pfcm19741121MUSMGO FIRE & POLICE COMMISSION November 21, 1974 The meeting was called to order by Mr. Richard Horn, acting Chairmn, in absence of Mr. Ahrens, at 8:15 PM. Other members present were Mr. Bohrer and Mr. Moser, Chief of Police, Ervin W. Kraus. The minutes of the August 15, 1974 meeting were read & approved. - The chairman asked for a motion to accept John Daley as patrolman. Mr. Moser made the motion & Mr. Bohrer seconed. Mr. Horn advised the couunission by reading a letter from Mr. Fred Utpatel that Mr. Werner Bierbach is now Fire Chief of the Tess Corners Fire Dept. A motion was made by Mr. Bohrer to have a letter written to Mr. Fred Utpatel thanking him for his past services to the community. Seconded by Mr. Moser. Chief Kraus advised the commission that the Comn Council had approved the hiring of a Cadet Trainee to be funded by the city. He would take the examination of a patrolman in case an opening occurred, he would be eligible to apply. He would attend school at his own expense and on his own time. Applications will be closed on Novmeber 30, 1974. The written examination will be set for December 7, 1974 and the oral would be arranged to be held on December 14, 1974. Lt. Scholz & three'Fire & Police Commissions will be on the oral board for the Cadet Trainee. A motion to approve the position for Cadet Trainee was made by Mr. Bohrer and seconded by Mr. Moser. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM. I. e Respectfully submitted, d&I(Mdd Warren y. Moser. Sr. Secretary S CORNERS e VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT W 144 56731 TESS CORNERS DRIVE e HALES CORNERS, WISCONSIN 53130 October 12, 1971, Fire & Police Commission City of hskego Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 Gentlemen : Fire Department. Asslstant Chief Werner Bierbach is now in comrcand an$ any business for the Fire Department should be directed to him. On Wonday, October 7, 1974, I resigned as Chief of the Teas Corners Volunteer ~- ." . . . . . . serving the community since 1926 . . . MUSKEGO FIRE & POLICE COMMISSION November 24, 1974 Mr. Fred Utpatel 565 W13866 Sherwood.Circle Hales Corners, WI 53130 Dear Mr. Utpatel: Your letter of resignation from the Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department was read at the Muskego Fire & Police Commission meeting of November 21, 1974. Your resignation was acknowledged with deep regret by the members of the Fire & Police Commission. We wish to thank you for your past services as Fire Chief and all the time you have extended to the safety of the citizens of the City of Muskego. h '. MFPC/kr Sincerely, MUSKEGO FIRE & POLICE COMMISSION Mr. William Ahrens Mr. Richard Horn Mr. Bernard Lindner Mr. Walter Bohrer Mr. Warren Moser Sr.