therefore they are requesting the item be deferred. Ald. Salentine moved to defer to the Wednesday, September 18, 2002 Finance Meeting. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Waive – refund temporary occupancy permit (G & G) – Mayor Slocomb explained that a representative of G & G came to the City for an occupancy permit. In order to get an occupancy permit a fence was required to shield outside storage. The fence has not been installed at this time (fence posts are installed). G & G currently does not have any outside storage. A temporary occupancy permit, 15 days (Mayor Slocomb to verify number of days), was required at a cost of $500.00. Mayor Slocomb granted a temporary permit and is asking that the fee of $500.00 be waived. Mayor Slocomb will be meeting Friday with the City’s Engineer and Planning Staff to work out implementation of temporary occupancy permits in the future. Discussion continued on whether there is a State Statue that requires a $250.00 fee for temporary occupancy permits and if the City could waive any fees. Mayor Slocomb will research this. Ald. Salentine moved to approve waiving of the $500.00 fee if the City is permitted to do so. Discussion continued on number of days of temporary permit and what would happen if fence were not installed. Seconded by Ald Sanders. Carried by all. Disallowance of Claim – Blando – Clerk-Treasurer Jean Marenda forwarded a letter received from Mr. Blando alleging damage to his boat while stopped in the middle of Little Muskego Lake by a Muskego Police Officer on July 26, 2002. Also forwarded were an estimate for repair, copy of Police Report, and letter from Midwest Claims Service. Midwest Claims Service is the claim administrator for the League of Wisconsin Municipalities Insurance Plan and Specialty National Insurance Company who provide the insurance coverage for the City of Muskego. After investigating the claim Midwest Claims Service is recommending that the City of Muskego deny this claim pursuant to the Wisconsin statue for disallowance of claim 893.80 (1g). Denial of this claim should be based on that the City of Muskego has Immunity. “Immunity allowed if discretionary acts of public employee involved are “governmental”. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend approval to deny the claim by Blando. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Finance Committee Meeting September 4, 2002 - Page 3 Review upgrade of Citrix for Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal system – Information Systems Director Joe Sommers was present to explain upgrade of Citrix. Currently the City uses Citrix to access CAMA (Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal) for Waukesha County. Citrix allows the City to use the T1 line without any worry for speed and allows test environment to run new releases (test locally and run production on Citrix machine). The current system is not supported and there have been printing problems. The upgrade has a self-discovery feature (looks for printer, spool and drivers that are out there). The one time fee would be about $9,000.00. The majority of the cost is for Citrix itself. Twenty licenses are included in the cost, we would use 10 to 12 of the licenses. Menomonee Falls currently shares the cost with the City. They currently do not have in their budget and Sommers has not received an answer if they would continue to share cost. Sommers has not received permission from Waukesha County to install the upgrade and had concerns on purchasing without approval. Ald. Salentine moved to defer. This item will be deferred to the Wednesday, October 16, 2002 Finance Meeting. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS – None RELEASE OF FUNDS – None REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT - None VOUCHER APPROVAL - None FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Finance Director Dawn Gunderson stated the second and final Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss Department and outside agencies 2003 Capital Budget requests will take place Thursday, September 5, 2002. Gunderson and Mayor Slocomb have been meeting to review 2003 Operating Budget request to make their administrative recommendations. On Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Mayor Slocomb and Gunderson will also be meeting with representatives of Ehlers & Associaties and Virchow Krause to discuss funding. Mayor Slocomb and Gunderson will present their recommendations at the Thursday, September 12, 2002 Committee of the Whole Meeting. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW – None ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Sanders moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 PM. Seconded by Ald. Petfalski. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Warhanek, Recording Secretary