pfcm19991028CITY OF MUSKEG0 POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING October 28,1999 7:OOPM The regular meeting of the Police & Fire Commissioner of the City of Muskego was held on Thursday. October 28"'. 1999 in the Conference Room ofthe City of Muskego Police Department. The meeting was called to order at 7:OOPM by President Michael Kuwitzky. Present were Commissioners Blenda Treba, Richard Petfalski, Roger Moraga, and Robert Rammer (7.1 SPM). It was noted that the public notice was given to the press and posted at City Hall and the Police Department on Monday, October 25". 1999. At 7:OZPM a motion was made by Commissioner Moraga and seconded by Commissioner Petfalski to move to closed session for the purpose of holding an oral interview for the position of Police Officer Closed Session At 7:ZOPM the meeting was convened into Open Session. Commissioner Rammer made a motion to approve the agenda items with Commissioner Treba seconding. Motion carried unanimously. 0 Commissioner Rammer moved to approve the July IS. 1999 meeting minutes. Commissioner Moraga seconded, motion carried unanimously. REPORT FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief Johnson reported on the followin!, ' 1 Items: I OfFxer Jeflrey Zambo is the 3"' Police School Liaison Ofticer in the City. He 2. The City is still waiting for federal hnds for the firearms range. 3. Officer Gary Leon has finished his field training and is now working the late 4. The 2000 Budget has met with approval from the Common Council and is is working out of Lake Denoon Middle School and is doing a fine job. shiA and is doing a good job. subject to a public hearing. Copies of the finalized budget will be distributed to the Commissioners. 5. Officer John Walejewski had back surgery and is not expected back to next 6. Officer Lisa Siemion might be leaving the Department for a job in Phoenix, 7 An ad for the position of Police Oficer has been placed in the statewide year Arizona. Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel on Sunday October 31'' and November 71h with the deadline for returning the application on Monday, November ISth This is to fill immediate vacancies and to establish a new eligibility list. 0 MUSKEG0 POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETNG October 28. 1999 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS: Nothing NEW BUSINESS: of the Commission. Commissioner Petfalski seconded and motion carried unanimously. Roger Moraga named as Secretary. Commissioner Moraga made a motion to place himself on the ballot as Secretary The Commission decided to hold open candidacy of James Feld from Michigan until the April 13. 2000 meeting. Commissioner Petfalski made the motion and Commissioner Rammer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioners Petfalski and Moraga reported on the seminar for commissioners that they attended. They said the seminar was very good and informative. It would be a very good idea to send two commissioners next year Responsibilities of a police & fire commission was the main focus. Commissioner Petfalski requested further discussion of two items, chief selection process and length of new oficer probation period, that were topics at the seminar 0 The Commission discussed a longer probation period for new oficers. It was decided the probation period should be kept at the one year period with an extension if needed. This is an item in the union contract and would have to be negotiated. They also discussed having a community and position informational packet that would be prepared and ready when it is time to select the next chief. The Commission discussed what information should be included in an informational packet for potential Chief of Police candidates. The Commission will discuss the packet hrther at the next regular meeting. Commissioners Kuwitzky and Petfalski reported on the South Milwaukee P.D. oral process that they sat in on. Both felt that the process was extremely cold and impersonal. Commissioner Petfalski made a motion to change our scoring from the rating of I through 8 to I through 5. Commissioner Moraga seconded and motion passed unanimously. A discussion was held on how many times a year the Commission should meet. It was decided to keep it on a quarterly basis but do more at each meeting and if need be, have an additional meeting when needed. 0 MUSKEG POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING October 28. 1999 Page 3 COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Nothing Commissioner Moraga moved the meeting be adjourned until Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 7:30PM. Commissioner Rammer seconded and motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM. % oger Moraga - cretary Ann Wissing - Reco