PRB070783minutesl PARKS & RECREATION BOARD NOTES OF THE INFORMATIONAL HEARING LAKE MEADOWS AREA PARK JULY 7, 1983 The informational meeting began at 7:lO p.m. Board members present were President Richard Arrowood and Alderman Ralph Tomczyk. Department supervisors Peter Theis and Jackie St. Mary were also present. There were about 80 members of the public in attendance. The Mayor opened the meeting by explaining for those present the Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) program, since this is the funding source for the future Lake Meadows area park. Richard Arrowood then presented the plans for the future park site. The various activity areas were explained. The major concern of those present centered on the question of establishing a boat launch area on the property. After much discussion, a hand vote was taken on the following questions: 1. Do you favor the park in this area? The response was an overwhelming majority in favor of the park. 2. Would you like to see some type of small boat launching site established? About half present felt they would like to see some type of launch provided. 3. Would you like no access or only a walk-on access provided? About half felt they would like to see either no access or a carry on type access only. A respresentative from the DNR (Department of Natural Resources), Ron Piening, was also present and explained their position regarding the development of a launch site for Lake Denoon. The DNR felt that a ramp on the lake was necessary and felt it would be a good area to include in the park. Referred to a meeting held in 1981 when the DNR was prepared to purchase land on the lake and put in their own access site. The resident group's representatives and those present felt it would be better to put in the park area when that became developed. The DNR was recommending 10 car/trailer parking slots and felt that the access would be "self-limiting" as it will access into the channel then into the lake. It will provide controlled access and the representative indicated the largest boat he felt could be launched would be a 14-foot fishing boat. Informational Hearing Notes, July 7, 1983, page 2. Ray Christenson presented the history of the City acquiring the initial 33 acres from the developer, Stan Potrykus, and the many meetings that were held between the residents of the area and Mr. Potrykus. Another meeting will be held with the residents once a planner has been hired and put the board's ideas and residents' comments ~together. The meeting concluded at 8:35 p.m. Submitted by, JACKIE ST. Mary Recreation Supervisor Parks & Recreation Department sjd/7-27-83 When the floor was opened to the residents for their questions, the following is a list of their questions and concerns: 1. What is TIF? 2. Why build a park in this area when you have a park l-1/2 miles north of the area? 3. Why leave the 33 acres as is? 4. Boat launch: a. Are you going to set a horsepower limit? b. Is there a public launch on the lake? c. Concerned about the car path through the wooded area to the launch area. d. Would the channel require "dredging"? (DNR representative indicated they would not want to see this happen as it would open up the lake to larger boats.) e. Would the DNR have funds available to offset any of the costs to put in the launch? (DNR representative indicated that there was no funding available at this time, but the project could be submitted and maybe some funds could be found.) f. Comment made to move the boat launch more west. 5. Whoever designs the park, there were hopes expressed that they would blend with the land and not become a large asphalt area. 6. Do the residents really want a park in this area? Informational Hearing Notes, July 7, 1983, page 3. 7. Is there a difference between County and City park developing. Is the City overstepping their bounds? 8. Will there be landscaping put in to replace trees, etc., that might have to be removed for development? 9. What kinds of foot paths will be developed (how wide, kind of surface)? alO. Could it be possible to have a swimming area put in the park (such as a wading pool)? 11. 12. What is the timetable on the park development? Comment made stating the park is "fine and dandy", but would hope the board would keep the residents in the subdivision in mind when doing the final planning and keep as much of the natural beauty of the area in its natural state. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Will there be permanent or portable restroom facilities available? What will be the hours at the park? Are there plans to light the soccer field, ball field, tennis courts or footpaths? Could the footpaths be used for bicycle paths? Could snowmobile trails through the park be part of the master plan? Is there a need for soccer in the community? Could there be cross-country ski trails established in the park? Will one ball field in the area be enough? Can the City have the engineering/design plans done in house? Could we have two plans done on the park (one with the boat launch, one without the boat launch)? 23. Holding areas for water drainage from the existing subdivision. cc: Members of Parks and Recreation Board, Mayor Salentine, Pete Theis, Jackie St. Mary, Aldermen, City Clerk, MUSKEGO SUN.