FCM19970618FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:13 P.M. by Mayor David L. De Angelis. Also present were committee members D'Acquisto, Sanders and Salentine, Finance Director Dawn Gunderson, Chief John Johnson, and those per the attached list. The committee noted that the meeting was posted on June 13, 1997, in accordance with the open meeting law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Chief Johnson discussed with the committee action that was taken at the June 4, 1997, meeting which approved license applications for the Community Festival to be held August 22nd thru 24th with restriction of wrist bands. Chief stated that juvenile drinking for this event has been minor and changes do not seem to be warranted at this time. Chief requested the committee's reconsideration of wrist bands to hand stamps for people under 30. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend removal of stipulation of wrist band condition for Community Festival license. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 2-0, with Ald. D'Acquisto abstaining due to business dealings with Wrist Band, Inc. REVIEW OF LICENSE APPLICATIONS Ald. D'Acquisto moved to approve an Operator's License for the following applicants subject to receipt of fees, favorable police report and verification of schooling: Christy Dombrowski Anna Siczkowycz Debora Jackson Coyzette Jackson Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-O. Ald. Salentine moved to approve temporary Operator's License for Raymond Musolf, Joseph Warchol and John Werderitch for the Community Festival. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-o. PERIODIC LICENSE REVIEW REVIEW OF 1997-98 LICENSES The committee reviewed the 1997-98 liquor license applications for the following: Waylyn, Inc. - Lyn Kurer appeared before the Committee, at their request, and advised the committee that she amended her application to remove Wayne Bushberger as officer of the corporation. Ms. Kurer is requesting an outside dance permit for July 18, 19 & 20, 1997 for Bushyfest including amendment to outside premise for parking lot to be licensed until 1:30 A.M. Mayor advised there were significantly more complaints last year than for previous years, which included complaints about noise beyond time allowed by license. Ald. D'Acquisto reminded Ms. Kurer of an under- --- -. Finance Committee - Page 2 June 18, 1997 standing made last year that if there were complaints there may not be a permit issued for this year and asked her to give serious consideration as to what she intends to do to insure fewer complaints. Ms. Kurer advised that she has sent a notice to all property owners in the area asking that they contact her if they have any problems. Ald. Sanders suggested that the direction of the band be changed to face east and that the side flaps of the tent be used to prevent sound from carrying. Committee requested that minutes reflect that if there are legitimate complaints received after this year's Bushyfest in the same volume as last year, that committee will not issue license. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to approve outside dance permit for July 18, 19 & 20, 1997, with the same restrictions as for 1996, subject to an agreement with Ms. Kurer that measures be taken to control the volume of bands and crowds in an effort to control the complaints. The measures can be at the discretion of the owner. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Ald. D'Acquisto called for the question, carried 3-O. Motion carried 3-O. T & T Futures, Inc. (Piggly Wiggly) - Ald. Salentine moved to approve application as submitted for a "Class A" Liquor/ Beer. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried 3-O. Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc. - Ald. Salentine moved to approval the license with deck area to be fenced. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-O. Ald. Salentine moved to amend her motion to include deck area in licensed premise without fencing as is on current license. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion 3-O. Favre & Associates (currently Kelsey Pub) - Mr. Jeff Favre, agent, appeared before the committee explaining his plans for the premise. Mayor explained that license does not include any application for outside entertain- ment and that this can be done on an event by event basis. Committee advised that if parking or live music becomes an issue, that the applicant will be brought back to the committee to discuss these issues. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to recommend approval of "Class B" Liquor/Beer license subject to proof of schooling. Seconded by Ald. Sanders. Ald. Sanders questioned changing license on outside premise from 10:00 P.M. to Midnight. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to amend previous motion to include the following hours: Sunday thru Thursday until 10:00 P.M. and Friday and Saturday until 11:00 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-O. K & E Corporation (The Chesapeake) - Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of "Class B" Liquor/Beer license. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-O. Muskego Lakes Corp. - Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval of "Class B" Liquor/Beer license. Seconded Finance Committee - Page 3 June 18, 1997 by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried 3-O. Richard Scott Phillips (Fill-Ups) - Aid. Salentine moved to recommend approval of "Class B" Liquor/Beer license. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried 3-O. Sharon Kollenbroich (The Last Chance) - Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of "Class B" Liquor/Beer license. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried 3-O. Magdalene Schaumberg (Choir Practice) - Ald. Salentine moved to recommend approval of "Class B" Liquor/Beer license. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried 3-O. B, Michael's - Bertram Schneider appeared before the committee, at their request, to discuss license application. Ald. D'Acquisto advised of complaints received by constituents on noise, condition of the property and parking. Mr. Schneider explained that he has landscaping plans for split rail fence, trees, enclosing dumpster, and also painting building this summer. Parking lot will be more enclosed with landscaped walkway placed in front in order to prevent people from parking in front. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to recommend approval of "Class B" Liquor/Beer license. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-O. Klub 24 (previously J. C. Hammer's) - James Crivello, owner of record of establishment, appeared before the committee, along with Bette Makolondra and her attorney, Kim Theabold, and also new applicant, Brian Shanklin. Mr. Crivello advised that Bette Makolondra has been ordered by the Court not to go on premise. Mayor advised that the City Attorney has stated that the City has no other choice but to issue license to current license holder and that it would be illegal for Mr. Shanklin to be open under present license unless he is a designee of the license holder. Brian Shanklin agreed to cease operation and the City agreed to hold his license application until premise becomes available. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to approve license application for Bette Makolondra with issuance subject to payment of all creditors. Seconded by Ald. Salentine,motion carried 3-O. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The committee further discussed proposed financing for the Loomis Drive Reconstruction project. Finance Director Dawn Gunderson explained that at the June 4, 1997 meeting, a recommendation was made to approve the leveling off and seal coating of Loomis Drive. The $39,897.45 to complete the project is recommended to be done with a change order to the 1997 Road Program. Dawn is recommending that the $39,897.45 come from the City's Contingency fund. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to approve Finance Committee - Page 4 June 18, 1997 expenditure and the transfer from Contingency. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-O. NEW BUSINESS Chief Johnson appeared before the committee to review 1997/98 66.30 Agreement with School District for Liaison Officers. Ald. Sanders moved to approve the 66.30 Agreement which is identical to the 1997/97 agreement. Seconded by Aid. Salentine, motion carried 3-O. Mr. Glen Miller appeared before the committee to review Subdivider's Agreement for Miller Town Houses. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to defer to Finance Committee of 7/2/97 for final review with letter of credit, and subject to grading plans being reviewed by the Public Works Committee and the following amendments: Section II - Completion of Improvements - to read: The improvements set forth in Section I above shall be completed by the Subdivider in total within one (1) year from signing of this Agreement or except if an earlier date is provided for in the Agreement. If the city receives notice of the intention to terminate the Letter of Credit prior to completion of the improvements set forth in Section I, such notice shall be considered a failure to complete improvements in accordance with this Agreement and shall entitle the City to immediately draw against the Letter of Credit. Section III - Dedication - eliminate the following in sentence 1 - roads, streets, watermains, storm and surface water drainage facilities. Section IV - Add "and Ordinance #909" after CITY's Land Division Ordinance. Section VI - Guarantees - rewrite first sentence to read as follows: The subdivider shall guarantee the sanitary sewers, surface water drainage improvements and all other improvements described in Section I, Items A & B (with present Section I being renumbered). Section XII - Building and Occupancy Permits - remove "water" from A. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-O. Finance Committee - Page 5 June 18, 1997 0 The committee reviewed Subdivider's Agreement for Deer Creek-Addn. #l. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to amend Section V - K. to add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph, "There will then remain one (1) REC of capacity." and to defer to the July 2, 1997 meeting to review Public Works Committee's recommendation, letter of credit, and cost improvement breakdown. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-O. The committee reviewed memorandum from Parks Director Peter Theis advising that the Muskego Woman's club has requested to have the "Safety City" layout repainted at Horn Field for their July program. The Parks & Recreation Board is recommending an appropriation not to exceed $1,000 be approved based on the following quotes: Play Surfaces, Inc. $1,000 Poblocki Paving Corp. $ 980 This expenditure was included in the 1997 Parks Dedication Account #100.0000.0639. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend award of bid to Poblocki Paving Corp. in the amount of $980 with expenditure to be taken from 1997 Parks Dedication Account. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-O. Chief Johnson discussed with the committee the disposition of Surplus Equipment at the Police Department which includes eight Remington 870 shotguns. Chief is recommending that the City approve exchange of equipment with Badger Guns and Ammo of West Milwaukee for a police model 308 caliber Remington with the Leupold 3 l/2 x 10 scope with mounting hardware as an even exchange. Ald. Salentine moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried 3-O. Ald. D'Acquisto moved to approve request to waiver Electrical Permit Fees for Muskego Community Festival. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried 3-O. RELEASE OF FUNDS - LETTER OF CREDIT Ald. D'Acquisto moved to approve release of funds for Champions Villages in the amount of $900.00 for engineering. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried 3-O. COMNUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Ald. D'Acquisto advised that in response to a memorandum received from Clerk-Treasurer Marenda inquiring on status of proposed policy for elected and non-elected department heads, the Mayor's intern is working on policy. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. Seconded by Ald. D'Acquisto, motion carried 3-O. Finance Committee - Page 6 June 18, 1997 Respectfully submitted, /ca Dawn R. Gunderson Finance Director CITY OF NUSKEGO W182 88200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150 - Phone 679-5625 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Finance Committee FROM: Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk DATE: June 4, 1997 RE: License Renewals 1997-1998 License Year Please review the following license applications received and make a recommendation to the Common Council for the June LO, 1997 meeting. Police reports are attached ( * denotes police report w/violation and/or police information on the establishment). ANY CHANGES NOTED IN BOLD TYPE: "Class B" Liquor/Beer: Bonnie Acker (R. & B.'s Stagecoach Inn) * Alpine Lanes of Muskego, Inc. * APPLICANT REQUESTING TO ADD VOLLEYBALL COURTS. Aud Mar Supper Club Beach Club, Inc. (Amann's Beach