pfcm19740110CITY OF MUSKEGO FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSION MEETING....January 10, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 8:lO p.m. by President William Ahrens in the office of the Chief of Police at the Muskego Police Department. Members present were President William Ahrens, Mr. Richard Horn, Mr. Bernard Lindner and Chief of Police, Ervin W. Kraus. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Chief Kraus reported that the Safety Committee recommended to the Officer and the Police Agent. Common Council the approval of two new ranks of Community Service Chief Kraus explained the updated job descriptions and qualifications for all the positions and ranks of the Police Department. The Commissioners approved the new revised job descriptions and qualifications for police depavment positions and ranks subject to the rewording of some sentences. Respectfully submitted, Warren V. Moser, Secretary