FM051298 FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO CORRECTED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1998 The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m. by Mayor De Angelis with Committee members Slocomb, Sanders, and Salentine present. Also in attendance was Alderman Woodard and Deputy Clerk Blenski. Aldermen Pionek and Chiaverotti arrived during the meeting. The Mayor noted that there were no licenses to review. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted. The Mayor noted the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Unfinished Business Further Review of Transfer of Assignment-Deer Creek Subdivider’s Agreement This issue was deferred from the May 6 meeting. The Mayor stated that the Council will have to defer the assignment of the letters of credit for Deer Creek and Deer Creek Addition No. 1 as the forms sent by the bank were incorrect. This issue will also have to be deferred. Alderman Salentine moved to defer this issue to the May 20, 1998 Finance Committee meeting. Alderman Sanders seconded; motion carried unanimously. New Business 1. Review Bids - Official City Newspaper The Mayor noted that Community Newspapers, Inc. submitted the only bid as follows: stnd 1 2 Insertion Insertion Per Line Common Council Proceedings $ 0.66 $ 0.52 City’s Legal Notices $ 0.66 $ 0.52 Per Column Inch For Display Ads, Sample Ballots, and Other Matter Set in a Display Format $ 7.60 $ 7.00 Alderman Salentine asked who was notified of City’s ad for bids. The deputy clerk responded that it was published in the Muskego Sun, as the City’s official newspaper. The Freeman and Mukwonago Chief were also notified. Alderman Salentine stated there was discussion last year about notifying a Waterford paper. The Mayor stated that the state statutes specifically outline the qualification criteria. It was noted several years ago, The Freeman submitted a bid but did not qualify. Alderman Salentine asked why not. The deputy clerk stated she did not know but would provide the information to Alderman Salentine. The per line rate for first insertions for Council proceedings and legal notices at $0.66 is $0.01 less than last year’s bid. Alderman Slocomb moved to Finance Committee Minutes Page 2 May 12, 1998 recommend acceptance of bid as submitted by Community Newspapers, Inc. Alderman Sanders seconded; motion carried unanimously. 2. Authorize Community Development Grant Participation Renewal Alderman Slocomb moved for approval. Alderman Salentine seconded. Discussion took place about the City’s commitment to the program which would be for a full three- year period (1999 through 2002). The Mayor explained that state CDBG funds cannot be applied for if the City participates in the county program. Alderman Salentine stated she does not feel this will hurt us. Motion carried unanimously. Voucher Approval (The Finance Committee corrected the voucher totals at their meeting held May 20, 1998 and the corrected amounts are indicated below.) Alderman Salentine moved for approval of General Fund vouchers in the amount of $1,445,703.82, $414,982.26 Tax Checks in the amount of $1,163,049.56 $1,164,273.15 and Utility Vouchers in the amount of $75,502.11. Alderman Sanders seconded. Motion to approve vouchers carried unanimously. Release of Funds Alderman Salentine moved to approve an additional release of funds ($3,025) from Letter of Credit for Deer Creek Addition #1 to bring the total amount of the release to $315,389.96 as recommended in amended memo from Director of Planning dated 4/28/98. A balance of $286,762.02 would remain. The Finance Committee approved a release of $312,364.96 at their 4/28/98 meeting. Alderman Slocomb seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Adjournment Alderman Sanders moved to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Seconded by Alderman Slocomb; motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Jill Blenski Deputy City Clerk