FM071900 FINANCE COMMITTEE – CITYOF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, July 19, 2000 Approved Acting Chairman Ald. Slocomb called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM. Also in attendance were Committee Member Ald. Salentine, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Parks and Recreation Director Craig Anderson, Dustin Wolff (Planning Department), and those per the attached sheet. Mayor De Angelis and Ald. Sanders were excused. The agenda was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the July 11, 2000 Finance Committee Meeting were reviewed. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. LICENSE APPROVALS – Ald. Salentine moved to approve Operator Licenses for Dan Whiteaker and Kristy Fabricius, subject to receipt of fees, favorable police reports and verification of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Gathering Permit – St. Paul’s Church – A request was submitted by St. Paul’s Church for an event on the th 6 of August. The request was similar to the requests of prior years. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the Gathering Permit for St. Paul’s Church for the August 6, 2000 event. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW – None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further Discussion of Buechel Bills/Land Division – Ald. Slocomb spoke with the residents and they have requested additional time to review new reports, which they just received. Ald. Slocomb moved to defer this item. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Further Discussion of Clothing Purchase (Building Department) – This item was sent back for further investigation by Finance Director Gunderson. A cost comparison was done regarding having a service provide shirts as well as launder them versus a purchase of 7 shirts per person per year. The shirt service would cost $195.00 per person per year, which is approximately double the cost of purchasing the shirts directly. Discussion regarding the merits of a service provider that would ensure that the employee’s shirts are always in good repair, clean and replaced when necessary. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the shirt service for Building Department inspectors. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Choice of colors will be up to the Department. NEW BUSINESS Discuss Jensen Center Improvements (Parks and Recreation) – Craig Anderson was present to provide a line item cost breakdown for improvements at the Jensen Center. At this time, the repairs and renovations will ensure that this building is in good repair for at least 3-5 years. The water run-off problem will be worked on with the DPW creating a swail to divert the water away from the building. At the time of this meeting, lighting fixture costs were not available; however, the Parks and Recreation Board did approve this expenditure, not to exceed $20,000. With the Department’s success in their course offerings, all locations available to host activities must be utilized and the Jensen Center had been in line for an overhaul for quite some time. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the Jensen Center Improvement costs, not to exceed $20,000. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Discuss Horn Field Bleachers (Parks and Recreation) – Craig provided copies of the bleachers that have been approved by the Park and Recreation Board. They will accommodate 112 individuals. The bleachers will be behind home plate and will be placed upon a 20’ x 25’ concrete slab. The total cost of the bleachers and concrete work is $8,018.00. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the bleacher installation at Horn Field at a cost not to exceed $8,018.00. Monies to come from the Parks Dedication Fund. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Finance Committee Meeting July 19, 2000 – Page #2 Discuss 2001 Recreation Operating Budget Program Fees (Parks and Recreation) – Per the Committee’s request, Craig provided a revenue/expense breakdown of the programs offered. Additionally, the salary and benefits for the two (2) Supervisors for 2000 is $87,694 and for the 2001 budget year is $92,082 (using a 5% increase). An increase in program fees is being considered for all programs. At this time the criteria being used to determine this is; what is the average price for similar programs in the area, what is the cost increase threshold for Muskego residents and when was the last price increase for each program. Craig also does have a 5-year plan that will allow his programs to generate enough funds in order to cover the Supervisors’ salaries and benefits by the end of the five year period. Discussion by the Committee regarding the programs and the costs to run certain programs versus the revenue they generate. The Committee thanked Craig for the insightful document. Quietwood Creek Letter of Credit and Cost Breakdown (Plan) – Dustin Wolff of the Plan office and Ken Servi of Quietwood Creek were on hand to discuss the public improvement cost breakdown for on-site improvements. The total improvement costs, including inflation factor for delayed installations, is $4,419,915.47. These costs include an $80,000 contribution towards the Martin Drive/Lakes Parkway/ Janesville Road intersection. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the Quietwood Creek Letter of Credit and Cost breakdown. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Quietwood Creek Subdividers Agreement (Plan) – The Agreement relates to the development and has been reviewed by the City’s legal counsel. Changes from the standard form include: Parcel 143 is not part of this agreement and will be addressed by separate document when development occurs. The developer’s share in the cost of upgrades to the Martin Drive/Lakes Parkway/Janesville Road intersection is estimated at $80,000. The City utilities will reimburse the developer for oversizing of sewer and water mains and appurtenances which benefit areas outside the Quietwood Creek Subdivision. Bike path installation will occur with the second lift of asphalt. Proof of insurance must be provided. Ken Servi stated that he already has obtained an umbrella insurance policy for this development and will place the City of Muskego on the policy with a 10-day cancellation notification. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the Subdivider’s Agreement for Quietwood Creek as written. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Quietwood Creek Retention Pond Maintenance Agreement and Deposit (Plan) – The Public Works Committee has already approved this agreement with the addition of a $4,000 deposit to cover the th estimated costs associated with the pond draw downs necessary for the first five years. Upon the 6 year, and each year thereafter, the City shall invoice the Quietwood Creek Homeowner’s Association in an amount sufficient to maintain a constant account balance of $800.00. Costs in excess of $800.00 will be billed to the Association. Costs not paid will be placed in equal amounts on the tax bills for the 142 th lots. Upon the commencement of the 6 year, if the Association has not been incorporated, the developer will deposit a minimum of $800.00 per year for each year incorporation does not occur, plus any additional costs as deemed necessary by the City. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the Retention Pond Maintenance Agreement and Deposit Plan. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Review Amendment to Standard Subdividers Agreement – Insurance Form (Plan) – Due to the new insurance clause for all subdivisions, a form has been developed for use by the Plan Department. Ald. Slocomb questioned why the standard Certificate of Insurance form was not utilized? The form provided was created by R&M and others have used it. Questions were raised by the Committee regarding the somewhat excessive amount of insurance required for minimally invasive procedures by subdividers. The Committee felt that each subdivider should have coverage based on their particular project. The Committee was not in favor of a blanket amount. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the verbiage in the Certificate of Insurance and adding wording that will include the exact amount of coverage necessary to be determined by the Finance Committee at the time the subdivider’s agreement is approved, based on the project. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Finance Committee Meeting July 19, 2000 – Page #3 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS Cognos Impromptu Maintenance – (IS) – In a memo, Joe Sommers is requesting approval of the annual maintenance agreement for the Police Cognos product. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the maintenance agreement in the amount of $466.00 Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. RELEASE OF FUNDS - None REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT - None VOUCHER APPROVAL - None FINANCE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Dawn provided a 6-month actual revenue/expense budget worksheet for the Committee to review. Most departments are on target with respect to their annual budget. A few areas are over the 50% mark and that was due to annual computer system maintenance agreements paid early on in the fiscal year. Additionally, Dawn and Don Vilione will be present at Tuesday’s Finance Committee and Common Council meeting to present budget amendments in order for the City to fully utilize the State Revenue sharing funds. Simple changes will be made to the budget that will enable the City to qualify for approximately $30-40,000 additional funding from the State. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted, Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary