PRB011783minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, January 17, 1983 The meeting was called to order byRichard Arrowood. PRESENT: Karen Wesell, Dick Arrowood, Carl Wauer, Richard Manchester, Joe Weitzer, Jackie St. Mary, Peter Theis. ABSENT: JoAnn Kehl, Blenda Treba. GUESTS: Robert Bagley, Jan Knapp, George Harmon, Bob Riddle, Pete Burgeson, Scott Kreiser, Scott Kloskowski, Harry Udvare, and Duane Elertson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 20, 1982 meeting and the minutes of the January 10, 1983 sub-committee meeting were approved. PERSONAL APPEARANCES: Funfest - Representatives of the Little Muskego Lake Association were present and a request which had been received regarding their use of Idle Isle for their annual FunFest on July 15th, 16th, and 17th, 1983, was discussed. Concern as to where the money raised was going and if the association was able to docu- ment it's use. The representatives said they had purchased a truck but had not yet transferred the owners title. They also stated that they had made $3,000.00 at the 1982 FunFest and had taken $2,000.00 from the 1981 proceeds of the FunFest to buy the truck. Other concerns also discussed were regarding a lifeguard's presence and increased responsibility, and the placement of the ramp after the Waterbug's Show. The cost factor to the ci'ty in police protection was brought up and it was noted that the LMLA hired their own deputies. A motion was made by Carl Wauer to allow the LMLA to use the Idle Isle park for their FunFest on the 15th, 16th, and 17th, of July in 1983. The motion was seconded by Richard Manchester. The vote taken was 2-2 so Mr. Arrowood as chairman, broke the tie vote by voting affirmatively. Motion passed. Land O’Lakes - Representatives from the Land O'Lakes league appeared to request the use of the Idle Isle building on Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, January 17, 1983, page 2. PERSONAL APPEARANCES (CONT.) February 12:and 13, 1983, for a softball tournament on the ice. They need use of the building as a shelter. The Land 0’ Lakes have rented their own portable toilets and would use the building as a break from the wind. No heat will be supplied. The group also requested the use of about 12 garbage cans. When scme cmcern was raised about reimbursement if there was any property damage, the representatives said that the group would take the responsibility. Richard Manchester made the motion to allow the use. The motion was seconded by Carl Waver and carried. Muskego Athletic Association Representatives from the MUskego Athletic Association requested that the Board place a portable restrmm facility at Bay Lane School mentioning the fact that the children who played there were young and often played back-to-back games. Jackie St. Mary suggested that maybe the MAA could obtain facilities on their own and then next year bring it back to Peter to include in his budget for next year. At present there are no funds in the budget earmarked for this purpose. Peter would look into possibly ordering seven, instead of the five budgeted, in order to obtain a larger discount, and having the two extra facflities billed directly to the MAA. Also mentioned was a possibility that the school board may have to give their approval to the placement of these portable facilities at Bay Lane School. It was decided that Peter and Jackie and the Association would meet on this matter. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: The Waukesha Cruise Fleet, through a letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Radosta, have requested the use of Idle Isle on September 11, 1983, for a picnic. Their letter was interpreted as also requesting the use of the restroom facilities. Carl Wauer moved to allow the Cruise Fleet to use the burlding with the same provisions :as in previous :years.:, The motion was seconded by Karen Wesell and carried. OLD BUSINESS: A historical park report was supposed to be submitted by this month’s Board meeting. H&ever, as yet, same has not been received. Mr. Arrowood will personally check into it with Blenda Treba as she reported at the December meeting that Mr. Damaske had indicated it would be in the Board’s hands for the January meeting. Lake Meadows Park Update: It has been discovered that we have two accesses to Lake Denoon. However, the accesses are not easily found. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, January 17, 1983, page 3. OLD BUSINESS (CONT.) There is some concern over the time element with the TIF funds available to us and the now proposed timetable. It will take 60 days to finish the Agricultural Impact Statement and negotiations could not begin until 30 days after it is published. If the maximum amount of time is taken on the AIS, it could be April 1 before we know if we have the extra 20 acres to use for the park. Another concern was whether the Parks and Recreation Board wanted to put a boat launch on this park land. The DNR (Department of Natural Resources) may take a parcel of land on the lake someplace else,to put in a boat launch if the Board does not do so. Dandilion Park Report: There was a concern by Blenda Treba over the Dandilion Park purchase information as reported by the newspaper. The paper reported that the purchase recommendation had been unanimous. However, Karen Wesell, Richard Manchester, and Blenda Treba weren>t present at that meeting; and, therefore, were not involved in the unanimous vote. Michi Drive Lake Lot: On November 17, 1981, Mr. Hilt requested permission to seed and grade the lake lot adjacent to his property in order to improve the quality of the lot which the city owns. He then added a parking facility to his land which went further than his own property line and now encroaches on the city-owned lot. He never appeared before Parks and Recreation Board for approval of this structure. The motion by Karen Wesell which was made on December 20, 1982, was returned to the floor. The motion was to send a letter to Mr. Hilt to remove the parking area from the city land and return it to its original condition (that was agreed to in the 1981 agreement), and to restrict all of his personal property to his own land within sixty days from date of the letter. Karen Wesell then amended her original motion to charge Mr. Hilt $200.00 a month after the sixty-day deadline. Carl Wauer seconded the amendment and it carried. The motion as amended carried. PARK REPORT: Pete.informed the Board that due to other engagements, it may be a problem for him to be at six of the twelve monthly Parks and Recreation Board meetings. He suggested that Matt could possibly replace him at those meetings and that if something major came up, he would try to attend himself but might have to leave early. After discussion, it was snggpstpd that we move Pete's report earlier on the agenda. A question was raised about holes in the ice on the lake. The Parks Department has no rules or jurisdiction on the lake. This is DNR controll*d. RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Jackie has met with Kirk Milligan, Athletic Director at Muskego High School, and it was agreed that the Parks and Recreation Board will turn over all equ'ipmerit, uniforms, etc., to the high school baseball program. The high Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, January 17, 1983, page 4. * RECREATION DEPARTMENT (CONT.): school is offering nnl~7 a varsity ream this year. They are requesting the use of Horn Field and the restrooms. As far as the storaee of equip- ment, it would be kept at the school. They would reauire the use of the field for 12 home games and are requesting -hat the field he maintain*d for these 12 games. They are also requesting Horn Field for practice days. After some discussion, Jackie stated that she felt that some arrangement could be worked out between the Icetronauts and the Muskego Athletic Associatio~n (teams that conflicted with Horn Field high school usage dates), at Bluhm Park. Richard Manchester moved to approve the high school's request for the Horn Field dates and Karen Wesell seconded the motion which then carried. Jackie St. Mary suggested calling a meeting of the Baseball Sub-committee and making it mandatory for a representative from each group using any of the ball diamonds under the Parks and Recreation Department's jurisdiction to attend to discuss this year's rules and field maintenance. A meeting date of February 8, 1983, at 6:30 p.m. was agreed upon for this meeting. The purpose of the same will be to discuss how things will be run this year and what the various groups can expect as to diamond scheduling and maintenance this summer. A report on the recreation department secretary's revised hours was submitted to the Board for their information. It hid b&n submitted to the Mayor and Common Council also. The weekend boys basketball program will have teams play a 6-minute game at half-time on Friday, February 11, 1983, for entertainment during the MHS JV game. This is a new endeavor for the program and the high school felt it was a worthtihile idea as it would provide exposure to both programs. The Water Bug sub-committee's recommendations were informally discussed at this time due to the fact that the Waterbugs were not asked to be present until the next Board meeting in February. There was concern about possibly adding another date for FunFest shows. This matter is negotiable. Also, it was recommended that a written agreement which the Waterbugs would be required to sign stating the Board's terms for use of Idle Isle be compiled. The committee was commended for their efforts. ADJOURNMENT: Karen Wesell moved to adjourn and Joe Weitzer seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Next meeting on February 21, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JOE WEITZER (for Jo Ann Kehl) Parks & Recreation Board 0 sjdfl-27-83 cc: Members of Parks and'Recreation Board, Mayor Salentine, Pete Theis, Jackie St. Mary, Aldermen, City Clerk, MUSKEGO SUN