PRB121783minutesPARKS & RECREATION BOARD CITY OF MLJSKEGO Notes of the Information Hearing Lake Meadows/Lake Denoon Area Park Wednesday, December 17, 1983 The informational meeting began at 7:05 p.m. There were no Board members present. Department supervisors Peter Theis and Jackie St. Mary were present. There were about 60 members of the public present. The Mayor opened the meeting by explaining to those present the Tax Increment Fimncing (TIF) program as it is the funding source for this park development. Susan Becker and Ed Purcell, the consultants of HNTB, who have been retained by the City for this project, presented the park designs as reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Board on Monday evening. Drawings illustrating the soil samples were shown and discussed as they relate to the placement of certain park facilities. Both park plans were presented. One with the roadway following the northern portion of the 20-acre parcel and the other with the roadway following the southern portion of the 20 acres. It was explained that this was the plan recom- mended by the Parks and Recreation Board. After the presentation by HNTB, the floor was opened to the audience. The following are a list of the questions they had, with the majority of them concerned with the boat launch area. Questions regarding the boat launch area: Any parking in the area of the boat launch? Capacity of the parking area for the boat? Who or what does the parking area provide for? Could a trailer be taken down to the launch area and taken back to the parking area? Is the City going to be dredging the area? What type of surface will be on the road leading down to the launching area? Why couldn't you stop the road from going down as far as the lake as long as you're going to limit it to light boats? If you're going to run that boat launch down to the mouth of the channel, the DNR says you can't touch anything within the high water? Is that legal? Can you go that far across into the lake with land fill? With the money the City is going to spend on putting this launch in, what good is it going to be? Are these people going to be able to use it? Is it worth spending that amount of money? If we are to understand your presentation that:yQuwill only have canoes on top of cars to be able to use that area, then I wouldhopethat the detailed plan includes some positive restraints that two years from the time the project is done people will not be backing down and loading off that boat launch--a real positive barrier type of restraint. Concern was expressed regarding the activity on the lake during the weekend and the holidays; if we are to add a small increment of additional motorized boats we are going to kill that lake. Parks & Recreation Board Informational Hearing, December 17, 1983, page 2. Questions regarding the boat launch area continued: What will be the maximum depth of the channel and then once you get into the water, how deep will that channel be? Does having the boat launch guarantee the stocking of fish by the DNR? Who will oversee the launching of the boats? Who will take care of the launch? What is the possibility of the DNR paying for that boat launch? Approximately what is the cost of running the road down to the end of the boat launch? Will this sort of launch meet the criteria of the DNR? Their desire for access to the lake? What's preventing the DNR to come in later on with all their money and make the launch bigger for bigger boats? Who's needs is the City trying to serve? If the City meets the DNR requisites, does the City control the boat launch? Would the City control it 100% since it has met the requirements? Would this prevent the DNR from coming back in five years to expand the launch? Who is going to control the size of the boat launch? Who is going to be down there saying you can't launch the boat? What is the reason why there should not be as many boats on the lake? Is there going to be a fee to use this boat launch? HOW will the City collect fees for those using the launch? Questions regarding the activity areas? Questions regarding maintenance, sewers, lights, etc." Will maintenance be out of the TIF fund? What are the calculations for the annual maintenance of the park? Are there any comfort stations in the plans? If they are in the plan, what type are they going to be? What are the permanent ones going to be like? Are they going to be hooked up to the regularsewer system that is around the lake? Did you say there would be no lights in this park? Why have a park open until 10:00 p.m. without lights? General comments regarding the park development: What are the overall costs of this plan? Who's going to police the boat launch area? What kind of surface are you planning for the pedestrian walkways? Will it allow for tricycles and mothers with strollers, etc.? Are the plans being presented tonight cast and concrete or are they adjustable? If the funds available don't reach the actual cost of all the items on the plan, what items will be cut from the park plan? Is this going to be a year-around park or just seasonal/summer type? Is there going to be a swim area? What's going to happen two or three years down the line (referring to expansion of the park itself)? What type of control will there be over who the people are that use the park? Homeowners near the lake, will they be able to make use of the lake or is it just limited to those on the lake? Will the construction drawings and specifications be available to the public? l e Parks and Recreation Board Informational Hearing, December 17, 1983, page 3. General comments regarding the park development continued: Will the City have to take out insurance? Can you stop non-City people from coming into the park? Are the police going to be required to patrol it? What controls are there going to be implemented to handle loiterers after the park closes? How big are the parking lots? How many car parking areas allowed in each parking lot? How much of the parkland that we have at this time could be used in the future? Does this plan encompass all the property? What's going to happen six years from now? Is it legal for the City to fence and lock the park and have City residents purchase keys to the park? How many patrolmen are you going to have there at night? Are you going to lock the park at night? Jackie read the letter from the DNR (February, 1981) which explained why a boat launch was even being considered by the Board and also what their recommendations for an adequate access site would be. The plans will be finalized by the Parks and Recreation Board at their January 16, 1984, meeting. The meeting was completed by 8:30 p.m. JSM:sjd 1-13-84 cc: Board Members, mayor, Aldermen, City Clerk, Jackie St. Mary, Peter Theis, THE SUN.