FM120899 FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO UnApproved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, December 8, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7:09 PM by Mayor David De Angelis. Also present were Committee Members Slocomb, Sanders, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Police Chief John Johnson, Parks and Recreation Director Craig Anderson, Plan Director Brian Turk, Library Director Holly Sanhuber, City Engineer Representative Sean McMullen (R&M) and those per the attached sheet. Ald. Nancy Salentine was excused. The Mayor noted that the agenda was posted on December 7, 1999 in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the November 17, 1999 Finance Committee Meeting were reviewed and placed on file. REVIEW OF LICENSE APPLICATIONS - Ald. Slocomb moved to approve an Operator’s License for Frances Gibson, subject to receipt of fees, favorable police reports and verification of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Discuss Recent Liquor License Violations - Michael Erickson, Nancy Guarniere, and SueAnn Witt were present to discuss the recent “sting” operation and their involvement with the selling of liquor to a minor. Mr. Erickson and Ms. Guarniere (Open Pantry) indicated that Ms. Guarniere was unaware that she needed to possess a license and thought that her license from Wind Lake would have transferred to this place of employment. Additionally, Mr. Erickson was unaware that Ms. Guarniere did not have a valid license. They provided their strategy to the Committee on more stringent carding procedures for future purchaser’s of package goods. Ms. SueAnn Witt (Klub 24) was unaware that she had done anything wrong until she received her citation in the mail and was unsure of the circumstances that surrounded her violation. A pre trial court date of 1/26/2000 has been set to obtain factual data on the exact day/time of the incident. Ms. Witt also stated that she will be strengthening her carding procedure in her establishment. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve an Operator’s License for Nancy Guarniere, subject to receipt of fees, favorable police reports and verification of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. After a request from the store owner (Michael Erickson) to have Ms. Guarniere be able to work without supervision selling package goods, Ald. Slocomb moved to approve a Provisional License for Ms. Guarniere. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Ms. Rebecca Deering (Broke Spoke) was invited to this meeting but did not attend. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW Jill I Protzman - No adverse activity has been found on her police report since last run. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further Review of Health Insurance and Property Liability Insurance - Dawn provided a cost break-down of the Compcare Health Services 2000 renewal rates which reflect participation in the Waukesha Coalition. Other insurance carrier options will be looked into next year to lower the rates. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the health care insurance carrier. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Northland Insurance Company, provider of Public Officials Liability is the preferred provider for this service. They will provided enhanced service and larger coverage. Ald. Sanders moved to approve Northland Insurance Company as the Public Officials Liability provider with an annual premium of $16,519. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Finance Committee Minutes Page 2 December 8, 1999 Further Review of Future Auditing Services - Due to a request by the Committee, Dawn provided additional data regarding the anticipated amount of fees resulting from the auditing services of Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP. Upon review of the document, Ald. Slocomb moved to approve Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP to provide auditing services. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Further Review of Proposed Increases in Plan Review Fees - Fire Department - The Mayor has talked with and reviewed issues regarding alarm plan review and fees with Mr. Phil Dibb. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the fees. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Discuss Possible Purchase of Land for Park Land - The Mayor and Craig Anderson discussed a potential property in the Rosewood Estates area. 8-10 acres may be available for the City to purchase as a conservancy parcel. The Park and Recreation Board recommends the purchase of the land. Access to the area was discussed. The cost could be as high as $500,000 for this parcel, based on the sale value for large (2-3 acre) home lots. Discussion on spending this amount of money for a small parcel of land was discussed and determined to be too costly at this time. The option of a Permanent Preservation Easement could be a viable alternative to preserve the piece of land and not allow the home/land owners to disturb the wood areas. A tree census could be done to determine the value and variety of the species contained in the area. The Mayor will talk with the property owner. Discuss Pool Usage - Muskego/Norway School District - Craig Anderson provided several hand- outs indicating the payment track record of Muskego to the Norway School District for the use of their pool. At this time, the city owes $21,014.20 for pool fees unpaid from 1997 and 1998. Money is not in the budget for this expense. $10,018.40 is to be paid to Norway when the bill for 1999 usage is received by Craig’s department. Money is in the budget for this expense. At this time, the City is working to come to an agreement with the Norway School District to have the City pay the front foot assessment in lieu of paying the pool fees. The Committee was in agreement that if a deal is struck with Norway, the difference would be either refunded to the City or paid to the Norway School District. Craig provided detailed information on the actual cost of using the pool and how much his pool fees will have to increase in order to recoup some of the costs that are being charged to the City. Currently acquatic program fees for 2000 are $24.00. They will need to be increased to $36.00 to cover the cost. This item will be reviewed further in January. Review Job Descriptions/Salary for Full-time Admin./Clerical for IS & Finance Depts./ Full-time Maintenance Position , Park Maintenance Technician III and Utility Locator - The Committee reviewed all of the job descriptions mentioned. Ald. Slocomb questioned how some of the points were calculated. Dawn explained the process for her particular situation. Ald. Slocomb moved to recommend approval of the job descriptions with the changes to Council. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Request Transfer of Funds - Police Department - Chief Johnson stated that a budget short fall has occurred due to unexpected maintenance costs for the waterpatrol boat and an unusually mild summer which required additional waterpatrol hours. A transfer for $1,600 is requested for the City Contingency account to the Waterpatrol account ( Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the transfer of $1,600. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Cooperative Agreement - City of Milwaukee/Muskego Firearms Facility Usage - The Chief stated that the Emerald Park Standing Committee agreement with the Police Department for the utilization of the Firearms Facility provide for the City of Milwaukee the use of the facility for recruit shotgun Finance Committee Minutes Page 3 December 8, 1999 training and tactical training. Due to the agreement, he has been in negotiations with the City of Milwaukee Police Department for a financial commitment for the City of Milwaukee for the facility when it does become operational. An agreement has been drafted. A one-time payout of $25,000 will be paid for the use of the facility for a period of ten years. The City of Milwaukee Common Council has already passed a resolution agreeing to the $25,000 expenditure and authorized the execution of the agreement with the City of Muskego. The Chief recommends that the City of Muskego Common Council authorize himself and the City Clerk-Treasurer to execute the agreement with the City of Milwaukee. The agreement would be upon completion of the range. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval by formal Resolution of the Council of the Cooperative Agreement. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Recommendation of Purchase of Four Squads - Police Department - Chief Johnson recommends the purchase of three 2000 Chevrolet Impalas for $56,334.00 for Ewald Automotive Group in Oconomowoc and one 2000 Ford Expedition not to exceed $26,887. He is currently in negotiations for the Ford Expedition with two auto providers. Money is available in the 2000 fleet budget for the purchases of these autos. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the purchase of 3 Chevrolet Impalas at a cost not to exceed $56,334.00 and one Ford Expedition at a cost not to exceed $26,887. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Fitness Facility - Police Department - At the Police Department there is a very small unused closet space that the staff at the department would like to install a sauna. This would be done with individuals own labor and materials and no financial impact would be upon the City. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the installation of a sauna at the Police Department. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review Plan Fees for 2000 - Brian Turk stated that the Committee of the Whole reviewed numerous changes to the Planning Department’s fee schedule for the 2000 budge. The adopted budget reflects the revenue projection of the revised fees. However, the fee schedule itself was not adopted with the budget. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the fee schedule, forwarding to Council for adoption. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review of Agreement Between City and Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department - Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the agreement. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review of Agreement Between City and Muskego Volunteer Fire Company - Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the agreement with the appropriate dollar amount as per discussion of the Council. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Public Works Recommendation for Engineering Studies for Traffic Counts, Turning Lane, Intersection Costs - Moorland South Extension - At the November 22, 1999 Public Works meeting, the Committee recommended an expenditure of $3,560.00 for the collection of data for this intersection. Sean indicated that the Quietwood Creek subdivision will be able to pay for a portion of this study due to their need to configure the roads to meet the future traffic needs. The money will be taken via an internal budget transfer within the DPW budged. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the traffic study at a cost not to exceed $3,560.00. The Finance Director and DPW Director will determine where the internal budget transfer will occur. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review Request for carry-over of Vacation - Deputy Building Director - The Deputy Building Director has submitted a request for consideration regarding this issue. At this time, over 88 hours are still available to this individual before year’s end. The Director is requesting that 60 hours be Finance Committee Minutes Page 4 December 8, 1999 carried over for next year’s use. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the carry-over of the hours in question with those hours being utilized no later than April 1, 2000. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review Request for Library Filtering Solution - IS, Library - Joe and Holly were present to discuss their solution for providing a level of filtering for the library Internet browser. This software updates daily to place undesirable sites out of the access range for the users of the equipment. The $4,000 is a one-time fee for the software. The Library Board will determine what will be filtered with suggestions from the City Attorney. The Waukesha Public Library and Milwaukee Public Library also use a filtering software program. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve $4,000 for the N2H2 software. Money to come for the Library Construction Fund. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review Request for 60 day Extension - Ranger Services, Inc. - Urban Forestry Project - In a memo, Tom Zagar indicated that the consultant for the development of the City’s Urban Forestry Management Plan, is requesting a 60 day extension for the completion of the plan. So far, Ranger Services has worked well with the Committee. The DNR is also granting an extension of 6 months for the project’s eligibility for grant reimbursement. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the 60 day extension for Ranger Services. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Dawn will check the 2000 budget to see how this extension will impact it. Review Quotes for Municipal Loader - Municipal Garage - Sean provided a quote for the 2000 Wheel Loader. R&M has received 2 quotes for the machine, one form Brooks Tractor and one from Miller Bradford. The only quote that meets the specification is Brooks Tractor (John Deere). R&M recommends that the City purchase the 5440H Loader with the Heavy Duty Forks, 20.5 x 25” tires, 7yr./5,000 hour warranty and outside heated mirrors. At a total cost of $117,295. Budgeted amount was $125,000. If the Committee approves this purchase, delivery of the machinery can be by th 1/15/2000. If the order is not placed by the 15 of December, the delivery date will be in April. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the purchase of the John Deere Loader, not to exceed $117,295. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review Request for 1999 Capital Budget Carry-over - Craig is requesting a Capital Budget carry- over from 1999 to 2000 in the amount of $27,190 for the Janesville bike path. Due to permitting and Department of Transportation constraints, construction will not take place until 2000. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the carry-over of $27,190. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review Request to Purchase the Following Approved Capital Budget Items - Parks and Recreation Department - 4 items are being requested by the Department for purchase in January, 2000. ¾ ton pick-up truck, $21,665, brush chipper, $23,500, cab and snow-blower $6,999 and the paving of Parks building lot (approved cost of $15,500), to be done with 2000 road program monies. Ald. Sanders moved to approve this purchases. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review of Kimberly Estates Write-off - Sean provided a detailed report on the entire events that have led up to this request for write-off of approximately $3,300 (attached). The Letter of Credit is gone for this property. R&M spent approximately $108.00 in storm sewer work, which the Committee would not like included in the requested amount of dollars due the City due to the circumstances surrounding the sewer work, however, felt that the remainder of monies due should be sent to Waukesha County for collection. The Finance Director will deduct $108.00 from the total money due and mail a final letter to Mr. Yeager before proceeding onto collections. Review Proposed Leases for Building Department Vehicles - The Committee reviewed the lease agreement from E.J. Salentine Inc.,/Holz Motors. If the Committee authorizes the first payment to be Finance Committee Minutes Page 5 December 8, 1999 made in December the City could receive a $40.00 discount per car for the length of the lease. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the payment of the first month’s lease agreement. Money to come from an inter-department transfer to cover the shortfall. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review Request for Replacement of Furnace - Municipal Garage - In a memo, Wayne Delikat and Scott Kloskowski requested that the current 30-year old furnace/air exchanger be replaced. The Wenniger Company has submitted a quote for a new unit in the amount of $17,500. The funds to cover this purchase will come from the unused money allocated for a slider paver in 1999. $30,000 had been allocated for a slide paver which was not purchased. $13,000 of this money was used to purchase a leaf vacuum, leaving a balance of $17,000. The Sewer and Water Utilities would split the cost of the purchase 50/50 with the Department of Public Works with sufficient funds in their Building and Grounds accounts. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the purchase of the furnace at a cost not to exceed $17,500. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review Positions for Exempt Status - Lindner & Marsack - At the Mayor’s request three individuals’ employment status was reviewed in order to determine if any changes should occur in their exempt/ non-exempt status. Based on the criterion set to review the positions, Lindner & Marsack determined that the Computer Specialist should remain exempt and that the two Recreation Supervisor positions should become exempt. Additionally the Accountant position was suggested to be changed to non-exempt. Ald. Slocomb moved to recommend a Resolution to Council to change the job classifications of Recreation Supervisor and Accountant. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review Joint Powers Agreement - County 911 Emergency System - The Chief indicated that Communities that have joint dispatch for 911 are required (as a result of a recent Wisconsin Attorney General’s decision) to sign a Joint Powers Agreement, County 911 Emergency System document. Ald. Sanders recommends to Council the adoption of a Resolution approving the Joint Powers Agreement by Waukesha County. RELEASE OF FUNDS Plum Creek Addition. No 1 - Letter of Credit Release - Ald. Sanders moved to approve the Release of Funds totaling $11,600 with retention of the $3,250 for the City and $1,091 retention of the Developers Deposit for final billings. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Release Mercer Developers Deposit - Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the release of $275.50. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. The Committee discussed the necessity for this single lot CSM to have had to provide a developers deposit? At this time, that is the procedure and the Mayor warned that if this process is not changed, many more will be coming into City Hall creating additional work-load for the employees. This item will be discussed further at the next Finance Committee Meeting. Pelzmann - Engineering - Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the release of $846.20. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Muskego Movie-Plex - Due to conflicting numbers on two separate reports, Ald. Sanders moved to defer until the December 14, 1999 Finance Committee Meeting. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS - NONE Finance Committee Minutes Page 6 December 8, 1999 FINANCE DIRECTORS REPORT - As Dawn has been reviewing the 1999 Capital Budget, approximately $500,000 was financed via Landfill and Sewer Utility borrowing. Funds may be available from the Library construction project, so it will not be necessary to utilize the Sewer Utility for borrowing. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Sanders moved to adjourn the meeting at 12.01 a.m. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary