pfcm20060420. City of Muskego Police & Fire Commission Meeting April 20, 2C06 The meeting of the Muskego Police & Fire Commission was held on Thursday, April 20, 2006 in the conference room ofthe City of Muskego Police Department. Commissioner Rammer called the meeting to order at 7:30Plvt Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was taken with Commissioners Rammer, Lehman, Gleason, and Sindic present. Commissioner Treba was excused. Statement of Public Notice was given to the press and posted on Thursday, April 6, 2006. Commissioner Lehman made a motion to approve the agenda items and Commissioner Sindic seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Lehman made a motion to accept the minutes of the January 19th, and February 23rd meetings. Commissioner Sindic seconded and motion carried unanimously. . REPORT FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT · Officer Erin Huesdens has completed her probationary period and is doing well. · An officer's probation was extended jjD:r six. months due to surgery and a lengthy recovery. · A sergeant's disability claim goes to the CDmmon Council next week. · A homicide case from 1979 has be:en reopened due to a skeleton being found. OLD BUSINESS: · Recruitment and Hiring Policies & Procedures .. the updated policies and procedures were discussed and Commissioner Gleason made a motion to accept the updated version and Commissioner Sindic seconded. Motion carried unanimously. · Policy on Probationary Period for Promoti'Jns - a new policy for having a probationary period for promotions was read and Commissioner Lehman made a motion to accept the policy. Commissioner Sindic seconded and motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Nothing COMMUNICA nONS AND OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: The candidates for the open position of Po ice Officer will have the physical fitness test on Saturday, May 20th. The Commissioners stated they would have the oral . interviews on Thursday, June 8th, and Saturday June 10th. . Muskego Police & Fire Commission Meeting April 20, 2006 Page 2 Commissioner Sindic made a motion to move into c1m:ed session pursuant to State Statutes, Section 19.8.5 (1) (c): Considerlngemployment, promotions, compensations, or performance evaluation data of any public lemployee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility for the specific purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation, or perfonnance evaluation data, more specifically to discuss the Sergeant eligibility list. Commissioner Gleason seconded and by a roll call vote, motion carried 4-0. The Police & Fire Commission reconvened into Open Session to continue the remaining agenda items. Commlssioner Lehman made a motion and Commissioner Sindic seconded to approve the list. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 20,2006 at 7:30PM. Commissioner Lehman moved for the meeting to be ac~ourned. Commissioner Sindic seconded, motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM. . ,p . n# ~j} -f~~/!+ ~// ' ~A'~ V Lewis Lehman - Secretary Û-MLl.Jt .