FM110498 FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, November 4, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:11 PM by Acting Chairman Slocomb. Also present were Committee Members Sanders and Salentine, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Building/Inspection Director, Chris Zoppa and those per the attached list. Mayor De Angelis was excused. The Acting Chairman noted that the agenda was posted on November 3, 1998, in accordance with the Open meeting Law. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the meeting of October 21, 1998 and had them placed on file. REVIEW OF LICENSE APPLICATIONS Ald. Salentine moved to approve Operator’s Licenses for Steven Robertson, Shannon Jensen, Gloria Gonzalez and Mindy Gibas, subject to receipt of fees, favorable police reports and verification of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Ald. Salentine moved to approve an Operator’s License for Claudia Brautigam, subject to receipt of fees and verification of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. LICENSE APPROVALS - None PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further discussion of Plum Creek Tree Plantings - Based on the City Attorney’s recommendation, Ald. Sanders moved to defer this item until the next regular Finance Committee Meeting (November 18, 1998). Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Review voter Registration Year 2000 Recommendation (Joe Sommers) - Due to many new issues yet to be resolved with this computer problem, Ald. Salentine moved to defer this item until the next regular Finance Committee Meeting (November 18, 1998). Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Review request for transfer of funds - (Engineering/Building Inspection Dept.) - Chris Zoppa was present to discuss his request for a transfer of a total of $6,440 for the purchase of a “Total Station”, AutoCAD Map and “Culvert Master” computer programs. Chris provided an explanation of the need and cost justification for the purchases. Funds are available from the 1998 “Wages” account (#100.5000.1100). The Total Station is a field survey instrument that measurers angles, both vertical and horizontal and distance by the use of a laser beam. The unit will give the distance and elevation in true horizontal and vertical distances, as well as convert the angles to a three dimensional grid coordinate. The unit Chris is proposing the City purchase is a demonstrator model (GTS 202 with tripod, reflective target, pole and 90-day warranty) at a cost of $5,410. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the transfer of $5,410.00 from account #100.5000.1100 for the purchase of the GTS 202 “Total Station”. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Discussion regarding the AutoCAD Map program and the potential need for an additional AutoCAD software program. The Committee discussed cost savings that could be achieved by making the software purchases together. Ald. Sanders moved to defer the transfer of funds for the purchase of the AutoCAD Map computer program until total AutoCAD software needs are Finance Committee Minutes Page 2 November 4, 1998 known. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. The Culvert Master computer program was discussed by the Committee and Chris Zoppa. The merits and use of the program were explored. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the transfer of $495.00 from the Wages account #100.5000.1100 for the purchase of the Culvert Master software. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all Review Cleaning Contract with Dan Plautz - Mr. Plautz provided a quote for janitorial services from January 1, 1999-December 31, 1999. The contract is the same as last year with a 3 ½% increase. The cost for the Police Department is an estimate ($1,500) due to the actual size and cleaning needs being unknown at this time. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the 1999 Janitorial contract from Dan Plautz Cleaning Service, Inc., not to exceed $4,244.41 per month. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Carried by all. Review Employee Assistance Program fees for 1999 - Dawn Gunderson contacted the City’s EAP provider regarding the use of the service this year. 6 employees have taken advantage of the service so far for 1998. This is at a cost to the City of $19.92 per year, per employee. The employee is allowed to telephone the EAP provider and discuss their issues with them. Due to the relatively low rate of use, the provider has suggested that an enhanced level of assistance can be provided to the City, at no additional cost for 1999 which would include up to 3 personal counseling sessions per employee for the year. If telephone only consultations are to be offered the cost would be $18.00 per person per year. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Council the Employee Assistance Program, including up to 3 personal counseling sessions per year, per employee, at a total cost to the City of $2,509.92. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Request for AutoCAD Map (Joe Sommers) - See New Business Item #2. Review HUD Disaster Recovery Initiative Grant Award - Due to the flooding that occurred on June 21, 1997, the City became eligible for funding from the Government ($40,000), to dredge the Jewel Creek stream channel and to re-establish habitat and flood storage. The monies should be available December 1, 1998. Since the HUD Disaster Recovery Initiative funds were limited, the City is required to provide the balance of funds necessary to complete the project. After Dawn Gunderson spoke with Tom Zagar (Lake Projects Coordinator), the remainder of the funds to complete the project can be gleaned from other Grant sources. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Council approval of the HUD Disaster Recovery Initiative Grant Award in the amount of $40,000. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. RELEASE OF FUNDS - None FINANCE DIRECTORS REPORT - The public hearing for the budget will occur on Monday, November 9, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. The Council will meet on Tuesday (11/10/98) to approve the budget. Charts, graphs and narrative will be provided to explain increase/decrease in figures. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Finance Committee Minutes Page 3 November 4, 1998 Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary