pfcm20030717r CITY OF MUSKEGO POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING Thursday, July 17, 2003 The regular meeting of the Police & Fire Commission of the City of Muskego was held on Thursday, June 17,2003 in the conference room of the City of Muskego Police Department. President Kuwitzky called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was conducted and present were Commissioners Michael Kuwitzky, Robert Rammer, Blenda Treba, and Lewis Lehman. Commissioner Terry Sindic not present. The Statement of Public Notice was given to the press and posted at City Hall and the Police Department on Friday, July 11, 2003. Commissioner Rammer made a motion to approve the agenda items with Commissioner Lehman seconding. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Rammer made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 17, 2003 meeting with a correction. Commissioner Treba seconded and motion carried unanimously. ,,'- REPORT FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: 1. A meeting was held recently for the landlords and residents of the Cornell Circle area. Good discussions ensued concerning problems in the area. The Police Department will do more proactive law enforcement in the area with the City being involved reference cleaning up the area and inspections of rental units. 2. After a suggestion by Officer Nelson, six high school art students volunteered to paint murals within the Department. They are in the process of completing their first mural. 3. The Department's web site is being updated and the project will start shortly. A student from Carroll College was selected and he will be using the project for an internship class. 4. The City approved the use of a credit card machine for payment of fines, warrants, etc. 5. The 2004 Budget is being worked on. 6. A report detailing manpower was distributed which showed the need for more officers. The Department has requested one additional officer be added to next year's budget. 7. The City is doing a salary survey for non-represented personnel, which will set the parameters and guidelines to be used in the future. 8. Computer software upgrade is being studied. The Police Department is the last department in the City to be upgraded. r OLD BUSINESS: Nothing ~ Muskego Police & Fire Commission Meeting July 17, 2003 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: 1. An election of officers was held. Commissioner Rammer nominated Commissioner Kuwitzky for the position of President. Commissioner Lehman seconded and motion carried unanimously. For the position of Vice- President/Secretary Commissioner Lehman nominated Commissioner Rammer with Commissioner Kuwitzky seconding. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Chief Johnson reviewed a recent decision of the Supreme Court that allows Police Departments to set probation periods for officers being promoted. A discussion followed and subject tabled until the October meeting. COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER MATTER AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: Nothing. The next meeting of the Muskego Police & Fire Commission will be held on Thursday, October 16,2003 at 7:30PM. Commissioner Lehman moved the meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Treba seconded and motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM. -- f1-.- yJ; - <