PRB022183minutesMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, February 21, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Richard Arrowood. PRESENT: Dick Am-mood, Blenda Treba, Carl Wauer, Joe Weitzer, Karen Wesell, Jackie St. Mary (Recreation Supervisor) and Pete Theis (Parks Supervisor). ABSENT: JoAnn Kehl and Richard Manchester. GUESTS: Waterbugs Representatives Tim Niegelsen and Jill Fitzgerald; Alderman Charles Colburn; Dan Hilt; Frank DeAngelis; Harry Udvare; Lary Pfeiffer; Ron Ford. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of January 17, 1983, regular board meeting and the minutes of the sub-committee meeting on February 8, 1983, were approved. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Waterbugs Representatives of the Waterbugs basically agreed with the ideas presented by the sub-committee and agreed with the idea of having the park attendant check the park to see that it is left in good condition. No one on the Park Board had any problem with having one set day for practice/shows during the week. The l/2-hour set-up time will include taking in the buoys and taking over the pier. The members of the Waterbugs are allowed to go into the park before the l/2 hour and begin set up as long as they leave swimming and pier alone until the established times for the pier and swimming buoys. The Waterbug members questioned the phrasing of having the ski jump anchored off DeAngelis Island during non-use times of Idle Isle. The Waterbugs still use ramp while anchored off DeAngelis Island so the members of the Parks and Recreation Board recommended the statement should read during non-show/ practice times as scheduled for Idle Isle. The ski jump must be moved before 1O:OO a.m. the next day if inclement weather suddenly occurs during an evening show or practice (attendant interprets). Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, February 21, 1983, page 2. PERSONAL APPEARANCES (CONTINUED) The Waterbugs proposed moving the pier 50 feet west of where it is now. They feel they will be out of the way of the traffic then during their shows because they can then use the piece of land closer to the beach. A concern that moving the pier might bring the swimming area into potential danger from boaters--not necessarily the Waterbugs, but during normal boating hours, it was agreed that the pier will remain where it has been in the past. Show Dates A schedule was proposed and discussed. The main concern of the Waterbugs was that they feel that they really were not going to have enough practices and use of the :lake. They felt the one day a week and one weekend a month was not enough. They proposed a schedule which added three more days in May, three in July in addition to one more show date, five in June (one more show date included), and August will have more than two days a week. A petition was submitted to the Board by the residents around Idle Isle, that part of the lake directly affected by the Waterbugs' use, which agreed with the sub-committee's recommendation of five days of use. Karen Wesell made a motion to accept the five days a month for the use of Idle Isle as proposed by the sub-committee. Motion was seconded by Joe Weitzer. The vote tied 2-2. Dick Arrowood cast a deciding vote to defeat the motion and asked that the Board re-evaluate the proposed schedule submitted by the Waterbugs. It will then be considered at the next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board. Parking There was a question as to the parking on the service road at Idle Isle. There was a concern if it is a fire lane; and if it is, is the Board condoning illegal parking? This will be looked into for the next meeting. Lary Pfeiffer Mr. Pfeiffer presented his request for the Christian Youth Softball league's use of diamond at Muskego High School as in past years. This league, Youth Church League, is requesting the use of the field every Tuesday. They have five teams of the Muskego/Norway schools and so far have a total of nine teams. The Board's concern in the past had been that their teams were not all Muskego and there were two non-resident teams utilizing the diamond. Carl Wauer made a recommendation to give them tentative permission to use the Muskego High School diamond unless the diamond gets scheduled for use by another Muskego team or club. The Board's general concensus is that, as long as that night is open, they can have that night for their scheduled games. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Dan Hilt/Michi Drive Lake Lot Mr. Hilt has some concern about putting the lot back into its original condition within the 60-days limitation he received from the Parks and Recreation Department. He feels if he has to move it, he needs at least until the end of May, considering the upcoming rains and the frozen ground. The Board will not take action on it at this time, but the general agreement will be to extend the date to May 16, 1983. Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, February 21, 1983, page 3. OLD BUSINESS (CONTINUED) Muskego Women's Softball Team The Muskego Women's Softball team requested four diamonds because the league was planning on expanding from 12 to 16 teams. The league's spokesman felt that being scattered around would really hurt their program. If all the games were played at Mill Valley on one night, this would really help. From the spectators' point, the teams' point, the coaches' point and the umpires' point of view, it would really help them this year and "well into the future." The League felt that all of the diamonds in the City are fine; it's just that they felt that they would like to all be in the same area. The League, at this time, is satisfied with the way the dates and places are set up for this year (MV #l, #2, Jensen, MHS). They are only asking, in the future, the League be considered to have all their games played on one date at one complex in particular--Mill Valley I, II, and III. It was brought up at this time to keep in mind that Bluhm III is available; however, it needs some work. It was suggested that the reason that the diamond is not being used is probably the dangerous parking or rather lack of it near that diamond. Possibly in the near future, we could stone a parking area of the servi&?ti:o the sewage plant and get benches and a proper back stop. The M.A.A. (Muskego Athletic Association) indicated that they were also interested in the use of the Mill Valley diamonds for the .same reasons the Women's League had expressed. They will make the move to Bluhm #2, but will monitor the future requests to move from the lighted field at Mill Valley. After some discussion of the schedule and compliments to the people who helped and for their involvement, a motion was made by Karen Wesell to accept the baseball schedule for the summer of 1983. Carl Wauer seconded and the motion carried. The Women's Softball League requested a portable toilet for Jensen Center. A suggestion was made by Pete to open up the bathrooms at Jensen, from the outside bathroom doors, and give a key to the league in charge. If this doesn't work out this year, then Pete might be able to put it into the budget for next year. RECESS At this point in the meeting, Dick Arrowood suggested a lo-minute recess. The board meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Muskego Historical Society The police department sent a letter to the Board making some comments regarding the concerns with the Historical Society: The Society claims that the (1) access road is a "patrol road" and access road in case of a fire. This second road (the one leading into the Police Department's parking area) is not needed.; (2) The fence was to be put in. The police Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, February 21, 1983, page 4. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED) felt the fence not being finished was the Historical Society's violation of site plans.; and (3) the storage of materials at present is an eyesore and could be stored in another location. The Police Department recommended the Parks and Recration Board take action by the following to rectify the situations: 1. Eliminate the temporary road; 2. Finish the fence across the length of our (Police Department's) parking lot; thus cutting off the non- conforming road; 3. Relocate the pile of building material; and 4. Bill the Historical Society for expenses incurred to have the Parks and Recreation Department complete the above three items. Karen Wesell moved to send a letter with the Board's recommendations and to send along a copy of the Police Department's letter. The previously mentioned recommendations by the Police Department should be carried out by May 16, 1983. A letter would be sent to the Muskego Historical Society (Charles Damaske) with these requests. Motion was seconded by Carl Wauer. Motion carried. Idle Isle Park/Dandilion Park The Board explored the following possibilities for Idle Isle Park and Dandilion Park: 1. A possibility of a referendum in April to get the people's opinion on the City purchasing Dandilion Park. 2. We sell Idle Isle to hel,p get funds to buy Dandilion Park. 3. The Council suggested getting a committee together to study the situation. The Parks and Recreation Board has an interest here and felt the Council should not be handling this; the Board should be. Another comment: To purchase the parcel of land closest to the highway with City moneys not federal money; this land can be then sold later for businesses. Again some comments were made of the attempt to secure LAWCON funds and a possible questionable kickback by the landowner. We need to further look into this area. Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, February 21, 1983, page 5: Idle Isle Park/Dandilion Park (Continued) It would be a good idea to start thinking about long range goals for Dandilion Park and to get them down so we can gain some good public relations before the April election. The Board came to the conclusion that we should form a referendum for approval by the Council. With this referendum, we need to start selling the Dandilion Park idea. The proposed referendum question could read as follows: "Do you favorthe:acquiSitiou of the property of Dandilion Park through the use of LAWCON funding matched with City funds, possible sale of Idle Isle Park, and the possible donations of local organizatidns or individuals for the City of Muskego?" Karen Wesell made the motion to recommend to the Finance Committee to add a referendum question for the purchase of Dandilion Park. Carl Wauer seconded. Motion carried. Lake Denoon Update Agricultural Impact Study report was submitted to the Board for their review. We now need to wait until March 15 before we can proceed any further. The Board agreed to keep Dr. Joe Mangiamele in mind on the architecture development and the planning of the park. The Board agreed to find out if "Dr. Joe" has the ability to bid the project and establish contracts for the contractors and other people involved. Dick Arrowood will call "Dr. Joe" to discuss some of the future planning. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Parks Review of specifications for tractors. Peter proposed two tractors to the Board; one from Tore and one from Jacobson. They were discussed. The deadline of the bids would be March 21. Demonstration period to show the Board what the mowers can do. The final decision would be made in April meeting; then delivery should be between 3-4 weeks after that. This met with the Board's approval. Flail Mower The Board agreed to the purchase of the flail mower which is a demo. It is a savings of $400. Carl Wauer made the motion to purchase the mower. Blenda Treba seconded. The motion carried. Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, February 21, 1983, page 6. DEPARTMENT REPORTS (CONTINUED) Maintenance Proposal for Ball Fields for 1983 Peter recommended the following to the Board for their consideration in regards to ball field maintenance for this season. 1. The fee for lining the diamonds be set at $5.00 a field. 2. Lined and dragged diamonds, the person would be on an hourly basis. The Board recommended that if a City employee is paid by the leagues to put out bases, he do it on his own time and with his/her own vehicle. If on the weekend, a diamond needs to be dragged and lined and the use of City equip- ment will be involved, the league must pay the money to the City and then the employee will get paid through the City payroll process. Land O'Lakes Agreement An agreement should be formulated through the Parks and Recreation Board and the Land O'Lakes league. This was agreed upon by the Board. Recreation Early Bird Softball Tournament The date has been set for May 21, 1983. The School Board waived the $100.00 deposit to sell beer at Mill Valley for the tournament. Beer permit appli- cations must now be submitted for City approval. Lifeguard for FunFest It was suggested that we meet with the Fun-Fest people to get some policies together for such reasons as: 1. Crowd control; control of Park 2. Lifeguard duties; 3. Honoring passes, etc. The next meeting we will consider the making of these policies and going over them with the Little Muskego Lakes Association at the April meeting. Concession Stand A concession stand was proposed as a way of establishing funds for the lighting of fields at Mill Valley. The building of a concession stand to get money to put into a private fund to eventually light more fields would need the approval of the School Board, Plan Commission and Council. A member of the Icetronauts, Jerry Pronschinske, made some drawings for a possible building. He said if the City could purchase the materials, they could build it. We need to approach the School Board to find out if they wi Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, February 21, 1983, page 7. DEPARTMENT REPORTS (CONTINUED) approve the construction of a small building on the school property. Carl Wauer moved to approve the idea of constructing a concession stand for the purpose of obtaining funds for lighting with our next step to approach the School Board. The motion received a second from Blenda Treba and it carried. Library Board Expansion Planning If the Library expansion is approved, the Recreation Office will be affected by the expansion. The mayor has asked that the Parks and Recreation Board look at the long term needs for the Recreation office; square footage, etc. that should be considered in the expansion. The current square footage of recreation office and storage space is 464 square feet. The recreation office on a long term affect would like a separate office for the secretarial staff, an office upstairs which would be more accessible, accessibility to meeting rooms. Jackie is to address a letter to the Library Board with our cmcerns and anything else that she feels is needed. Launch Fees at Idle Isle Park The Board has no intentions at this time to increase the fees, any different than proposed (allowed) by the DNR (Department of Natural Resources). The DNR has not stocked the lake with fish in recent years because they thought we were under our old system of launching fees. They will be stocking the lake this spring. NEW BUSINESS, OTHER BUSINESS We did have smeme respond to the volunteer secretary advertised. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made to adjourn at 11:17 p.m. by Karen Wesell. Motion was seconded by Carl Wauer. Motion carried, meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, JOE WEITZER for JoAnn Kehl, Secretary sjd/3-11-83 cc: Members of Parks and Recreation Board, Mayor Salentine, Pete Theis, Jackie St. Mary, Aldermen, City Clerk, Gerald Warda, MUSKEGO SUN.