FM120298 FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, December 2, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:12M by Mayor De Angelis. Also present were Committee Members Sanders, Slocomb and Salentine, Finance Director, Dawn Gunderson, Joe Sommers, Director of Information Services, Alex Quijano, Computer Specialist, Assessor Laura Mecha, Matt Sadowski, Planning Director, Library Director, Holly Sanhuber and those per the attached list. The Mayor noted that the amended agenda was posted on December 1, 1998 in accordance with the Open meeting Law. REVIEW OF LICENSE APPLICATIONS Ald. Sanders moved to approve Operator’s Licenses for Melanie Mesich and Michelle Turcotte, subject to receipt of fees, favorable police reports and verification of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Andrea Domenget was present to obtain an Operator’s License. Ald. Slocomb moved to defer until a full police report can be obtained and reviewed by the Committee members. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. LICENSE APPROVALS Muskego Icetronauts - Temporary Class B License - The Icetronauts are requesting a Temporary Class B License for February 14, 1999 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the Class B License for the Icetronauts on February 14, 1999 with restrictions as identified on the application. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Voter registration - Year 2000 Issues (Joe Sommers) - Joe Sommers updated the Committee regarding the voter registration programming and the Y2K problem. Internal testing has been performed and it appears that a complete rewrite of the software will not be necessary. The cost for the rewrite had been set at $16,000. As the situation progresses, Joe will keep the Committee apprised. Further discussion of Plum Creek Tree Plantings - The trees have been planted and paid for. Discussion by the Committee to determine if and how much to charge back to Mr. Patch. The Mayor recommends that a set dollar amount be determined and presented at the December 8, 1998 Finance Committee meeting. Ald. Sanders moved to defer this item until the 12/8/98 Finance Committee meeting. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Further Discussion on present policy - Memorials/Remembrances - After the Committee had an opportunity to review the criteria (1990 policy) in which the City has followed and the dollar amount set for memorials/remembrances, the Committee discussed situations, in recent history where the current policy did not accommodate situations that arose (death of a long-time volunteer and death of past Board member). The Committee suggested that the following be added: “Former Board/Commission members and volunteers at discretion of Mayor”. Additionally the Committee suggested that the $25.00 Memorial fund be raised to $50.00, keeping the hospitalization remembrance at $25.00. Ald. Salentine moved to amend the current Memorial/Remembrance policy to add the word volunteers and increase the Memorial fund to $50.00, leaving the hospitalization remembrance at $25.00. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Finance Committee Minutes Page 2 December 2, 1998 Review Dental Insurance Quotes for 1999 - Dawn provided the current options provided to the employees at their expense. Dentacare and First Commonwealth are the current providers. There are 3 plans in all. First Commonwealth will be increasing their premium 7% next year, but will hold the premium firm for 1999, if the City changes one of the plans to the “Plan 3000”. This plan has a maximum benefit of $1,000 for Orthodontics as opposed to the $850.00 coypayment and full coverage from that point on. Dawn recommends that the current policies stay unchanged. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Council remaining with the three current dental plans with subsequent premium increases for 1999. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review Health Insurance quotes for 1999 - Benefits, Inc., solicited the quotes for health insurance carriers for 1999. The City is currently with Compcare who is anticipating a 9.3% increase in premiums to the City for 1999. Benefits, Inc., has recommended that PrimeCare be explored as an option. At this time, due to the underwriting questionnaire that will need to be provided by the City, and the amount of upcoming health-related issues being faced by those under the current plan, the cost savings does not justify the inconvenience for the employees. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Council to remain with Compcare as the health insurance provider. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review new position descriptions for 1999 - Dawn provided the new and revised positions that were already approved during the budget process. She will be introducing Resolution #237-98 to Council for final approval. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of Resolution #237-98 as submitted. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Auction of Tax Delinquent Properties - Laura Mecha was present to provide verbal assistance to her written report regarding two parcels of property in the City of Muskego (2292.998.001 and 2217.998.003) Mr. Frank Switala was present to discuss Tax Key #2217.998.003. He, along with several residents wish to obtain parcels of this additional piece of property which abuts their current property. Questions arose over the exact size of the parcel and the most cost effective manner in which to determine (full legal description vs. Certified Survey Map). The cost of the property to the City would be $616.20. A letter of intent will be drafted with the parcel held back from the auction to allow the City to purchase the property. The City will then make the property available for purchase by the adjacent property owners. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the purchase of Tax Key 2217.998.003 at a cost of $616.20, with a letter of intent forthcoming. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. The parcel on Highway 36 (Tax Key #2292.998.001) is approximately 1 acre in size and has an appraised value of $1,200. The parcel has no real value to the City and may be of more value to the adjoining taxpayer, Richard and Susan Lang. This parcel will go to auction. Public Works network wiring (Joe Sommers) - Joe provided a pricing for upgrading the current Public Works computer wiring set-up. With the current modem and phone lines the cost per month to run was $130.00. At this time, a more economical and efficient upgrade can be accomplished at a one-time cost of $3,781.75. Norstan to perform the task. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the expenditure of $3,781.75 to upgrade the Public Works Department wiring. Funding to come from the Public Works Operating fund (50%), Sewer (25%), and Water (25%). Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Police Department network wiring for twinax (Joe Sommers) - With the expansion at the Police Department, Joe has proposed network wiring for twinax for the connection to the AS/400 at a cost of $1,147.60. