pfcm19990121CITY OF MUSKEG0 POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION MEETING January 21,1999 7:30PM The regular meeting of the Police & Fire Commission of the City of Muskego was held on Thursday, January 21", 1999 in the Conference Room of the City of Muskego Police Department. The meeting was called to order at 7:40PM by President Michael Kuwitzky. Present were Commissioners Michael Kuwitzky, Blenda Treba, Robert Rammer, Roger Moraga, and Chief Johnson. Absent was Commissioner Richard Horn. It was noted that public notice was given to the press on January 1 SIh, 1999 Commissioner Rammer moved to approve the minutes from the October ISth, 1998 meeting. Commissioner Moraga seconded, motion carried unanimously. REPORT FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT ChiefJohnson reported on the following items: 1 The Police Department building expansion is approximately two-thirds completed. 2. The Firearm Range berms have been completed and the Phase 2 is in the process of being designed. 3. The Department hired an officer for 1999. Robert J. Tromp was hired and is in Field Training at the present. 4. Officer Terry Hilliker, hired in February of 1997, is leaving in April. His wife, an FBI agent, is being transferred to Washington, D.C. 5. Chief explained, per a Supreme Court decision, that an offer of employment must be made before the psychological exam. 6. Dr, Nick Claditis. Organizational Development Consultants, offered to come to the next Police & Fire Commission meeting and discuss the hiring and screening process. Commissioners asked the Chief to have him come to the April meeting. requirements needed for a new Chief. 7 Chief Johnson requested the Commissioners to begin thinking about OLD BUSINESS: Nothing NEW BUSINESS: Nothing 0 MUSKEGO POLICE & FIRE COMMISSION M.EETING January 2 1, 1999 COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Nothing Commissioner Kuwitzky moved the meeting be adjourned until April 1 5Ih, 1999 at 7:30PM. Commissioner Moraga seconded and motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:15PM. i.!CiLQLW Richard Horn - Secretary La;y Ann Wissing - Reco g Secretary