pfcm200005150 CITY OF MUSKEGO POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING Monday, May 15,2000 7:OOPM A meeting of the City of Muskego Police & Fire Commission was held on Monday, May 15. 2000 in the conference room of the City of Muskego Police Department. The meeting was called to order at 7:OSPM by President Michael Kuwitzky. Roll call taken with Commissioners Michael Kuwitzky. Richard Petfalski, and Blenda Treba present. It was noted that the Statement of Public Notice was posted and sent to the press in accordance with State Statutes. Commissioner Petfalski made a motion to move into closed session pursuant to State Statutes. Section 19.85 (I) ( c): Considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility for the specific purpose of considering employment, promotion. compensation. or performance evaluation data, more specifically to conduct an oral interview for the position of police officer being hired through the Wisconsin Police Corps Grant. Commissioner Treba seconded, with motion carrying 3-0. The Police & Fire Commission reconvened into Open Session for the purpose of making a recommendation to Chief Johnson on the eligibility of the candidate. Commissioner Petfalski made a motion to accept the following resolution with Commissioner Treba seconding: .t The Muskego Police & Fire Commission waives the written, medical, and physical agility testing of candidate Peter Lynkiewicz in lieu of the successful testing that has been accomplished by the Wisconsin Police Corps Organization. The Commission further resolves that Peter Lynkiewicz must successfully,pass a psychological exam and drug screen, prior to employment as a police oflicer with the City of Muskego. The Commission approves the hiring of Peter Lynkiewicz subject to position availability, and his successful completion of the Community Policing Recruit Academy sponsored by the State of Wisconsin. - Motion carried 3-0. Commission Petfalski made a motion to adjourn and Commissioner Treba seconded with motion carrying 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM. Roger - Moraga - Seck6 (ruigned) Richard Petifalski 6 Ann Wissing-Recording ecretary