Food & Spirits) Club Durham, Inc. * Dars, Inc. (Williams) * Denoon Saloon Corp. - Currently not open; '96-'97 license not yet issued Patricia Gies-Kleinkordt * APPLICANT HAS APPLIED FOR RENEWAL; HOWEVER SHE HAS SINCE ALSO SUBMITTED A LETTER DATED 5114197 STATING PROPERTY IS BEING SOLD AND SEE AGREES TO HAVE LICENSE ISSUED TO NEW APPLICANT (Favre) FOR NEW LICENSE YEAR D. & D. Giesegh (Parkside Inn) * D. & C. Hewitt, Inc. (D. J.'s Pub & Grill) * APPLICANT REQUESTING LICENSING OF PARKING LOT UNTIL 11:OO PM; CURRENTLY LICENSED UNTIL 10:00 PM. Sandra Jeske (Tootmeisters) Loreen Klauser (Hunter's Nest) * OUTSIDE DANCE - 8/10/97 (11:00 AM TO 4:00 PM) NO COMPLAINTS PER P.D. FROM LAST YEAR FOR SIMILAR EVENT. Sharon Xollenbroich (The Last Chance) APPLICATION ALSO RECEIVED FROM RENEE STEENWEG FOR SAME PREMISE. CONTROVERSY EXISTS REGARDING WHO WILL BE IN CONTROL OF THE PREMISE ON 7/l/97. PRIOR TO LICENSE BEING ISSUED, CLERK WILL VERIFY IF CURRENT LICENSE HOLDER (5. Kollenbroich) WHO IS A TENANT HAS A LEASE. LAAM, INC. (Leah's Italian Restaurant) NAME CHANGE FROM LEAH'S PIZZA & PASTA APPLICANT REQUESTING SEASONAL OUTSIDE SALES AS IN THE PAST; PLAN DEPT. ADVISED PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED IF CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN '94 ARB SAME. MR. BOHNE IS NOT SURE THEY WILL USE SINCE THEIR CURRENT LOCATION HAS MORE SEATING CAPACITY THAN BEFORE. Mayor/Finance Committtee Memo Page 2 6/4/97 Richard Lucht (The Lakeview Tavern) * Veronica Manriquez (Aqualins) T. & M. Mather (Mather Lanes) Linda Moore (Linda's Place) APPLICANT HAS NOT REQUESTED SPECIFIC TIME FOR OUTSIDE PREMISE TO BE LICENSED UNTIL; PLEASE ESTABLISH TINE RESTRICTION Donna Mae Morris (Changes Pub & Grill) * MRS. MORRIS HAS REQUESTED A CLASS "A" DANCE HALL LICENSE FOR THE ENTIRE '97-'98 LICENSE YEAR FOLLOWING MAY 23 EVENT. POLICE DEPT. STATED THERE WERE NO COMPLAINTS FOR THAT EVENT. Muskego Moose Lodge Robert Phelps (Bayside Inn) * MR. PHELPS INDICATED A PENDING CHARGE ON HIS APPLICATION FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT. ON JUNE 3, HE VERBALLY CAME IN AND TOLD ME THE CHARGE WAS DISMISSED. I AM NOT SURE IF THIS IS SAME ISSUE AS CONTAINED ON POLICE REPORT DATED 6/3/97. R.L.C., Inc. (Amann's Beach) Carlton Sayer (Pioneer Inn) Neome Schaumberg (Schaumberg's Suburban House) MRS. SCHAUNBERG HAS APPLIED FOR THE LICENSE PREVIOUSLY HELD BY HER HUSBAND, RICHARD. MAYOR AND ALD. D'ACQUISTO DETERMINED AN INTERVIEW WAS NOT REQUIRED. MR. SCHAUMBERG HAS SUBMITTED A NONRENEWAL FORM. Bertram M. Schneider (B. Michael's) * Siam Restaurant, Inc. (Bangkok Cafe) Eugene Sobek (Sobek's Tavern) Ted's Country Squire Valley Green Golf Course & Cocktail Lounge Waylyn, Inc. (Bushy's) * (OUTSIDE DANCE PERMIT ALSO REQUESTED FOR BUSHYFEST JULY 18, 19 & 20 INCLUDING AMENDMENT TO OUTSIDE PREMISE FOR PARKING LOT TO BE LICENSED UNTIL 1:30 AN FOR BUSHYPEST) SEE POLICE DEPT. INFO FOR COMPLAINTS FROM LAST YR. CITY OF MUSKEGO W182 58200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150 - Phone 679-5625 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Finance Committee FROM: Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk DATE: June 2, 1997 RE: License Renewals 1997-1998 License Year Please review the following license applications received and make a recommendation to the Common Council for the June 10, 1997 meeting. Police reports are attached ( * denotes police report w/violation). CHANGES NOTED IN BOLD TYPE: Waterway Marker: Bay Breeze Condominium Assn. Muskego Shores Community Assn. Waterway Marker/Swim Beach: City of Muskego (Idle Isle Park) Aud Mar Supper Club (w/liquor lit. app) R.L.C., Inc. - Amann's Beach (w/liquor lit. app) Archery, Rifle, Trap: (No safety hazards found per inspections made by Don Simon) Boxhorn's Big Muskego Gun Club, Inc. Hunter's Nest (Loreen Klauser) (w/liquor lit. app) Schultz Resort Rod & Gun Club (w/beer lit. app) "Class A" Liquor/Beer: Erickson's Roadrunner Express Ltd. (Mike's Express) McAdams, Inc. d/b/a Pick-'N Save Muskego Marketplace Foods, LLC (Sentry) Muskego Warehouse Beer & Liquor Neome Schaumberg (House of Treasures) Evangelos Skodras (Crossroads Food & Beverage) * Class "B" Beer* . Dairvland Pizza Hut, Inc. Schuitz Resort Rod & Gun Club Charles Schweitzer (Wagon Wheel Horse Stables) Class "A" Beer: Clark Refinina & Marketina. Inc. Kwik Trip, Inc. <. Open Pantry Food Marts of Wisconsin, Inc. Swatek Sales Corporation (SS Express Lanes)