PRB032183minutesMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, March 21, 1983 The monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Dick Arrowood. PRESENT: Blenda Treba, Karen Wesell, Dick Manchester, Dick Arrowood, and Jackie St. Mary (Recreation Supervisor). ABSENT: Carl Wauer, Joe Weitzer, JoAnn Kehl, and Pete Theis (Parks Supervisor). GUESTS: Bill Hayden, Chuck Damaske, Mitchel Penovich, Richard Knudsen, Harry Udvare, Duane Elertson, Dean Johnson, Jill & Mike Fitzgerald. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the board meeting held Monday, February 21, were approved as mailed. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Margaret Schumann was read regarding the joint use of the Parks and Recreation Department and the School District for her arts and crafts program. The cooperation has been tremendous on the part of the school employees at Mill Valley School. NEW BUSINESS Muskego Historical Society Alderman Penovich, Charles Damaske appeared regarding the amendment for a site plan for the Muskego Historical Society to place the old Mill Valley School in a different location than on the original site plan. The Board went over the concerns, that they have expressed in written correspondence, with the historical society representatives present. 1. Use and elimination of the roadway; 2. The fence. 3. Pile of building materials stored near the parking lot of the Police Department. Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, March 21, 1983, page 2. NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) Muskego Historical Society (Continued) The members of the historical society verbally agreed to not use the roadway and will plant trees along the property line of the police department, where the master plan indicates some type of fence. Blenda moved to approve Plan Commission Resolution #39-83 (amended site plan) with the condition that the trees be planted where the fence line is indicated on the master plan and ask the Plan Commission to amend the site plan further to remove and indicate a row of trees in its place. Richard Manchester seconded t&z motion. Motion carried. (Mr. Richard Knudsen was in attendance.) OLD BUSINESS Waterbugs The agreement as presented by the Parks and Recreation Board sub-committee was discussed and some time was spent discussing the number of concerns the Waterbugs had expressed in regard to the agreement as presented by the sub- committee. The Waterbugs comments regarding the staggering of days of the week for practice, the time schedule for set-up, the anchoring of the ski jump were accepted. The request to situate the pier 50 feet west from past years was denied because it would be too close to the swimming area for the majority of the time the lake is used by the public. The Board was in agreement with the use dates as either practice/show dates (being interchangeable). One weekend day per month (Saturday) and one day per week on Monday. The Waterbugs agreed that if they were given these days as show days, they could live with that, pending DNR (Department of Natural Resources) approval to use a different spot on the lake for practicing. Blenda moved that the Parks and Recreation Board approve Schedule A for 1983 as submitted by the Waterbugs. The motion lacked a second. Karen Wesell moved that the Waterbugs be given one weekend day per month (Saturday) and every Wednesday as the practice/show dates. Richard Manchester seconded the motion. Blenda moved to defer action on this issue until next month's meeting when more board members would be present. The motion lacked a second. Original motion carried. The Waterbugs requested to be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board. Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, March 21, 1983, page 3. * mw BUSINESS (CONTINUED) Michi Drive Lake Lot Karen Wesell moved to allow Mr. Hilt the extended time to May 16, 1983, to remove his property from the Michi Drive Lake Lot. Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. Fun Fest The representatives for the Fun Fest event will be invited to the next meeting to discuss the following concerns: 1. Should the Lake Association be allowed to collect and retain the parking fees from Fun Fest? and/or honor the season passes as issued by the Parks and Recreation Department? 2. Should the City put on their own employees as attendants to collect the fees and retain the fees for the City? 3. Are the lifeguards a liability of the City? Fun Fest could pay the City for reimbursement of two lifeguards for the entire weekend, with the City providing their own employees to provide the service. 4. Crowd control. Fun Fest would provide their own security personnel as in previous years. This has worked well in previous years. 