pfcm20030116I"""" CITY OF MUSKE GO POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING Thursday, January 16, 2003 The regular meeting of the Police & Fire Commission of the City of Muskego was held on Thursday, January 16,2003 in the conference room of the City of Muskego Police Department. President Kuwitzky called the meeting to order at 7:32PM. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was conducted and present were Commissioners Michael Kuwitzky, Blenda Treba, Lewis Lehman, Robert Rammer, and Terry Sindic. The public notice was given to the press and posted at City Hall and the Police Department on Monday, January 13, 2003. Commissioner Lehman made a motion to approve the agenda items with Commissioner Sindic seconding. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Rammer made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 17, 2002 meeting. Commissioner Sindic seconded. Motion carried unanimously. ,,- REPORT FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: 1. Officer Lynkiewicz has completed his probationary period and is doing well. 2. Officer Johannik is in the second half of his field training and Officer Ondricka started his field-training program on January 2nd. 3. The 2003 Budget passed. 4. The 4 Staff Sergeants and the 3 Sergeants have been removed from the Union and are non-represented personnel. The Department is in the process of creating their PFP's and setting standards and goals. 5. Captain John Daley retired as of January 2,2003 and is living in Pennsylvania. OLD BUSINESS: Nothing NEW BUSINESS: Promotions: Commissioner Rammer made a motion to accept the promotion of Lt. Paul Geiszler to the position of Captain. Commissioner Lehman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Rammer made a motion to accept the promotion of Staff Sgt. John La Tour to the position of Lieutenant. Commissioner Lehman seconded and motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Rammer made a motion to accept the promotion of Sgt. Craig Simuncak to the position of Staff Sgt and Commissioner Treba seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Lehman made a motion to accept the promotion of Officer John Mesich to the position of Sergeant. Commissioner Sindic seconded and motion carried unanimously. r Muskego Police & Fire Commission Meeting January 16,2003 Page 2 COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: Nothing The next meeting will be Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:30PM. Commissioner Lehman moved that the meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Sindic seconded and motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM. ,"-- Robert Rammer - Secretary k~;' ,,--.