FM011100 FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2000 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor De Angelis. Also present were Committee members Slocomb, Salentine, and Sanders, as well as Ald. Le Doux, Chiaverotti, Patterson, and Pionek, Finance Director Gunderson, Consultant Dave Anderson of Ehlers & Associates, Inc., Clerk Treasurer Marenda, and Deputy Clerk Blenski. The Mayor noted the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. NEW BUSINESS Review Issuance and Sale of $2,225,000 Sewer System Revenue Bonds and $950,000 Water System Revenue Bonds Mr. Anderson reported that the City’s Sewer Revenue Bonds received an A1 rating from Moody’s Investors Service, which represents an upgrade. He stated that seven bids were received on the Sewer System Revenue Bonds with the best bid received by Robert W. Baird & Company, Inc. with a true interest rate of 5.53%. Mr. Anderson reported that three bids were received on the Water System Revenue Bonds with the best bid received by Bernaldi Securities, Inc. for a true interest rate of 5.57%. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval to the Council. Ald. Salentine seconded; motion carried unanimously. Review Job Description and Recommend Salary of New Secretarial Position - Clerk- Treasurer Office Clerk-Treasurer Marenda stated that the employee who holds the Filing Assistant position within her department has decided to retire. A determination was made to change the position to include some secretarial duties and become full time. She stated that the Finance Committee reviewed a draft of the job description at its previous meeting. She has made minor changes to it. The Clerk-Treasurer met with the Mayor and Cathie Anderson to review the position and determine the grade, which is C & T 10. This is the same grade as that of the Floating Secretary positions. Clerk-Treasurer Marenda noted that this is the lowest secretarial rating. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval. Ald. Slocomb seconded; motion carried unanimously. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Ald. Sanders moved to approve maintenance agreement with Gordon Flesch for copier used by the Mayor/Assessor’s offices. The annual cost is projected to be $553 which represents .0079 per copy (for 70,000). The rate is the same as last year. Ald. Slocomb seconded; motion carried unanimously. Finance Committee Minutes Page 2 January 11, 2000 VOUCHER APPROVAL Ald. Slocomb moved to recommend approval of payment of General Vouchers in the amount of $559,439.65, Tax Checks in the amount of $12,734,617.21 and Utility Vouchers in the amount of $162,706.72. Ald. Sanders seconded; motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Sanders moved to adjourn at 7:24 p.m. Ald. Slocomb seconded; motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Jill Blenski, CMC Deputy Clerk