pfcm20051020. . . City of Muskego Police & Fire Commission Meeting October 20, 2005 The meeting of the Muskego Police & Fire Commission was held on Thursday, October 20,2005, in the conference room of the City of Muskego Police Department. Commissioner Rammer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was taken with Commissioners Rammer, Treba, Sindic, Lehman, and Gleason present. Statement of Public Notice was given to the press and posted on Tuesday, October 11, 2005. Commissioner Sindic made a motion to approve the agenda items and Commissioner Treba seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Lehman made a motion to accept the minutes of the July 21 st and September 13th meetings. Commissioner Sindic seconded and motion carried unanimously. REPORT FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: . Officer Rozeski is back to work after his surgery and treatment for cancer. He is doing well and excited about being back. . Sgt. Fuller's prognosis has not improved after he suffered neck and back injuries from the rear end accident he was involved in earlier this year and his future in law enforcement is uncertain. . Officers, Monreal, Jones, Werner, Westphal, and Heusdens are doing well and are on their own. . Natalie Johnston was recently hired and is going through the Field Training phase. . Officer Diedrich was assigned to the position of Police School Liaison Officer at Bay Lane Middle School. . City is currently in the negotiating process for a final settlement with Laura Becker. . Staff Sgt. Kukowski has resigned effective Wednesday, November 2,2005 as he has taken a job in the private sector. . The 2006 Budget should be approved shortly with the 2006 Operating Budget being lower than this year's Operating Budget. The biggest item will be the remodeling and installation of new equipment in the dispatch center. . The Department is airing on the side of caution and taking seriously the possible two child enticements occurring in the City within the past week. OLD BUSINESS: Nothing . Muskego Police & Fire Commission Meeting October 20, 2005 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: . Captain Geiszler presented a handout on the Police Department's Field Training Program. He stated our program follows a national program and is a very thorough process. The program was discussed and the Captain answered all questions. . The policy on Recruitment and Hiring Procedures was disseminated. The Commissioners will peruse it and at the January meeting will ask questions and make any additions or changes that they may want. . The Commissioners agreed, that the last three candidates they approved for the position of Police Officer, be placed on the eligibility list which will expire in one year. COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: . Chief Johnson asked for guidance on the matter of an attorney invoice from the Officer Ziminski hearing held earlier this year. The attorney has not been responding to the Department's request for an itemized bill. Commission stated they would like the Chief to go ahead with trying to get this invoice taken care of . by the end of the year. The next meeting of the Muskego Police & Fire Commission will be held on Thursday, January 19,2006. Commissioner Rammer made a motion for adjournment. Commissioner Treba seconded and motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47PM. ,þ ;{i' I ,~ 17 -7: lt VLr~ A.b-Z-;' ~ .../' ./" Lewis Lehman - Secretary ~i.L} .