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the expenditure of $1,147.60 for twinax wiring Finance Committee Minutes Page 3 December 2, 1998 at the Police Department. Funding to come from Police Building Account. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Disallowance of Claim (M. Brhely)) - According to the claim, Mr. Brhely accused the Police Department of violating his rights during an arrest for Disorderly Conduct. According to Wausau Insurance, no liability on behalf of the City of Muskego was found during their investigation. Ald. Slocomb moved to disallow the claim of Mr. Brhely. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review quotes for City Hall Facility Needs Study - Bids were reviewed by David Bajkiewicz (P.A. Intern). After comparing each proposal and creating a matrix to determine best value for money spent, Barrientos Design & Consulting seems to provide the most for the cost involved. Mr. Norman Barrientos was present and indicated that they would be available to immediately begin the project and he would be the lead designer/architect on this project. Barrientos Design & Consulting would be responsible for interior design and layout of the project. The cost is $3,600. Mr. Barrientos provided a sample of the type of work his firm is able to create to assist in the visualization of the “empty” City Hall space. Ald. Salentine moved to approve Barrientos Design & Consulting for the City Hall project at a cost of $3,600. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review General Casualty Insurance policies for 1999 - Dawn provided a proposal for the premiums for 1999. At this time Wausau Insurance has suggested that the Law Enforcement Liability coverage be increased from 1 to 3 million dollars. The premium for this enhanced coverage would be $35,038. At this time, the City has a 3 million dollar Umbrella policy. Ald. Slocomb and the Committee are interested in increasing that amount to 5 million dollars of coverage. This would increase the current premium by approximately $3,000. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the increase from 1 million to 3 million in coverage for Law Enforcement Liability and an increase in the City’s Umbrella policy from 3 million to 5 million dollars in coverage. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review Amendment to Chapter 1.09-Elections - Clerk-Treasurer, Jean Marenda has requested that a change occur in the current Municipal Code regarding the number of Election Officials at each polling place. At this time a maximum of 5 election inspectors is in effect. Jean is requesting that the amended Code read as follows: At each polling place there shall be a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) election inspectors. Alternate officials or the selection of two sets of officials to work at different times on election day may be hired at the discretion of the Clerk-Treasurer. This new wording will reflect current practice. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the amendment to Chapter 1.09 as stated above. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review new payment plan implementation schedule - Nonrepresented - Holly Sanhuber, Joe Sommers, Matt Sadowski and Alex Quijano were present to request that the Committee reconsider the implementation of the Compensations Study and their initial placement at the 90% of midpoint. (See attached memos). The group requested that they be moved to 100% of midpoint and cited years of service, schooling, work performance and people in lower job grades making more money as their justification. The Mayor advised that the implementation of the study was done under a certain philosophy applied across the board for all employees and that if a change were to be made, all employees under 100% would also have to be raised. Ald. Slocomb stressed that positions and not individuals were considered when the philosophy was established. He also pointed out that work performance, longevity and individual’s personal qualifications were not considered when established the criteria for the implementation philosophy. Mr. Sommers asked that the Committee consider their request and review the financial impact of changing the implementation philosophy and bring all the individuals up to 100% of midpoint. Ald. Sanders moved to defer this item until Finance Committee Minutes Page 4 December 2, 1998 the December 16, 1998 Finance Committee meeting when the financial impact being presented to the Committee for review. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Review auditor engagement letter for 1998 audit - Even though a merger has occurred and the City’s auditing firm is now called Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP, no change in service or the scope of services provided. The estimate for 1999 is $71,150. The fee quoted is the same as the prior year with the exception of a $300 increase related to the Water audit. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the auditor engagement letter for the 1998 audit from the Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review CAMA Agreement - Laura Mecha was present to discuss the contract currently under consideration. A three page document was drafted by the City Attorney discussing his concerns/ questions with respect to the agreement and the language contained. According to both Laura and Joe Sommers, most of the concerns fall with the verbiage and not the content of the contract. A few items will need to be addressed. Due to a very tight timeline (December 4, 1998), Ms. Mecha is requesting approval of this agreement, contingent upon review and clarification of language. The City Attorney has yet to see the full contract, this will be forwarded to him. Due to New Berlin dropping out of the mix, the cost will have to be split between Muskego and Menomonee Falls. Options were discussed by the Committee if the agreement cannot be reached. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval subject to City Attorney review and clarification of language in contract. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. RELEASE OF FUNDS Muskego Regency/Waukesha Memorial - Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the release of $197.32 for the Muskego Regency/Waukesha Memorial project. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Deer Creek #2-218 - Ald. Salentine moved to approve the release of $66.75 for the Deer Creek #2-218 project. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Champions Village of Country Club Villages-#172 - Ald. Salentine moved to approve the release of $71.00 for the Champions Village of County Club Villages #172 project. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Park Estates #213 - Ald. Sanders moved to approve the release of $173.20 for the Park Estates #213 project. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. FINANCE DIRECTORS REPORT - None. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Sanders moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary