PRB062083minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, .~une 20, 1983 The monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was called to order at 7:46 p.m. by Richard Arrowood. PRESENT: Carl Wauer, Joseph Weitzer, Richard Arrowood, Karen Wesell, Jackie St. Mary (Recreation Supervisor), and Peter Theis (Parks Supervisor). ABSENT: Ralph Tomczyk (Excused), Richard Manchester. GUESTS: Alderman Mitch4 Penovich, Roger Zindler, Ervin Fischer, Alderman Frank De Angelis, Harry Beilfuss, William Kuchera, Jerry Cahak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Board Meeting held on mailed. were approved as COMMLTNICATIONS: Personal Appearances Muskego Track Club Joe Weitzer will be abstaining from voting on this subject as he is personally involved with the Track Club. The school has indicated that the Track Club should request approval through the Parks and Recreation Board for use of the track. They use the MHS (Muskego High School) track on Tuesdays, Thursdays and sometimes Wednesdays and Fridays. The Track Club has about 50 members. Discussion centered around the liability issue. Carl moved to allow the use of the track as long as they can show liability insurance, waivers from club for liability, plus $200.00 deposit for equipment. Karen Wesell seconded the motion. Motion carried. Joe abstained. Guernsey Meadows Park Area Alderman Mitchel Penovich presented the Board members with a possible sale of outlet in Guernsey Meadows. Mr. Fischer would like to purchase a piece of land he determined to be about 95.77 feet along his property and about 100 feet back from his lot line along the pump house. The parcel of land was discussed and the Board members recommended that the land be divided according to the following: Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, June 20, 1983, page 2. Guernsey Meadows Park Area (continued) A line parallel to the pump house up to the fence without leaving any small parcel of land to the City between the pump house and this parcel. Karen Wesell made a motion to accept this and recommend to the Common Council that this proposal be accepted under those conditions. The motion was seconded by Carl Wauer and the motion carried. Dandilion Park JerryCBha'kpresented to the Board members a school project he did while a student at ,UW--Stevens Point. He explained this was a development plan for Dandilion Park. The picnic area was left alone with various mounds put in for scenic purposes; the beach area was left. As much of the asphalted area was used as possible. The parking was left as were the paved walks. He added that the project could be done in phases. The Board members recommended that we send a copy of the park plans to the study committee for Dandilion Park. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: July Agenda Harry Beilfuss presented to the Board members a letter which he would like each member of the Board to read. He also asked to be put on the agenda for the July Park Board meeting regarding the concerns expressed in the letter. Lake Meadows Harry Beilfuss questioned the cost of the additional 20 acres of land the City of Muskego is attempting to purchase for the Lake Meadows project. He felt the interest figures should be included in the project cost. Waukesha Cruise Fleet The Waukesha Cruise Fleet, Inc. requested that the Waterbugs be allowed to perform on Sunday, September 11, 1983, at their picnic. Karen Wesell moved to deny the request. Joe Weitzer seconded. Motion carried. Fee Waivers There were two requests for fee waivers for the participants in the summer programs. It was discussed and agreed that previous policy had been that the fees were waived in hardship cases. Karen Wesell moved to waive the fees and Carl Wauer accepted for both requests. Motion carried. Pool Refunds Jackie made a note to the members of the Board explaining that there would be full refunds sent out to pool participants for the cancellation of first session swim classes, due to the pool being not ready for that particular session. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, June 20, 1983, page 3. Men's Softball Tournament Request Robert Just of the Muskego Men's Slow Pitch Softball League requested the use of Mill Valley I, II and III and Jensen fields for their annual tournament on July 23 and 24, 1983. They will be requesting a beer permit from the school district since they will be selling sandwiches, soda, and beer. Karen Wesell made the motion to approve the request for the use of the ball fields for the men's softball tournament. This motion was seconded by Carl Wauer and the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Election of Officers Richard Arrowood opened the nominations for president of the Parks and Recreation Board. Karen Wesell nominated Richard Arrowood. Nomination was seconded by Carl Wauer. Motion was made by Karen Wesell to close nominations for president. Motion was seconded by Carl Wauer. Motion carried and Dick was unanimously accepted. Nominations for vice-president wers opened by Dick Arrowood. Richard Manchester was nominated to serve as vice-president by Karen Wesell. Nomination seconded by Carl Wauer. Motion to close nominations was made by Karen Wesell. Seconded by Carl Wauer. Richard Manchester was unanimously accepted. Dick Arrowood opened nominations for secretary. Karen Wesell moved to nominate Joe Weitzer. Carl Wauer seconded. Motion was made by Karen Wesell to close nominations. Seconded by Carl Wauer. Joe Weitzer was unanimously accepted. Lake Meadows Park Twenty (20) acres of land was approved by the Cannon Council for the Lake Meadows Park development. Council approval is needed for the expenditure of funds for the project. It was discussed and agreed that the Park Board didn't have any say in the actual process of acquiring the land. It seemed "we were kept in the dark." Also, it was suggested that the meeting on the Lake Meadows project be an informational meeting, not a public hearing. As Chairman of the Board of Parks and Recreation, Richard Arrowood suggested to the Board members that we make a motion to have the Council accept the moneys allotted from TIF #l funds by December 31, 1983, with the only exception being if the Governor gets a two-year extension through the state budget. A motion was made by Joe Weitzer to recommend to the Council to accept the TIF money allocated for the development of the park land. Carl Wauer seconded. Motion carried. The Park Board agreed to the date of July 7th for the informational meeting for Lake Meadows development. The meeting time to be 7:00 p.m. It was also discussed to apply for LAWCON money to help with the finances of the park. The Board discussed the submittal of the following items and financial figures for a possible match from the government: $30,00O/Land Acquisition, $35,00O/Building, and $2,50O/Playground Equipment. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, June 20, 1983, page 4. Bluhm Park Update The building has basically been completed to date. It was brought to the attention of the Board members that there had been parking on the grass at Bluhm Park. The possibility of signs will be looked into. Waterbugs Karen Wesell made a statement (for the record) that the Waterbups;pracfi&d before they turned in their required paperwork. This was a violation of their contract but at this time, will only be noted for next year's consideration of approval of the use of the park. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Parks Report Wisconsin Turf Correspondence Correspondence received from Wisconsin Turf indicated that they were not happy with the way the bid situation was handled and dropped us as a future vendor. It was requested that we do not solicit them in the future. Ruby Drive Lake Lot Jerome Crandall has personal property on the Ruby Drive Lake Lot. He, also, rides his horse on this land. Karen Wesell made the motion to request Jerome to move his personal property from the land within 30 days or be charged the set rental fee as set for Mr. Hilt with the Michi Dr. problem. Carl Wauer seconded. Motion carried. Dandilion Study Request Carolyn Beske requested that, if possible, one of the members from the Parks and Recreation Board be present at their meeting on Monday, July 11, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. This was opened to the park board members if t&y could attend. Pete will be on vacation. Pete concluded the Parks Report saying that he has kept up with the grass cutting and ball diamonds and other summer jobs. Recreation Report Sumner Program Registration Program registration went well. The new programs offered this summer filled with additional participant requests being placed on waiting lists. Accom- modations are trying to be made for those on the waiting lists. MHS Pool The department had to cancel the first session of the swim lesson program because the pool was not ready. The pool should be functioning by next Monday, June 27th, for open swim and the adult/tot, adult/teen classes. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, June 20, 1983, page 5. Summer Employees A list of the summer employees was submitted to the Board. Carl Wauer made a motion to approve recreation employees as submitted. Joe Weitzer seconded. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Land Acquisition The parcel of land that Dick Schaumberg has been renting (15 acres) has come before the Board for possible sale of the parcel. At this time, we will just look into it. His lease for this year was approved earlier. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Karen Wesell to adjourn the meeting at lo:12 p.m. It was seconded by Carl Wauer. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, JOE WEITZER, SECRETARY sjd/7-15-83 cc: Board Members, Mayor, Aldermen, City Clerk, Jackie St. Mary, Peter Theis, The Muskego SUN.