PRB100383minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING October 3. 1983 The rescheduled Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mr. Richard Arrowood, president. PRESENT: Richard Arrowood, Vickie Hawser, Joseph Weitzer, Richard Manchester, Carl Wauer, Jackie St. Mary (Recreation Supervisor), and Peter Theis (Parks Supervisor). ABSENT: Karen Wesell, Ralph Tomczyk APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of August 15th, September 8th, and September 26th were approved. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Reverend Norwood was not present but Jackie St. Mary presented his request to use the Demon Senior Center to "spread their Baptist faith" to the area. After a brief discussion Richard Manchester moved to deny the request. Carl Wauer seconded. Motion carried. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: Fee Waivers for recreation program participants - Two requests for the waiving of fees came before the Board. It was noted that both parties were enrolled before in previous programs. The Board discussed the situation and it's policy of waiving fees for hardship cases. It was also noted that part of the idea of recrea- tion is to help the public and get people involved. Cost should not be an issue. Carl Wauer moved to waive the fees. Richard Manchester seconded and the motion carried. Attorney notification of claim by Barbara Chapman - Barbara Chapman was injured at Mill Valley School diamond complex during the MAA All Star baseball game. She has attorney Paul J. Milaeger representing her in her case for the recovery of injury treatment costs. OLD BUSINESS: Review of Dandilion Park Study Committee Rough Draft - The Board discussed the rough draft submitted to it by the Dandilion Park Study Committee. A couple of different things were discussed. It should be noted that Jerry Cahak's school project which involved plotting a park on the Dandilion Park area was never approved by Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, October 3, 1983 - Page 2 the Board even as a possibility for development. Also, when purchasing park land, in the past, it was never put on a referendum and therefore, it is the Board's feeling that this purchase should not be a referendum either. Review of Bluhm Park - The sale of the lots on the north side of McShane has been questioned by the DNR as violation of their "conver- sion policy". The DNR requested that the city revise the master plan that was originally submitted to them for LAWCON funds because the rules and regulations of the original project were violated. This will be submitted so that we can resolve the situation. Richard Manchester made a motion to recommend to the planning Commission & Common Council the approval of the revised Bluhm Park project masterplan as submitted. Carl Wauer seconded the motion and it carried. Bluhm Park Project Totals - $4,599.28 was transferred in September of 1982 from Park d&dic&fion account to Capital Budget account. $3,976.67 total "ver expended* $ 622.61 appears to be leftover in this account. Will see what the auditors find before request transfer back to Park Dedication Account. X$1,886.05 "ver expended 817.62 Schreiber 1,293.OO benches $3,976.67 total over expended RECREATION BUDGET: Jackie submitted her capital and operating budget. She commented that so far her capital budget had been approved except for the tennis back- board. In the operating budget Jackie is asking for the part-time secretarial time which had been cut back last year. Also, she is asking for her clothing expenses back. This is to help identify staff members by supplying them with shirts. Carl Wauer made a motion to approve both the operating and capital budget for the Recreation De- partment. Vickie Hauser seconded the motion and it carried. PARKS BUDGET: Capital Budget - The ball diamond tractor was approved as long as the money can be obtained through TIF. Playground equipment and a bubbler were approved at Bluhm Park. Fencing for the street side at Lions Park was approved as was the asphalt walkway at Mill Valley. Peter also included a budgeted cost for T-shirts for his employees. The Board again felt strongly in favor of having the employees identified. Richard Manchester made a motion to approve both the capital and operating budget for the Parks department. Vickie Hauser seconded and the motion carried. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, October 3, 1983 - Page 3 lAKE MEADOWS PARK: After discussion and evaluation of both offers for hiring of a planner/ consultant, Carl Wauer made a motion to recommend to the council to accept the Howard, Needles, Tammen, and Bergendorf agency, and that the engineering cost of the Lake Meadows project not exceed $14,700 for the $260,000 total project cost. Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. REVIEW OF POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMO: Pete has brought to the attention of the Board that there seems to be inconsistencies and discrepancies with signs at Idle Isle. The Board suggested that Pete answer the memo explaining what is going on over at the park and if the police department needs further direc- tion they should get in touch with Pete as to what should be done. MAA REFUND REQUEST ON DONATION: The MAA has requested the sum of $123.28 from the Parks department for the unused portion of the donation to hire a summer ball diamond employee. The Mayor is handling this request. FALL PROGRAM REGISTRATION: Jackie noted that in the exceptional swim class, the turn-out was very good. Because in the past a one-on-one relation worked out well, Jackie called on the high school to get volunteer help for the class. The response was good and she has enough volunteers to help with the class. FALL PERSONNEL: Jackie submitted a recommended employee list. After Kris Frank was added as a girls basketball assistant, Vickie Hauser made a motion to approve the list of employees submitted. Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. PARENTAL INPUT: Parent disapproval regarding soccer registration - A parent called the recreation department to complain about her son not being able to play in this Fall's soccer program. Due to late registration and previous people being turned away, the Board felt Jackie handled the situation correctly. REQUEST TO ATTEND STATE CONFERENCE: Richard Manchester made a motion to approve Jackie's request to attend the state conference. Vickie Hauser seconded. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:58 PM by Carl Wauer. The motion was seconded by Vickie Hauser. Motion carried. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, JOE WEITZER, Secretary ff-10/18/83