FM100798Cor (SUGGESTED CORRECTIONS TO BE ADDRESSED AT 10/21/98 MEETING) FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO CORRECTED 10/13/98 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, October 7, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM by Chairman De Angelis. Also present were Committee Members Slocomb, Sanders and Salentine, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Chief John Johnson, Plan Director Matt Sadowski and those per the attached list. Chairman De Angelis noted that the agenda was posted on October 2, 1998, in accordance with the Open meeting Law. The committee reviewed the minutes of the meeting of September 22, 1998. Ald. Sanders moved to approve with the following correction to the minutes to reflect the amendment to the amount for Voucher Approval for general funds utility vouchers from $236,067.65 to $121,283.18. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW None. LICENSE APPROVAL The committee reviewed correspondence from Chief John Johnson, dated September 30, 1998, in regard to a operator’s application for Christine Berczyk. It is the Mayor & Chief’s recommendation that the license be denied because of previous convictions. Applicant was given option to return in March of 1999 and application will be held until then. Ald. Salentine moved to approve the license applications for Tammy Villwock, Cheryl Cichanowicz, Mary Gruber, and Jonathan Fletcher. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Kathleen Farber appeared before the committee as new agent for the Broke Spoke, S102 W19570 Kelsey Drive. A discussion was held on future operations. Ms. Farber indicated that there will be no outdoor events planned for Fall and Winter of 1998 and they are planning two events for the Summer of 1999. Ald. Slocomb moved to approve the change of agent request. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Correspondence dated September 25, 1998, was received from Chief Johnson regarding a closing violation at Rider’s Inn that occurred on September 13, 1998. Ald. Salentine moved to request the Mayor’s Office to write a letter inviting the owners to the October 21, 1998 Finance Committee to discuss violation. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 3-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further review of Cellular One contract. Mayor advised that he had met with Information Systems Director Joe Sommers regarding the proposed contract and advised the committee that adding additional employees will not change originally quoted price. Ald. Sanders moved to approve contract. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 3-0. Further discussion of Mayor & Aldermen’s Salaries for 1999. Ald. Slocomb presented the committee with a graph that he prepared with the information supplied for cities in the State of Wisconsin who have full-time mayors and no administrators and, after discussion, moved to increase st the mayor’s salary to $48,000 effective April 1, 1999, with a 3.5% increase for each January 1 through the three year term. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Ald. Sanders discussed different scenarios and then moved to amend motion on floor to increase the present salary of $40,600 by Finance Committee Minutes Page 2 October 7, 1998 $4,000.00 effective April 1999, with an additional $4,000.00 increase on January 1, 2000, and an additional $4,000.00 increase on January 1, 2001, noting that future action can be taken for the term starting in April 2002. The bi-weekly rates would then be $1,715.38 effective April 1999, $1,869.23 effective January 1, 2000 and $2,023.08 effective January 1, 2000. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion to amend passed 3-0. Amended motion carried 3-0. The committee reviewed a survey completed by the Mayor’s Intern which listed the salary and benefits for the cities that were requested to be contacted. The average salary for aldermen for all of the cities listed, except Marinette and Stoughton, is $359.73 per month. The average salary for the six Milwaukee municipalities surveyed, including Muskego, is $492.33 per month. After considerable discussion, Ald. Salentine moved to approve increase in Aldermen’s salary to $235.62 (bi-weekly) effective April 1999, with an increase on January 1, 200, to $276.92 (bi-weekly). Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried at 3-0. NEW BUSINESS Review Proposed Amendment to Chapter 12 regarding Cigarette Licensing, increase in license fee, and amendment to deposit and forfeiture schedule. The committee reviewed information presented by the Clerk/Treasurer advising that the Wisconsin State Legislature has recently increased the license fee a municipality may charge for a cigarette license from $5.00 to between $5.00 and $100. The Clerk/Treasurer is proposing that the City of Muskego increase the annual fee from the existing $5.00 per cigarette machine to $25.00 per cigarette machine, to create a new Section 12.09 outlining the licensing of cigarette and tobacco products. The Clerk/Treasurer is also recommend an amendment to the Deposit & Forfeiture Schedule to reflect a recommended increase of $50.00 which after committee review and recommendation will be forwarded to Judge Lentz. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend an increase in license fee for cigarette license to $50.00 per machine and to increase the Deposit & Forfeiture Schedule to $100.00 and to direct the City Clerk to revise language in Chapter 12 to clarify hours of operation and language and present to the October 13, 1998 Council. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 3-0. Disposal of Decision Data 6703 printer. Item was removed from the agenda. Quotes for Furniture/Equipment for Police Department Expansion. Chief John Johnson appeared before the committee to discuss his memorandum dated September 30, 1998, advising that in the Spring of the year, a Request For Proposal for furniture for the Police Department Expansion was approved. Six vendors were sent the RPF and three vendors have returned the following quotes which are within the project budget of $100,000 for furniture equipment: H. H. West $43,566.24 Henrickson 44,988.75 Tab Products 49,961.79 Ald. Sanders moved to approve purchases from H. H. West not to exceed $43,566.24. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Quotes for Computer/Phone Wiring Police Expansion. Chief Johnson appeared before the committee to discuss the following quotes received for phone/computer wiring of the Police Department remodeling project: Guetze & Associates $ 7,200.00 Norstan $ 7,335.00 Loss Prevention, Inc. $14,000.00 Finance Committee Minutes Page 3 October 7, 1998 Wisconsin Power & Data $ 9,854.00 Chief explained that although Guetzke & Associates have the lower quote of $7,200.00 this does not include testing and termination of the cable on the existing patch panel equipment which would be additional with the low bidder and would exceed the $7,335.00. Ald. Sanders moved to approve contract with Norstan in the amount of $7,335.00, as recommended by Chief Johnson. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Request to write off certain delinquent personal property accounts. The committee reviewed a memorandum from Clerk-Treasurer Jean Marenda, dated September 29, 1998, requesting the write- off of the following delinquent personal property tax bills. The delinquent bills had been turned over to Waukesha County for collection. The County received payment in full for the eight accounts less 35% they retain for the collection, for a total write-off of $1,852.00 along with 19 delinquent personal property tax bills over five years old that they City has been unsuccessful in collecting which total $373.48. Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of write-offs, minus the $10.20 item for Young’s Auto Body, for a total of $2,215.28. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. The Finance Director was directed to send a letter to Young’s Auto Body, with copies to all department heads, that we will cease conducting business with them until payment has been received. The committee also requested that the Mayor and Finance Director look into the City’s ability to suspend certain services if a business or individual has any outstanding accounts with the City. Establish Pay-Range for new Public Works Superintendent. Mayor De Angelis discussed with the committee the need to establish a pay range for the new Public Works Superintendent as previous action of the Finance Committee changed the position to require a PE or minimum of 10 years experience. Ald. Salentine moved to increase the pay range for the new Public Works Superintendent position from M6 to M8, 777 points, bi-weekly salary range to be $1,623.58- $2,435.35 with a median point range of $2,029.46 bi-weekly. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Discuss pay range for Acting Public Works Superintendent. Mayor advised the committee of discussions held with the Public Works Foreman regarding interim compensation for serving as Acting Public Works Superintendent until the vacancy is filled. Ald. Sanders moved to approve annual interim bi-weekly salary of $1,656.73 (effective October 1, 1998) with accrual of eight (8) hours vacation per week up to 105 hours with further hours needing committee approval. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Ald. Sanders moved to amend approval for annual interim bi-weekly salary of $1,719.93 with eight (8) hours accrued vacation per week up to 105 hours with further hours needing committee approval. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Amendment passed 3-0. Motion passed 3-0. Review request for Park Dedication Funds-Horn Field. The committee reviewed a memorandum from Parks & Recreation Director Craig Anderson advising that the Parks & Recreation Board is recommending the following improvements to Horn Field: 1. Outside Base Paths & Home Plate Circle - cut out at least 6’ of sod and ridge, then re-grade and re-sod to correct dimensions. 2. Area In Front of Home Plate - Re-sod to correct dimensions. 3. Inside Infield Are - Cut out ridge as needed, re-grade and re-sod to correct dimensions. 4. Infield/Outfield Area - Establish new turf line to correct dimensions by cutting out ridge and 8’ of sod, re-grade, and excavate. 5. Infield-Lower existing skinned area and add mason sand and 2 tons calciened clay (includes all base paths and home plate areas). 6. Pitcher’s Mound - Rebuild pitchers mound with new 50-50 clay sand mix. Finance Committee Minutes Page 4 October 7, 1998 The above work would be performed in the Fall of 1998 for use in 1999. The estimate received is from Natural Athletic Turf, Inc., which is a reputable firm and has done work for the city at Horn an Bluhm fields. A discussion was held on the use of Park Dedication Funds and whether or not the City should be pursuing funds from the School District since they use this field more than the City. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of the expenditure of $7,100 to be taken from Park Dedication Funds and to request that the Mayor contact the School District and request a 50% reimbursement with those funds to be put back into the Park Dedication Funds. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-0. Review request for reimbursement of engineering - Lake Point Estates Homeowners. Mr. Art Pope appeared before the committee to discuss his correspondence of September 29, 1998, requesting reimbursement of charges that were incurred from engineering fees pertaining to the detention pond on Spinnaker Drive. Four landowners worked with a private landscaper to come up with a plan to eliminate the pond and standing water. The plan was reviewed by the City Engineers, Ruekert & Mielke to calculate the pond dimensions and resulted in a $524.00 bill sent to the four affected homeowners. A letter from another affected landowner, Mr. Kevin Mutschler, was also reviewed and placed on file. Ald. Salentine moved to research original recommendation by Ruekert & Mielke on this issue and determine if they recommended the original detention pond design and, if so, discuss their absorbing one-half of the cost with the City. The Finance Director is directed to refund the payment made by the property owners in the amount of $524.00 or $131.00 to be taken from the Miscellaneous Engineer Fees. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 3-0. Discuss city’s practice regarding Accounts Receivable. Finance Director Dawn Gunderson discussed with the committee an inquiry that the City had received for a payment plan for a charge on a culvert in excess of $6,000.00. She explained that currently no such provision exists to allow for such a plan and if the bill became delinquent it will be placed on the tax bill of the individual or business if the charge relates to their property. She also explained that accounts do become past due and no penalty of or interest is charged for delinquent bills. The committee requested that the Finance Director review alternatives and present to the committee, at a future meeting, a draft of her proposal until such time the existing practice would continue. Discuss Billing Procedure for Refuse/Recycling. Finance Director Gunderson advised that this item had been placed on the agenda because of some difficulties when generating the Refuse/Recycling notices. She reported that the problems have been resolved and advised that she would be working, between now and next year, with the other staff involved with this process to determine what other, perhaps more efficient, options are available for generating these notices. If funds would be required to make a change, it would be placed on the agenda of this committee at a future date. Discuss Tree Planting - Plum Creek Phase I. Plan Director Matt Sadowski appeared before the committee to discuss tree planting for Plum Creek Phase I. The Finance Committee, at their meeting of September 22, 1998, moved to accept quotes submitted by Lambs Nursery in the amount of $21,275 for 75 street trees with $11,105 to be taken from the developer’s deposit and charging the balance to the developer. Mr. Sadowski explained that recent correspondence from Mr. Patch states that the requirement at the signing of the Developer’s Agreement for that subdivision was for 1 l/4 to l l/2 inch street trees; not the present requirement of 2 ¼ to 2 ½ inch street trees. Three different options were proposed: 1) plant trees at 2 ½ inch diameter and the City make up the difference, 2) Request Lambs Nursery to plant 75 trees, as was the original award, and then 15 additional trees at 1 ½ diameter, 3) plant all 1 ¼ to 1 ½ inch diameter trees which would probably be Finance Committee Minutes Page 5 October 7, 1998 covered by the $11,105. Mr. Sadowski explained that Mr. Patch had a resource that could supply 1 ½ inch diameter trees for the $7,515. Mr. Patch waived his ability to select a supplier when he turned the funds over to the City. Also, Mr. Sadowski explained that when talking with Mr. Lamb, he was told that they had already pulled approximately 45 2 ½ inch diameter trees for the project. Ald. Sanders moved to direct Mr. Sadowski to work with Mr. Lamb on the trees already pulled to see if they could be used for another development and then to work with Mr. Lamb to secure the 90 1 l/4 to 1 1/2 inch trees. If Mr. Lamb does not have a source for the 45 trees already pulled, the city will purchase those and order 45 1 ½ tree from Mr. Lamb for the remainder of the project. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. The committee wanted it noted that for all future developments, the Developer’s Agreement will hold back double the amount of money estimated for street trees and set a specific deadline for planting of the trees for no sooner than one year and no later than three years after signing of the developer’s agreement. Review proposal for services - Ralph Evans (Cable Contract). The committee reviewed correspondence from Ralph E. Evans advising that he would review the draft franchise agreement and ordinance in terms of the technology environment at a cost of $1,200.00, and would be willing to negotiate a new agreement with Time Warner Cable for the City at a rate of $125.00 per hour. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of an agreement for technology environment review at a cost not to exceed $1,200.00 with decision on negotiation participation determined at a later date. Seconded by Ald. Slocomb, motion carried 3-0. Ald. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 11:35 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, Dawn R. Gunderson Finance Director /ca