FM022399 FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO (Accepted) MINUTES OF MEETING HELD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor De Angelis. Committee members Slocomb, Salentine and Sanders were present. Also present were Aldermen Pionek, Chiaverotti, and Patterson (arrived during the meeting.), Finance Director Gunderson, and Deputy Clerk Blenski. The Mayor noted that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Review of Minutes Minutes of the February 17, 1999 meeting were accepted with no changes made. There were no licenses to review. Unfinished Business Further discussion on Cell Phone, Business Card, Hardware, and Software Policy for Elected Officials. This item was deferred at the 2/17/99 meeting. Alderman Slocomb identified and reviewed the revisions he made to the policy. Each of the four items was discussed separately. Cell Phone - The Mayor stated that the policy did not clarify that the phone was to be for business use only and questioned how the Finance Director would “police” the use. Dawn Gunderson stated that incoming calls are not identified on the statement. She noted that the phones the City currently has are strictly used for business. The committee determined that language should be added to paragraph V. B. to identify that the phone was “for business use.” The Finance Director reviewed the estimated cost for the proposed policy relating to cell phones, business cards, and software with the estimated impact to the 1999 budget to be approximately $1,980.65. Alderman Slocomb noted that presented worst case scenario as some people currently have their own equipment. Dawn Gunderson agreed noting that it reflected the cost for all seven of the aldermen to receive the items. Alderman Chiaverotti stated you could spend time arguing what the aldermen need to do their jobs. The expense allowance that the aldermen currently have should be used for the items they believe are needed. She opposes the City supplying these items, maintenance will be involved, as well as staff time to audit; the need is not that great. If the expense allowance is not sufficient, it should be reviewed at budget time. Alderman Sanders stated he supports the computer software and hardware and noted that the business card expense does not amount to much. He stated that the expense allowance was doubled. If that is not sufficient, it needs to be reviewed at budget time. Alderman Chiaverotti stated she did not have a problem with the computer hardware and software portions of the policy. Alderman Sanders stated a cell phone was handy but you could do without. Alderman Patterson stated he supports things that are a necessity, such as the business cards and computers which allow for communication Finance Committee Minutes Page 2 February 23, 1999 with constituents. He stated a cell phone was not a necessity. Alderman Slocomb clarified the business card policy which allows for 500 cards to be ordered each year from the April swearing in date until two months after with the expense to be covered by the City. Alderman Slocomb stated that except for the business cards, the City has provided the other things on the policy. He has had use of a cell phone since October. He believes the City should have a policy and that is why he put it together. Cell Phone - Alderman Salentine moved to approve. Alderman Slocomb seconded; however, he noted four aldermen feel inappropriate. Alderman Salentine stated maybe cell phone could be given to Council president and alderman appointed to the landfill committees. That is very legitimate reason. Alderman Chiaverotti disagreed because at some point in time, something will come up in the other districts. Alderman Slocomb stated use of cell phone has been greatest in Mayor’s absence. Alderman Pionek stated one should be given to Council president. Alderman Salentine suggested one could be available at City Hall. Alderman Patterson agreed with giving a cell phone to the Council president. Alderman Chiaverotti disagreed saying that will open the door. Eventually everyone will request. The Mayor noted that the City cell phone used by Alderman Slocomb will eventually be needed by staff. Alderman Salentine withdrew her motion which was agreeable to Alderman Slocomb. Alderman Salentine moved for Council president to be provided a cell phone. Alderman Sanders seconded. Alderman Chiaverotti noted that she prefers the expense allowance be increased for the Council president at budget time. Motion to approve carried. Alderman Salentine moved to amend to add to V. B. “that the phone is intended for City business.” Alderman Sanders seconded; motion carried. Business Card - Alderman Slocomb moved for adoption. Alderman Salentine seconded; motion carried. Hardware - Alderman Sanders moved for adoption. Alderman Salentine seconded; motion carried. Software - Alderman Sanders moved for adoption. Alderman Slocomb seconded. Mayor questioned the ability of an alderman to purchase computer software after leaving office. He noted the City is often able to make purchases at a lower, governmental rate and lower rates are not offered to employees. It could be a conflict of interest. Alderman Slocomb stated we can strike completely. It seemed like a natural thing to do since the software is already loaded on computer. The Mayor stated it was a perception issue. Alderman Slocomb moved to amend V. C. 3. to include language “where commercially available at the same competitive volume rate.” Alderman Salentine seconded; motion carried. Motion to approve software policy, as amended, carried unanimously. Finance Director Gunderson discussed amending the 1999 budget to cover the policy expenses. Finance Committee Minutes Page 3 February 23, 1999 There was no new business. Voucher Approval Alderman Sanders moved to recommend approval of General Vouchers in the amount of $811,872.81, Tax Checks in the amount of $5,913,587.29, and Utility Vouchers in the amount of $217,426.02. Alderman Sanders seconded. The Finance Director stated that the February payment for Tess Corners Fire Dept. was included. Alderman Patterson stated the agreement should come forward at the next Council meeting. Alderman Salentine moved to remove $14,808.33 payment from General Vouchers with the intent to approve the remainder of the quarter at the next meeting. Alderman Sanders seconded; motion carried. Motion to approve vouchers, as amended, carried unanimously. Approved General Voucher amount was $797,064.48. Alderman Sanders moved to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Alderman Slocomb seconded; motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Jill Blenski, CMC Deputy Clerk jmb