FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes - 10/13/2015 Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES October 13, 2015 6:15 PM City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Members Aldermen Borgman, Kubacki and Madden. Also present: Aldermen Hammel, Engelhardt, Kapusta (arrived at 6:19 p.m.), Wolfe (arrived at 6:31 p.m.), Director of Public Works/City Engineer Simpson and Finance and Administration Director Mueller. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Ms. Mueller stated that the meeting was properly noticed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 22, 2015 Alderman Borgman made a motion to approve the minutes. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. LICENSE APPROVALS Recommend Approval of Operator Licenses Alderman Kubacki made a motion to approve recommend approval of Operator Licenses for Joseph Anders, Linda Anderson, Jody Bence, Emili Coubal, Lori Coubal, Stephanie Grode, Lynn Ussel, James Lovald, Brittany Razo and Ronald Ricupero. Alderman Borgman seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. NEW BUSINESS Discuss Offer of Settlement - Crystal Lake Subdivision Mr. Simpson stated discussion regarding the Crystal Lakes Subdivision has been ongoing. A large amount of the $66,000 Letter of Credit was used to complete the roadway improvements. An amount of $9,700 is available from the Letter of Credit, which could be utilized to complete the remaining items. The developer's attorney is asking that the City settle the matter for $6,000. Finance Committee Minutes 2 October 13, 2015 Mr. Simpson noted that it would cost approximately $20,000 to complete the street trees and approximately $38,000 to reconstruct the cul-de-sac. He has notified the residents of the subdivision; he is requesting direction on how to proceed. Ald. Kubacki stated that pursuing additional funds from the developer is risky. It will cost money and could result in receiving nothing. Several residents of the subdivision were present. One homeowner did not believe completing the trees was a priority; another disagreed. Mayor Chiaverotti suggested that whatever money is acquired, plus the remaining $9,700, could be put in a segregated account; how the funds will be used could be determined later. The consensus was for the City to pursue $10,266.05 from the developer. Ald. Kubacki will facilitate a meeting with all the property owners in the subdivision to see how the money would be utilized. Alderman Borgman made a motion to direct Mr. Simpson to negotiate with the developer's attorney. Mr. Simpson will submit a counter offer; the City would like to receive a minimum of $10,266.05 (amount needed for tree completion with the remaining $9,700 from the Letter of Credit). Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Recommendation to Amend Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code to Add Section 1.12 (Department of Law) Alderman Kubacki made a motion to recommend an Amendment to Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code to Add Section 1.12 (Department of Law). Alderman Madden seconded. Ms. Mueller stated there is also an existing Charter Ordinance that is associated with the proposed new ordinance. A new Charter Ordinance will be brought forth at the next meeting. A change is proposed as recommended by the League to amend the voting requirement from majority to three-fourths. Alderman Borgman moved to approve the change as proposed. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. VOUCHER APPROVAL Utility Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Utility Vouchers in the amount of $340,425.05. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Tax Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Tax Vouchers in the amount of $200.00. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. General Fund Vouchers Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of General Fund Vouchers in the amount of $996,099.58. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Finance Committee Minutes 3 October 13, 2015 Motion Passed 3 in favor. Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals Alderman Borgman made a motion to recommend approval of Wire Transfers for Payroll/Invoice Transmittals in the amount of $640,593.67. Alderman Madden seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Borgman made a motion to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. Alderman Kubacki seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Minutes transcribed by Jill Blenski, Deputy Clerk.