PRB071883minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, July 18, 1983 The monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was called to order at 7:40 p.m by Richard Arrowood. The Board listened to those people present even though there was no quorum present. Any action will be held off until a quorum might be present later for tonight's meeting. PRESENT: Richard Arrowood, Richard Manchester, Ralph Tomczyk, Joe Weitzer (late arrival), Peter Theis (Parks Supervisor), and Jackie St. Mary (Recreation Supervisor). ABSENT: Carl Wauer, Karen Wesell. GUESTS: Joseph P. Beatka, Harry Beilfuss, William Kuchera, Judy Fohr, Glenn Fohr, Jim Hauser, and Vickie Hauser. COMMUNICATIONS: Personal Appearances Idle Isle Signs/Passes Glenn Fohr appeared to express his concerns that there be signs posted at Idle Isle which better indicate where and what type of parking should he done at the park. He would like to see a special sign for car/trailer parking and a special sign for car only parking. Also, concerned that the attendants did not ask for identification when he purchased his season pass. He felt that since passes are available only to City of Muskego residents that a closer check be made when issuing the passes. Land 0' Lakes On July 31, 1983, there will be an Old Timer's game, sponsored by the Land 0' Lakes organization. (Joe Beatka appeared with this request.) This will be of past players of the Muskego past teams. The game time will be 12:oo p.m.-2:oo p.m. Introduction of players will begin at 11:30 a.m. Following the Old Timer's game, the present Land 0' Lakes game will begin with Muskego versing Waukesha. Muskego has 45 players to represent their team and Waukesha will have about as many. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, July 18, 1983, page 2. Personal Appearances--Land 0' Lakes (continued) The group plans to block off Horn at the intersection of Horn Park Drive and the parking lot area. They plan to serve food to an expected group of 200-230 people in attendance at this event. Parking will be on the Electric Company's right-o-way. Joe contacted the Electric Company for the permit to allow parking on Horn Park Drive (since that is the right-of-way). A copy of the permit will be placed in the Parks and Recreation file when received from the Electric Company. Joe will notify the Police Department about the parking. Picnic tables will be picked up from the VFW to use for the day. Joe Beatka reported, also, that a new bubbler has been placed at Horn and recommended that it should be taken in each year. rL&ke Meadows The public hearing held on July 7, 1983, was discussed. The Board appreciated the turnout by the area residents at the meeting. Further discussion will be held when the full Board is present. Jackie will have a copy of the residents' questions and comments typed for the next meeting. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Recreation Report status of Pool There have been problems with the chlorine reacting with the fiberglass liner at the pool. The health department was called in due to the numerous complaints from participants regarding itchy skin and severe eye irritation. The acid level was fine but the alkaline level was too high so the high school maintenance people have been adding soda ash to the pool to get the alkaline level down. The high school personnel feel that by the end of this week the pool water should be normal. Playground Cornunity Picnic All are invited to the 1st annual playground picnic scheduled for Friday, July 29, 1983, from 4:00 p.m.-7:OO p.m. at Idle Isle Park. Fun-Fest Mr. Harry Beilfuss appeared at the Board meeting in regards to his written request which was presented at the May 16, 1983, meeting. The requests dealt with the Little Muskego Lake Association's use of Idle Isle for Fun-Fest. Jackie reported on those questions that dealt with the lifeguard situation at the park on Fun-Fat weekend. Mr. Beilfuss asked a couple of further questions and indicated the other questions he didn't need answered. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, July 18, 1983, page 3. DEPARTMENT REPORTS (continued): Donation Recognition The people/organizations were recognized for their donations to the Parks Department recently: (a) LMLA donated 20 very durable picnic tables to the Parks and Recreation Department. Their only stipulation on the donation was that, as much as possible, to keep them at Idle Isle. (b) Waterbug Ski Club donated planters at Idle Isle. (c) Joe Beatka's service at Horn with field maintenance, repair of a door at Horn, and installation of a bubbler. (d) MAA provided the funds for an employee to assist with field maintenance for this past summer. Letters will be sent to these people/organizations recognizing their contributions. (JOE WEITZER ARRIVED AT THIS TIME WHICH CONSTITUTED A QUORUM OF THE BOARD) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon correction of the date in last month's meeting from June 20 to May 16, the minutes of the May 16 meeting were approved. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: Bill for Cleaning Services Mary Hazel requested, from the Parks and Recreation Board, financial re- imbursement for the cleaning of her furniture, drapes, etc. because she claims that they were soiled because of the diamond at Kurt& Park being dragged. Ralph Tomczyk moved to deny the request for financial reimbursement; Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. Countywide Picnic/Denoon Senior Center Waukesha Department of Aging requested the use of the Denoon Senior Citizen Center facilities, extra picnic tables and trash containers for their August 12 countywide picnic. They are asking for permission to use tent and metro's on the grounds, also. They said they will assume responsibility for the clean up. Richard Manchester made a motion to accept the request. Ralph Tomczyk seconded. Motion carried. Softball Tournament Ron Ford requested the use of the Mill Valley complex for a league tournament on August 6 and 7 for the Women's Softball League. Richard Manchester made a motion to approve the request for the 6th and 7th of August. Ralph Tomczyk seconded. Motion carried. Minutes, Parks & F+creation Board Meeting? Monday, July 18, 1983, page 4. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE (continued): Tables/St. Leonard's Festival Robert Yeager requested the use of some 8-foot long tables for their use during the St. Leonard's Festival. They need about 20 tables. Richard Manchester made a motion to grant their request for as many tables as we could provide and with the provision they return all the tables in good condition by the requested time or their deposit would be kept. Ralph Tomczyk seconded. Motion carried. Cub Scout Picnic/Kurth Park Stella Dunahee requested the use of Kurth Park and picnic tables (3) for the Cub Scout Pack #76 picnic on August 15th. They also requested approval to use grills at the park. Ralph Tomczyk made a motion to approve the request. Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Bluhm Park Shelter Building Bluhm Park building--to meet the DNA's standards, a ramp had to be put in by the building for the handicaps. Therefore, stones were laid to make it accessible. This added a cost of one hundred fifty dollars to the overall project costs. Richard Manchester made a motion to recommend to the Council to pay the bill out of the Park Dedication Account funds to cover this additiona C-pSllSCZ. Ralph Tomczyk seconded. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Ralph Tomczyk made a motion to adjourn at 9:26 p.m. Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, JOE WEITZER, SECRETARY sjd/8-11-83 cc: Board Members, Mayor, Aldermen, City Clerk, Jackie St. Mary, Peter Theis, THE SUN.