PRB020883minutes. . . l MINUTES OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1983 IN ATTENDANCE: Karen Wesell, Richard Manchester, Peter Theis, Jackie St. Mary representatives of the following organizations-Muskego Athletic Association, Land 0' Lakes, Muskego Men's Slo-Pitch Softball, Women's Softball, 35 and over Softball, Vernon Church Softball, Youth Softball, CubPack and Icetronauts. ABSENT: Carl Wauer, Reps from Couples Softball & Rolling Dice Leagues. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM. II BUSINESS The purpose of this committee meeting was to discuss schedules and field maintenance for the 1983 summer baseball/softball leagues in the City of Muskego. The City does not coordinate the leagues themselves but does schedule field use and maintenance. A. LEAGUE SCHEDULES The schedules were turned into the Recreation office by February 1st. Jackie took the requests and provided a proposed schedule to the members present. The changes that she proposed affected three organizations: 1. MAA program - Monday at Horn Field Sr. Boys would have to move three games (6/13,20,27/83) to Bluhm Field 112 - Thursday at Mill Valley #l, move Sr. Boys from Mill Valley #l to Bluhm Field #2 2. Women's program - would be given Mill Valley #l 3. Icetronauts - the three dates the MAA would be at Bluhm Field 112, we hope could be worked out with the church league using the Muskego High School field The Icetronauts and Vernon Church league agreed that the Icetronauts should schedule a home game at MHS on 6/20/83 and schedule away games for the 6113 and 27183 games. The reason for the Thursday change for the MAA is that Bluhm Field #2 is set up for a hardball field and felt that it would work out better for them to "se the hardball field. Also, the women's league has requested expansion to 14 or 16 teams and are requesting an extra diamond. Jackie stressed that this is only a proposed schedule to be reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Board at their meeting, Monday, February 21, 1983. The deadline for specific league/division schedules is April 29, 1983. If the department does not receive these schedules, the requests for the diamonds will be withdrawn from the master schedule. The parks depart- ment needs these for specific dates. Minutes of Parks and Recreation Board Sub-committee Meeting, Tuesday, February 8, 1983, page 2. II Busm~ss (CONTINUED) B. GAME CANCELLATIONS The Parks Department will make a decision at 4:00 PM if the games are to be called off due to poor weather conditions at the fields. An announce- ment will be put on the Information Line (679-2230) if the field conditions are questionable. If the Parks Department cancels games, they are OFF, even if the sun seems to dry the fields. If the Parks Department says games are ON and there is a huge downpour, game decisions will be left up to the league managers. League managers should be the only ones calling the Parks & Recreation office for field conditions. Players should call the Information Line. C. PRACTICE FIELD RESERVATION The same procedures as 1982 will be in effect. League managers will be notified when the first day of scheduled practices on the diamonds will begin. The policy is that only one scheduled practice will be on the books at one time. The day of your practice, or in the case of a weekend, the Friday before, managers may call in to schedule their next practice. This will help managers from having to make calls every time before a practice by giving the next date, time and place to the team the night or day of their practice. This policy has been adopted to try to give everyone equal time on the fields. The hours to call in for diamond reservations will be Monday through Friday, 3:00-4:30 PM to allow Recreation office staff time to get other duties out of the way. D. FIELD MAINTENANCE Each league's request for field maintenance was reviewed by Peter. On the forms submitted initially, he has made his comments. These forms will be returned to the leagues when approved by the P & R Board. Peter presented the following proposed fee schedules for ball diamond maintenance after 4:00 PM if.the Parks Dept. has been unable to get the following done:. 1. $5.00 per field per use, which includes the lining of the diamond and the putting out of bases at the field. 2. $10.00 per hour cost would include all of the above plus the dragging of the fields. 3. Any restrooms or any areas that require electricity would necessitate the checking out of keys as in the previous season. The parks department currently has 14 sets of bases. 'If the leagues do not wish to pay a fee, the same check out procedure that was used in 1982 would be in effect. Minutes of Parks and Recreation Board Sub-xw!aittee Meetipg, Tuesday, Febr~xy, 8, 1983, page 3. l II. sus?mss (CONTINUED) E. CONCESSION STAND The subject of possibly lighting more ball diamonds in the City was mentioned. Jackie mentioned the idea of constructing a concession stand to raise fees for the purpose of purchasing more lights. Several people present felt it was an idea worth looking into to get more information from all people concerned; the City, school board and leagues. Jerry Pronschinske, of the Icetronauts, felt he and his friends could donate their labor to get this concession stand off the ground. Jackie will look into it more and will be in touch with those leagues who would be interested. III. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM Respectfully submitted, JACKIE ST. MARY 2121183 jsm a