FCM19970408FINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF NUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman De Angelis. Also present were Committee Members D'Acquisto, Sanders and Suhr as well as Aldermen Patterson, Pionek and Salentine, Finance Director Gunderson, Clerk Treasurer Marenda, Plan Director Sadowski, and Deputy Clerk Blenski. The Deputy Clerk noted the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meetings Law on Friday, April 4, 1997. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Alderman Suhr moved to correct the word "land" vacation contained on page 3, paragraph 5 to "road" vacation. Alderman Sanders seconded, motion carried. Unfinished Business 1. Clerk-Treasurer Compensation for Comptroller's Duties Alderman Sanders stated he drafted the Resolution to be considered at this evening's Council meeting (Reso. #66-97). The language in the Resolution came out of discussion he had with the Mayor and Finance Director. The Resolution offers the additional compensation to be placed in the Clerk-Treasurer's existing deferred compensation plan with the dollar amount to be determined. Alderman Suhr stated he does not oppose this method 0 but asked about the amount. Alderman Sanders stated an amount less than what the Clerk-Treasurer requested could be contributed to the plan as the amount will grow with the interest earned. Alderman Salentine asked what the interest rate has been. Jean Marenda responded 6%. Alderman Sanders asked for input from the other aldermen. Alderman Suhr stated there were not too many alternatives. Alderman Salentine stated that she calculated the hours the Clerk-Treasurer worked which equate to 16 days. She suggested that Jean take the time off. Several aldermen did not agree stating that camp time does not work; the position is salaried. Alderman Patterson stated the Clerk-Treasurer performed the work which was outside of her duties as Clerk-Treasurer and she should be paid, either in cash or a contribution to her deferred compensation plan. Alderman Salentine questioned why the Clerk-Treasurer's rate of pay was being used and not the Clerk Comptroller's rate. Alderman Patterson asked what the differences in the rates were. The Clerk-Treasurer was requested to provide this information. Finance Director Gunderson stated that a contribution to the deferred compensation plan was tax deferred which offered an additional benefit. Alderman D'Acquisto asked where the money would come from. Alderman Patterson stated contingency if we need to. Mayor stated he believed there was still some money in the Finance Director's salary account. Jean Marenda stated monies were available in her salary account as the Recording Secretary position has not been filled and will probably not be l filled this month. Alderman Salentine questioned why Jean listed time for her attendance at the Committee of the Whole meetings as she always attends those meetings. Jean responded that she did attend the meetings, however, they were budget review meetings. She was there as staff support for her responsibilities as Comptroller. She does not anticipate Finance Committee Minutes April 8, 1997 Page 2 0 attending these meetings for the review of next year's budget the Finance Director is now on board. The Clerk-Treasurer reported that her Clerk Comptroller rate was $19.16 an hour (with the current Clerk Treasurer rate being $20.27). as Alderman Pionek stated this has gone back and forth and he made a motion to send the issue back to the Finance Committee, however, nothing was done. He opposes deferring everything. Alderman Pionek asked if an amount has been determined. Alderman Sanders stated it depends on how long the money will be in the plan. Jean stated the earliest she could draw the money out would be in four years. The Mayor requested that the Finance Director calculate a specific amount equal to the $2,518 requested as well as the $2,380 (using Clerk Comptroller rate) over a period of time. Dawn stated that the 6% rate was conservative. As to the issue of there being no tax consequence if the money was placed in the deferred compensation plan, Jean stated that she planned to place the money in that account anyway. Alderman Pionek offered the amount of $1,600 to be confirmed following the calculations of the Finance Director. Alderman Suhr moved to contribute $1,600 to the deferred compensation plan of the Clerk-Treasurer. Alderman Sanders seconded. Motion carried 2 to 1 with Sanders and Suhr voting "yes" and D'Acquisto voting "no." Dawn Gunderson spoke on behalf of her budget and the future needs of her department with regard to using any unexpended money in her accounts. The committee acknowledged her point. Jean Marenda stated that there were sufficient funds in the salary account for the Recording Secretary. Alderman Sanders moved to take the $1,600 from the unexpended Clerk Treasurer's salary account. Alderman Suhr seconded. Motion carried 2 to 1 with Sanders and Suhr voting "yes" and D'Acquisto voting "no." The Clerk-Treasurer left the meeting following discussion of this issue. New Business 1. Discuss 1997 Blue Chip Grant Application Plan Director Matt Sadowski appeared before the Committee. He stated funds are being requested from Waukesha County to cover printing costs for updated versions of various documents such as the Fact Book. Alderman Sanders asked who would do the updating and Matt responded an intern. Alderman D'Acquisto asked about the City's matching contribution. Matt stated $2,400 is the City's portion which has been budgeted. Alderman D'Acquisto stated the amount is high. He objected to this item at budget time as well. Alderman Sanders moved to recommend support for the grant application. Alderman Suhr seconded. Motion carried 3-o. Voucher Approval Alderman D'Acquisto moved for approval of General Vouchers in the amount of $297,022.65 and Utility Vouchers in the amount of Finance Committee Minutes April 8, 1997 Page 3 $84,685.06. Alderman Suhr seconded, carried. Alderman Patterson left the meeting at 7:31 P.M. Service Aqreements Alderman D'Acquisto requested to be excused due to a conflict of interest regarding the maintenance agreement with Gordon Flesch for the Canon copier at the Police Department. There were no objections. Alderman Suhr moved to approve maintenance agreement for one year (effective from 4/11/97) at .009 per copy per memo submitted from Chief Johnson. Alderman Sanders seconded. Motion carried Z-O. Alderman D'Acquisto returned to the meeting. Under Communications, the Mayor stated that a memo was received from Lt. Geiszler indicating that any City employee can act as the complainant on a falsified application and that the application does not have to be notarized at City Hall. Alderman Sanders moved to adjourn at 7:40 P.M. Alderman Suhr seconded, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, l Jill Blenski Deputy City Clerk jmb