5. Layout of proposed park set-up will be requested at the next meeting when representatives appear. Lake Meadows Appraisal is for $60,000 for the 20 acres. Blenda has on the Council agenda on March 22 for the approval of the city attorney's office to begin the negotiations for the land. The Board directed Mr. Arrowood to authorize Dr. Joe Mangiamele to do a con- ceptual drawing of the park based on the 33 acres of park we currently have and the proposed addition of the 20 acres being negotiated. This is part of the original $2,000 contract already approved by the Common Council. We alreadyIiavea 33-acre master plan on file. Hold a special meeting on April 11 with Dr. Mangiamele to present the 53- acre concept plan and to review the 33-acre plan. Meeting to be scheduled to convene at 7:00 p.m. .- Once the negotiations are completed with the landowner, whether positive or negative, the Board will schedule a public hearing to present to the citizens the plan being adopted. l Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, March 21, 1983, page 4. a NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) Dandilion Park The Board had requested the Common Council to place a referendum question regarding the study of the purchase of Dandilion on the April ballot. The Common Council voted down to put it on as a referendum question at this time. Blenda reported that a citizen study committee is being set up by the mayor to explore the feasibility of purchasing Dandilion Park. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Parks Tractor Bids Due to the closing of City Hall today (March Zl), the tractor bids were not available to the Board for their review. There was a question as to the time limit on how long the bids are good for: A demonstration by all bidding parties of the equipment will be made at City Hall on April 18 at 6:00 p.m. before any decision on which unit to purchase will be made. Seasonal Employees The mayor has requested the Board look into the policy on hiring two (2) seasonal employees in the Parks Department for six (6) months each. The City has to pay these individuals unemployment based on this hiring procedure. It was suggested the positions could be conrracted out (such as people who do grass cutting as a contractual service). The Board will discuss this further with Peter at the next Board meeting. Portable Toilets Jackie (for Peter) presented for the Board's review a price quotation from A-l and Metro Sanitation to provide portable toilet service for this summer. Richard Manchester moved to recommend to the Finance Committee approval of A-l service contract. Karen Wesell seconded the motion. Motion carried. Recreation Mill Valley/Bay Lane Lease Agreement It has come to the attention of the recreation department that there is a lease agreement between the City and School District for the use of Mill Valley and Bay Lane complex. The lease expired in March of 1980. The Board requested to the Common Council to approve the lease until March of 1985 when it would be up for review for another five (5) years. Beer Permit The Finance Committee denied a beer permit for the Department's Early Bird Softball Tournament to be held on May 21st. The Board requests the Common Council to review the request that funds raised by the sale of beer be used for the purchase of needed gymnastic equipment. Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, March 21, 1983, page 5. DEPARTMENT REPORTS (CONTINUED) Recreation (Continued) Library Fact Sheet Indicated on the sheet that the addition would provide space for the Recreation Office. We already have office space. Sailing Lessons A sailing school (one day) will be co-sponsored by the Recreation Department and the Little Muskego Yacht Club. Could lead to the implementation of the sailing lessons we discontinued when the instructor moved away. Swimming Pool Status The School Board will review the capital item of $44,000 to put a new liner in the pool. The Board expressed their concern that it be ready for the summer program. OTHER BUSINESS MAA - Harry Udvare appeared on behalf of the MAA (Muskego Athletic Association) to request that a member of the Parks and Recreation Board attend their meetings. Also, the MAA request for their all star games on Mill Valley #l, #2, and #3 on July 30th from 8:00 a.m.-5:OO p.m. (with July 31st as a raindate). Richard Manchester moved approval of the request of MM. Motion was seconded by Karen Wesell. Motion carried. Karen Wesell moved to approve request for aerobic instructor to attend the program on "Fitness and Health Enhancement for Older Adults" on April 15th at the Holiday Inn in Waukesha at a cost of $20.00. Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. Cartwheel-a-thon held the early part of March raised $1,500 for the purchase of new equipment. ADJOURNMENT Richard Manchester moved, Karen Wesell seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, JACKIE ST. MARY for JoAnn Kehl, Secretary sjd-415183 cc: Members of Parks and Recreation Board, Mayor Salentine, Pete Theis, Jackie St. Mary, Aldermen, City Clerk, Gerald Warda, MUSKEGO SUN.