FCM199705270 l FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:16 P.M. by Chairman De Angelis. Also present were Committee Members Aldermen D'Acquisto, Sanders, and Salentine, as well as Aldermen Patterson, Pionek, Slocomb and Woodard, Finance Director Gunderson, Plan Director Sadowski, Deputy Clerk Blenski, Sean McMullen (Ruekert & Mielke) and Joe Dibb. The Deputy Clerk noted the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meetings Law on Friday, May 23, 1997. License Approval Alderman D'Acquisto moved to recommend approval of a Class "B" Beer License for Schultz Resort Rod & Gun Club, Michael Milonczyk Agent for the remainder of the 1996-1997 license year. Alderman Salentine seconded, motion carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted. Unfinished Business Approval of Funding for Access to Lions Park This item was deferred from the May 21 committee meeting to determine funding. Alderman Sanders moved to approve expenditure for access in the amount of $700 to be taken from "Other Projects" in the Park Dedication account. Alderman Salentine seconded, motion carried. New Business 1. Review Bids - Loomis Road Reconstruction Alderman Sanders expressed concern about the amount of money ($207,741.03) to be disbursed to reconstruct two miles of road which is not heavily traveled. Alderman D'Acquisto stated he understands concern about the expense which was also expressed at the Public Works Committee meeting by Superintendent John Loughney. However, the commitment was made to do the project and it is not fair to reshuffle the deck at the eleventh hour. Alderman Sanders stated concern regarding cracking the existing road base (also discussed at the Public Works meeting just prior to Finance). Sean McMullen stated the State of Wisconsin sees what is proposed as a suitable fix. However, there is some risk. Alderman Pionek asked if this process was done last year in the area of the sewer project. Mr. McMullen responded it was only in a slight amount; there were several different things done in that area. Alderman Salentine questioned why the traffic count (also discussed at Public Works meeting) was done this late in the process. Alderman Pionek responded that Mr. Loughney had placed the counters out a few weeks ago but there was something wrong with them. Mayor De Angelis noted they cannot be used during the winter months. Mr. Dibb stated the Town of Norway did road construction (on Loomis Drive) five years ago and the road has Finance Committee Minutes May 21, 1997 Page 2 held up well. lie noted in the past the Public Works Department has done shoulder work which would decrease expense of the project. Alderman Salentine expressed concern that the base bid did not include other items, such as shoulder and restoration costs, and the committee did not have this information before them. She moved to defer to the June 4 Finance Committee meeting. Alderman Sanders seconded, motion carried. Mr. McMullen was requested to provide information regarding milling and asphalting costs only. 2. Review Agreement with the Water Bugs Ski Team, Inc. Alderman Salentine moved to recommend approval. Alderman Sanders seconded. Discussion took place. Alderman D'Acquisto stated he objects to the amount of time the Water Bugs are allowed to use the park which is public. Alderman Salentine agreed. Alderman Patterson stated this is not just something for the Water Bugs. They are providing a service to the City that the citizens enjoy. The City does benefit. Alderman D'Acquisto stated he has received calls from constituents who have stated they pay for the park and their use is being abridged. Alderman D'Acquisto moved to amend item No. 16 a. contained in the 1997 Agreement to include "an alderman" regarding who can make a substantiated complaint. Alderman Salentine seconded, motion carried. Motion to recommend approval of amended agreement carried. Mayor noted that the majority of the Water Bugs are residents of Muskego. Alderman Patterson left at 8:00 P.M. 3. Position Creation - Planning Intern A position description was submitted to those present. Alderman D'Acquisto moved to recommend approval of the position. Alderman Salentine seconded, motion carried. Voucher Approval Alderman D'Acquisto moved for approval of General Vouchers in the amount of $413,960 and Utility Vouchers in the amount of $109,307.42. Alderman Sanders seconded, carried. Alderman D'Acquisto moved to adjourn at 8:04 P.M. Alderman Salentine seconded, motion carried. Respectfully submitted,