pfcm20040115- CITY OF MUSKEGO POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING Thursday, January 15, 2004 The regular meeting of the Police & Fire Commission of the City of Muskego was held on Thursday, January 15, 2004 in the conference room of the City of Muskego Police Department. President Kuwitzky called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was conducted and present were Commissioners Michael Kuwitzky, Robert Rammer, and Lewis Lehman. Absent for Commissioners Blenda Treba and Terry Sindic. The Statement of Public Notice was given to the press and posted at City Hall and the Police Department on Tuesday, January 13,2004. Commissioner Lehman made a motion to approve the agenda items with Commissioner Rammer seconding. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Rammer made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 16, 2003 meeting. Commissioner Lehman seconded and motion carried unanimously. - REPORT FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: 1. The updated web site is in its final leg and should be completed by the end of March. 2. Chief Johnson stated the computer software that was requested and denied is now back in the budget. During talks with the distributor the City was mislead due to the software being in an experimental stage. At this time the City will hold off on making a purchase. 3. The Cornell Circle project has improved the area. The Department has received numerous positive comments. Owners are showing an improvement in their buildings and residents are taking pride in the area. Figures for last year will be tabulated and made available for the next meeting. 4. Chief Johnson explained a national survey that shows vandalism in parks is the number two complaint from citizens. The Parks Department has agreed to fund three surveillance cameras, and along with increased police activity, the City is hoping to cut down on vandalism and to make our parks a safer place for families. 5. Officer West has decided to stay with the Department. The Department will be applying for a COPS Grant and re: request an additional officer position. - - Muskego Police & Fire Commission Meeting January 15,2004 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS: Chief explained the six-month probationary period for promotions is being negotiated to allow a year probationary period. He requested the Fire & Police Commission Policy stay at six months until such change occurs. COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: Nothing The next meeting of the Muskego Police & Fire Commission will be held on Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 7:30PM. Commissioner Lehman moved the meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Rammer seconded and motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54PM - Robert Rammer - Secretary (kyj~ -