PRB051683minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, May 16th, 1983 The monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was called to order at 7~35 PM by Richard Arrowood. PRESENT: Richard Manchester, Joseph Weitzer, Ralph Tomczyk, Richard Arrowood, Jackie St. Mary (Recreation Supervisor), and Peter Theis (Parks Supervisor). ABSENT: Karen Wesell, Carl Wauer (Excused). GUESTS: Fred Bauer, Harry Udvare, Alderman Eugene Gaetzke, Alder- man Frank DeAngelis, and Duane Elertson. Alderman Ralph Tomczyk was welcomed as the new council representative on the Board and it was noted that Karen Wesell has been reappointed to the Board through 1988. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Mr. Fred Bauer brought a concern before the Board regarding the Church lot in Jewel Crest Subdivision on Ruby Drive. It appears that an adjoining lot owner has placed personal property on the city owned lot in question. Pete has talked to the citizen and has indicated to him that he must remove the personal property from the lot. The Board has noted that this seems to be a reoccurring problem with land wners adjacent to city owned lots. A motion was made by Ralph Tomczyk to send a letter to the citizen giving him until the end of the month, May 31st, to remove his personal property from this lot or it will be removed at his expense. Richard Manchester seconded the motion, which then passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: Written correspondence from Marianne Wulf has been received requesting permission to .serve beer and wine coolers at Jensen during a bridal shower for which they have the faci-, lity rented. Richard Manchester made a motion to approve a beer permit only, no wine is to be served. Ralph Tomczyk seconded the motion and it carried. Correspondence has been received from the Muskego Athletic Association regarding their concerns on the possibility of Park & Rec. Board Minutes - Meeting on May 16th, 1983 - Page 2 a concession stand at Mill Valley for the purpose of added income to gain funds to purchase more lighting for the diamonds. The MAA has stated support for the idea of fund raising and the concession stand. However, they voiced concern about the sale of alcoholic beverages, that is, beer. They feel that people did not have to have beer available for the amount df time that they actually spend at Mill Valley to view their children play- ing ball and are opposed to any sale of beer during these games. OLD BUSINESS: Waterbugs - As of last Thursday, the Waterbugs have put their pier in and have held a practice on Wednesday, yet no paperwork had been turned in as requested by the Board. On Monday, May 16th, the club representative submitted the dates, signed the contracts and has submitted all the required materials except the certificate of insurance. This will be turned in on a later date. The Waterbugs are presently looking into repairing the water buoy that was damaged last year. Pete will be in contact with them regarding this matter and also regarding the zigns which will be posted at Idle Isle. Bluhm Park Update - The completion deadline was yesterday. However, due to some problems with the electricity, the building will not be finished until the beginning of June. Harry Udvare requested that the Board consider putting a portable toilet facility at Bluhm until the bathrooms are open in the building. He felt that the MAA would be able to reimburse the city for the cost of doing so for that period of time but he would have to check with the MAA at their meeting this Wednesday to see if they would be in agreement to the expenditure of funds. Lake Meadows Update - No action has been taken since the closed session. The cost has come down about $300.00 per acre. Alder- man DeAngelis indicated he had met with the mayor, Alderman Penovich, and the Hauts. They discussed a price range of about $4000.00 to $4500.00 per acre. This also includes a 10 year land contract at 9% or 9% interest rate on the contract. There are still some negotiations being done and regarding drainage tiles on the property, a boundary fence, and the leveling of a knoll that would be on both properties. The Board cannot go further in the planning of this park and therefore, can proceed no further until the Common Council takes action on the purchase of the additional 20 acres. Michi Lake Lot - Today was the deadline for Mr. Hilt to remove the personal property and parking area from the city owned lake lot. It was discussed and noted that although some removal of Park & Rec. Board Minutes _ Meeting on May 16th~, 1983 P Page 3 Mr. Hilt's~ personal property had been accomplished, the lot was not completely restored as it should have been. A letter will be sent to Mr. Hilt stating that although his efforts to restore the property have been noted, his deadline has passed and he must finish the restoration of the lot. Consequences of his failure to do so will be discussed at the next meeting. At this time Pete also noted that there was some question as to two lake lots that were said to have not been given to the city. These accesses will be checked into to see if they are the city's or if we should stop maintaining them. PARKS REPORT: Tractor Status Report - The Common Council has approved the purr chase of the Tom Groundsmaster for the