FM050201 CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES Approved Wednesday, May 2, 2001 7:00 PM Muskego City Hall, Aldermen’s Room W182 S8200 Racine Ave. Mayor De Angelis called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Also in attendance were Committee Members, Ald. Slocomb, Ald. Salentine, and Ald. Sanders, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Information Systems Director Joe Sommers, and those per attached sheet. The agenda was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on April 27, 2001. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the April 24, 2001 Finance Committee Meeting were reviewed. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. LICENSE APPROVALS Review Request by Little Muskego Yacht Club - Waterway Markers - Jay Pede presented request for permission to place sailboat racecourse markers on Little Muskego Lake. Committee noted Ordinance #1067 would be effective May 3, 2001, date published. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the placing of racecourse marker on Little Muskego Lake for the period May 12 through September 30, 2001 with the condition the markers be removed at the end of the daily race session. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Review Police Dept. Memorandum – Aqualins’ Tavern - Ms. Veronica Manriquez, the alcoholic license holder for Aqualins’ Tavern was present to discuss closing hour violation. Discussion took place including hours of operation for both inside and outside premise. Mayor De Angelis stated the seriousness of the violation and that further violations could result in suspension or revocation of license. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW Jerome K Krupa - No new issues UNFINISHED BUSINESS Review Proposal for Long Term Disability Insurance – Finance Director Gunderson has received information back from Benefits, Inc. but has not had a chance to present this to representatives of the employees. Gunderson made recommendation to committee to defer. Ald. Slocomb moved to defer to the Wednesday, May 16, 2001 Finance Meeting. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Cash Deposit Agreement - Verizon Wireless – Ald. Slocomb moved to defer to the Wednesday, May 16, 2001 Finance Meeting. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review Application Analysis Proposals - Information Systems Director Sommers presented a more detailed proposal from Schenck & Associates sc to provide technology consulting to assist City of Muskego in developing an Information Systems Plan. Discussion took place on proposals presented by Virchow Krause & Co., LLP and Schenck & Associates sc. Question was asked if network infrastruction documentation and network infrastruction support options were included in the proposal from Schenck & Associates. It appears they were not. Ald. Slocomb noted Schenck & Associates might have a sense for this. This is something that could be done by the Information Systems Department. Ald. Slocomb moved to approval Schenck & Associates sc proposal for $12,000 to provide technology consulting to City of Muskego. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Consider Expenses for GFOA Annual Conference – Finance Director Gunderson presented memorandum requesting that $266.10 quoted round trip airfare be paid to her to defray travel expenses incurred to drive to the Government Finance Officer’s Association Annual Conference in Philadelphia. Also, along with attending the conference Gunderson will be taking the final exam for becoming a Certified Public Finance Officer. Ald Slocomb moved to approve payment of $266.10 to Gunderson. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Finance Committee Meeting May 2, 2001 - Page 2 Review Letter of Credit for Telecorp Communications, Inc. – Mayor De Angelis presented e-mail from Atty. Molter stating he did not approve of the form of the Letter of Credit as it does not comply with §22 of the agreement, especially Subsection c. Subsection c provides, in part, that any Letter of Credit shall include a provision that the Letter of Credit cannot be terminated without prior written consent of the City and that all monies which are the subject of the Letter of Credit shall be paid to the City upon receipt of a written statement by the City certifying that the Communications Facilities have not been removed and the Premises restored to its previous condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Ted Torcivia, Telecorp Communications Inc., presented amendment to Letter of Credit to meet the above conditions. After discussion committee requested that the word “purportedly” be taken out of amendment. Committee request new copy of Letter of Credit with correct language delivered to City by Friday, May 4, 2001. Ald. Slocomb moved to defer to Tuesday, May 8, 2001. Seconded by Sanders. Carried by all. Review Dale Carnegie Training Proposal – Mayor De Angelis presented Dale Carnegie Training Proposal customized for the City of Muskego. Michael Niezgoda and Jerry Jensen of Mary C Gwin & Associates were present to explain proposal and answer questions. Cost of the program is $15,000.00. After discussion Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Dale Carnegie Training Proposal. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Consider Disallowance of Claim - Tricia Neary - Clerk-Treasurer Jean Marenda sent letter received from Wausau Insurance stating Wausau did not find negligence on the City of Muskego for the accident. Wausau is requesting that the City have the claim by Tricia Neary be disallowed. Ald. Slocomb moved to recommend approval of disallowance of claim. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Recommendation of Bid for Veteran’s Memorial Park Pavilion - In memorandum Engineer/Building Director Sean McMullen is recommending that the City reject all bids due to being in excess of the budgeted amounts for the Veteran’s Memorial Park Pavilion. McMullen is recommending that the City begin the process to re-bid the Pavilion with several changes. Ald. Salentine moved to reject all bids and re-bid the Pavilion with modifications. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS HVAC Agreements for Library/City Hall - Memorandum from Engineer/Building Director McMullen recommends the City enter into a Full Service Maintenance Agreement package with KGA for both the Library and City Hall for the controllers. Ald. Slocomb stated the only difference between full support and limited support is the sentence in full coverage “KGA will repair and/or replace all worn or failed components and parts on the Building Automation System covered with the following exceptions/clarifications: No exceptions taken”. After discussion, Ald. Slocomb moved to approve Full Coverage Building Automation Systems Service Agreement with KGA for the Library and City Hall. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Copier - Staff use machine for 2001 $32.00/Month, no increase from 2000 - In a letter Library Director Holly Sanhuber requested maintenance agreement with Gordon Flesch for the staff use copy machine. Ald. Sanders moved to approve one year, toner inclusive contract with Gordon Flesch at $32.00 per month. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Copier - Two Desk top Machines for 2001 $90.00/year, no increase from 2000 - In a letter Library Director Holly Sanhuber requested maintenance agreement with Gordon Flesch for two desk top copiers. Ald Salentine moved to approve one year, toner inclusive contract with Gordon Flesch for $90.00 per year. Seconded by Ald Sanders. Carried by all. RELEASE OF FUNDS - None REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT - None VOUCHER APPROVAL - None Finance Committee Meeting May 2, 2001 - Page 3 Finance Director’s Report - Finance Director Gunderson presented third quarter summary recap of revenue and expenditures. Gunderson explained reasons for a few departments being over 25% of amended 2001 budget. Gunderson stated she will be attending the Government Finance Officer’s Association conference and will be taking the final exam for becoming a Certified Public Finance Officer at the time. Gunderson will miss the June 6, 2001 Finance Meeting due to attending the conference and will also miss the last session of Dale Carnegie training. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - Discussion took place on warning sirens. The sirens have been installed but failed inspection due to electrical service not being properly installed. This should be fixed and repaired by May 3, 2001. Once new inspection takes place the Electric Company can install meters. Notice will be given when test will be conducted. ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 PM. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Warhanek Recording Secretary