pfcm20000720 saved from url=(0057)file://S:\Internet\www\minutes\police%20fire\pf072000.htm CITY OF MUSKEGO POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING 07/20/00   CITY OF MUSKEGO POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING July 20, 2000   The regular meeting of the Police & Fire Commission of the City of Muskego was held on Thursday, July 20, 2000 in the Conference Room of the City of Muskego Police Department.  The  meeting was called to order at 7:32PM President Michael Kuwitzky.  Present were Commissioners Richard Petfalski and Blenda Treba.  Absent was Commissioner Robert Rammer.    It was noted the public notice was given to the press and posted at City Hall and the Police Department on Monday, July 17, 2000.   Commissioner Treba made a motion to approve the agenda items with Commissioner Petfalski seconding.  Motion carried unanimously.   Commissioner Petfalski moved to approve the April 13, 2000 and the May 15, 2000 meeting minutes.  Commissioner Treba seconded, motion carried unanimously.   REPORT FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Johnson reported on the following items: 1.      The Firearms Range is almost completed with an Open House possible in the Fall. 2.      Officers Dornbach, Elsen, and Fandre have finished field training and are on their own and doing fine.  3.      There will be one retirement for sure, and a possible two more next year, with the Chief stating the recruitment process will be needed to be looked at in the Fall. 4.      Peter Lynkiewicz, the employee hired through the Wisconsin Police Corp. Grant, is being trained in clerical and dispatch, and is doing fine.   OLD BUSINESS:             Written Procedure for Hiring of Chief - Commissioner Petfalski passed out information he has been working on for the process of hiring a Chief.  The Commissioners were asked to study it and will be further reviewed at the next meeting.             Recruitment Process and Procedures - Policy was discussed and 1st reading done.    NEW BUSINESS:             Election of Vice-President/Secretary - Commissioner Treba made a motion for Richard Petfalski to hold the above position, seconded by Commissioner Kuwitzky.  Motion carried unanimously.         MUSKEGO POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING July 20, 2000 Page 2   COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW             Nothing   Next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 7:30PM.   Commissioner Petfalski moved the meeting be adjourned.  Commissioner Treba seconded, motion carried unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Richard Petfalski - Secretary                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ann E. Wissing - Recording Secretary