price of $17,934.00. The Council, after Pete's explanation of the bids, felt that the Tom was a justified purchase. The Board felt this was satisfactory. MAA - The Muskego Athletic Association has reimbursed the Parks Department in the form of a donation, to hire an employee for the purpose of diamond maintenance. The diamonds are in good condition and the situation is working well. Lakes Agreement for Field Maintenance - The Land O'Lakes team has signed an agreement to release the city of Muskego of all liability and thus allow an opening for them to donate their time and effort to help maintain the Horn Field diamond. Pete submitted the contract which was signed by Dick Arrowood. Firewood - The firewood problem has been cleared up. People really responded and the wood was gone within a day and a half. There are a few other remaining diseased trees which need to be cut, however, there may be a need to check into a different way of disposing of the wood. Seasonal Employees - Pete has been able to hire the same employees from last year. There will be a 4-8 week gap to fill. The same amount of hours and the same number of workers are being used. However, Pete will be staggering the starting and finishing dates of these 14 week employees in order to allow for help in the busiest times. This will also result in the employees not leaving all at once. Pete also submitted the name of Donald Sieger to be hired as an additional ~unmer employee. Pete will also be hiring a youth employment person and another person who must put in 25 non-paid hours as restitution. A motion was made by Ralph Tomczyk and seconded by Richard Manchester to hire Donald Sieger as a seasonal employee. The motion carried. RECREATION REPORT: Baseball at Lions Park - Alderman Gaetzke appeared representing his constituents regarding a problem with parking, noise, and Park & Rec. Board Minutes c Meeting on May 16, 1983 - Page 4 balls that are becoming dangerously uncontrolled and hitting houses and cars which are driving past the facility. After much discussion, it was suggested that the Board put up a sign stating that no hardball use is permitted on the diamond at Lions Park, and that participants should utilize the backstop on the diamond when playing softball. After one month, the situation will be re-evaluated. Soccer Tournament Request r A request has been made to use Bluhm Park for a tournament for lo-16 yr. olds on August 7th and 8th, 1983. A question was asked as to who will line the field. A mo- tion to grant the request for the dates in question was made by Richard Manchester and seconded by Ralph Tomczyk. The motion carried. Mr. Manchester then moved to offer the shelter for concessions, but with the stipulation that no beer or liquor be sold. Mr. Ralph Tomczyk seconded and the motion carried. Trust Funds for Dance and Gymnastics Equipment r A trust fund is under consideration by the library. The idea might also be beneficial to the Recreation Department for the use of collecting a surplus of money to further repairs or add equipment to certain areas. Specifically, a new dance floor is needed at Jensen. Monies could be used for this type of equipment. The trust fund would offer a way to save revenue for specific purposes such as this. The use of another trust fund might be for gymnastics equipment. Ralph Tomczyk made a motion to recommend to the Finance Committee to allow these trust funds to be established. Mr. Manchester seconded and the motion carried. The trust funds would be entitled Dance Program Equipment, and Gymnastics Program Equipment. Computer Analysis Report - A report was given to Jackie that states that a computer analysis shows that a data processor might save as much as 40% of a secretary's labor. The Board agreed that this recommendation does not mean a reduced personel proposition since the processor could not answer telephones or handle personal contact with the public. However, it would be a big help and definitely an asset. Title V - The city has granted permission to apply for a position of a Title V person who can coordinate the senior citizen programs and this position will be government funded with Title V funds. The position would be for one year - .Iuly 1, 1983 to June 30, 1984. NEW BUSINESS: A letter of resignation has been received from Board member Jo Ann Kehl. Ralph Tomczyk moved for the Board to recommend a commendation for service be issued by the Common Council to recognize Jo Ann Kehl for her service as a member of the Board. The motion was seconded by Richard Manchester and was carried. Lease Agreement for Freedom Square Phase IV - In past years, Dick Schaumberg leased the 15 acre park land for $180.00. In 1982, however, the land was not used. This year Mr. Schaumberg is again Park & Rec. Board Minutes - Meeting on May 16, 1983 - Page 5 requesting the use of this land for the purpose of grazing his horses. A motion was made by Richard Manchester to approve the request. Ralph Tomczyk seconded the motion and it carried. It was noted that the MAA has requested the use of keys to the restrooms at Horn Field. ADJOURNMENT: Richard Manchester moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:57 PM. The motion was seconded by Ralph Tomczyk and then carried. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Joe Weitzer ff - 5124183