PRB092683minutesSEPTEMBER 26, 1983 MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD CITY OFMUSKEGO The monthly meeting of the Muskego Parks & Recreation Board was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mr. Richard Arrowood, president. PRESENT: Richard Arrowood, Vickie Hauser, Joseph Weitzer, Jackie St. Mary, Recreation Supervisor, and Peter Theis, Parks Supervisor. ABSENT: Carl Wauer, Karen Wesell, Ralph Tomczyk, and Richard Manchester. There being no quorum of the Parks & Recreation Board, the Board listened to those personal appearances who had attended the meeting. COX.llJNICATIONS Personal Appearances - Ken Czaplewski, the Dandilion Study Committee's representative, appeared before the Board to go over the rough draft of the committee's reconanendations for the Dandilion Park purchase. The committee's ideas were discussed and the members at the Park Board meeting made their recormnendations and comments for subsequent drafts. A deadline was discussed to make sure the purchase could get .into the city's budget for 1984, if it does get final approval. The Board members present felt the Study Committee did a fine job in their evaluation of the Dandilion Park purchase for the City of Muskego. Pete Harris from Foth and Van Dyke was present at the meeting to go through their proposed service/cost proposal for the Lake Denoon (Lake Meadows) Park. Pete Harris did say that these costs are maximum and may be less, depending on how much actual work is needed, and how much actual work was already done, i.e., the Park Plan design we already have, the city maps (topography), etc. This work would not have to be duplicated and thus cost would go down. The Board could not make a recommendation for a planner/consultant for the Lake Meadows project due to the lack of a quorum. Review of 1984 Capital Budgets Due to a lack of a quorum, the Board reviewed Jackie and Peter's budgets and agreed that the Capital Budget go on to the Capital Budget Committee and the Board will make a final decision in the form of a motion at a later meeting when a quorum is present. The Board will see if the members can get together next week, Monday, October 3. 1983, at 7:00 PM to finalize much of what was on the agenda for this evening. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joe Weitzer, Secretary ff 1013183