PRB110783minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING November 7, 1983 The monthly meeting of the Board was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mr. Richard Arrowood, president. PRESENT: Richard Arrowood, Richard Manchester, Vicki Hauser, Ralph Tomczyk, Carl Wauer, Peter Theis (Parks Supervisor) and Jackie St. Mary (Recreation Supervisor). ABSENT: Joe Weitzer, Karen Wesell. GUESTS: Ray Christianson APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Board Meeting held October 3, 1983, were approved as mailed. COMMUNICATIONS: Personal Appearance Land O'Lakes Land O'Lakes representative Scott Kloskowski petitioned the Board for use of the building at Idle Isle for an Iceball Tournament, tentatively scheduled for February 4 and 5, 1984. The building will not be heated, nor will the bath- rooms be available for use at that time. They provide portable toilets and use a space heater to warm the building. The building acts as a windbreak for participants to get out of the cold. Discussion followed regarding any problems that may arise or occur as last year. The main problem which might arise would be parking on the street as occurred last year. They would anticipate parking on the ice, but weather would not allow this last year. They will obtain the permits for the beer as required by the City. A problem with parking can be anticipated if we get alot of snow. Richard Manchester moved to approve, Carl Wauer seconded, to approve their request for use of the building that weekend. Motion carried. Lake Meadows Park/HNTB Representatives Ed Purcell, Susan Becker, representatives of HNTB, appeared to meet with the Board to discuss when to begin the project. HNTB is looking for some direction as to what priorities the Board has with the park. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, November 7, 1983, page 2. Lake Meadows Park/HNTB Representatives (Continued) Several prime concerns on the project were expressed as follows and may affect the budgeting of the project. Priorities that need to be considered are: 1. Two pedestrian bridges, and 2. Evaluate the access points to the lake channel for boat launch. HNTB questioned whether there have been any flood insurance studies of the lake done? "Not that anyone knew of." Project discussion continued on the following items: 3. Possibly consider the lots, which lead from Lake Meadows subdivision to the park, in terms of landscaping, etc. that would protect the homeowners on either side from park participants trespassing on their property. Keep these neighbors in mind. 4. Tenniq court(s): Need to watch their location in regards to the wooded area. 5. With the parking and access from Crowbar, a base bid with gravel; and then optional paving. With the plan, as prepared by Dr. Mangiamele, the Board was not sure if they would like the U-shaped parking area off of Crowbar. Possibly flip-flop the parking area (north one) and the soccer field for better traffic control and closer access to activity areas. 6. Some designation of boundary between Roland Haut's property and the park property. A comparison will be made between a split-rail type fence and a nursery-type hedge for cost. Use something economica so not to take away from actual activity areas that could be provided. Timetable for the project was set up. It is hoped that the bid documents and specifications would be available to bidders on February 1, 1984, with the bid opening scheduled for February 15, 1984, and Board and Council approval by the end of February. Starting date for construction would be mid-March or the beginning of April, 1984. Construction documents should be completed by January 2, 1984. After some discussion on the timetable for the design development, it was agreed to initiate design development by December 5, 1983, so that it would be available for an informational hearing on the park project with community residents on December 14th at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. Final design development could then be completed by December 16th. The Board will hold their monthly meeting on December 12th to review with HNTB representatives their design before the public meets with the Board on the 14th. Site analysis will begin November 14th. Ed and Susan will submit a timetable for the Board based on the discussion of the Board's meeting tonight. Minutes, Parks & Recreatidn Board, November 7, 1983, page 3. Lake Meadows Park/HNTB Representatives~(Cpntinued) HNTB needs from the Parks and Recreation Department the following materials as agreed to in the contract agreement: 1. Base maps (mylar maps), 2. Property description (deeds), 3. Aerial photography done by SEWRPC (straight down shots), 4. Zoning stipulation, 5. Any restrictive covenances, 6. Subdivision layout approved by Plan Commission. Oak Meadows proposal even though it is not an active development at this time. OLD BUSINESS: None. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Parks Report Budget Status l Peter presented his.report on the status of the Parks budget after review by the Finance Committee for the operating and capital budgets that will go to the public hearing on Monday, November 14th. Idle Isle Sign Peter presented a layout of a sign for Idle Isle which listed the rules and regulations for the park. He now has it being looked at for a cost estimate proposal. It has also been reviewed by the Police Department personnel so that it is enforceable by their personnel. Recreation Report Fall Staff Approval Jackie presented for approval the names of three more employees to be added to the Fall staff; two people for men's basketball program as score- keepers/timers and one person to supervise the pool activities. Ralph Tomczyk moved to approve the new employees. Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. Budget Status l Jackie presented her operating budget noting that $200 for the senior citizens was taken from the budget. Her budget will be presented at the public hearing as presented except for the reduction of $200 in that account. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board, November 7, 1983, page 4. Recreation Report (Continued) l League Program status The basketball and volleyball leagues have increased from last year. Excellent response by our residents for these adult activities. Special Olympics Swim Program Jackie will be helping the special swim class get involved in the Special Olympics swim program. There will be no additional expense to the City. NEW BUSINESS, OTHER BUSINESS: Title IV Senior Citizen Position The position of Title IV senior citizen will be cancelled due to the lack of interest in someone to fill the position. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:58 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Richard Manchester and received a second from Carl Wauer. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, JOE WEITZER, SECRETARY l sjd/lZ-l-83 cc: Board Members, Mayor, Aldermen, City Clerk, Jackie St. Mary, Peter Theis, THE SUN